Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

The Arab armies that took defensive positions around the lands partitioned to Arab citizens of Palestine in 1948 are the biggest reason it took Israel two generations to extend control to the Jordan River.

They extended control to the Jordan river in 1967, only 19 years later. That's less than one generation. Furthermore, the territory West of the Jordan river was formerly part of a country named Jordan, not Palestine.

Concentrate real hard and tell me again, what's wrong with one-third of the citizens of 1948 Palestine imposing a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow citizens of Palestine?

There is no Palestine, and when you make war on your neighbor and then get your ass kicked, you can expect there to be some consequences.
No, it doesn't prove that at all. All you've demonstrated is that the Romans used the name Palestine. But you've ignored the fact that the name Palestine predates Roman usage. It predates the Kingdom of Judah. "Palestine" is not even a Latin word, which proves that it is not of Roman origin.

Lol, your assertion here is easily proven wrong.

Online Etymology Dictionary


"Palestine" is not a Latin term. It comes from a Greek term, which comes from a Hebrew term according to your source. All of which long predate the Roman occupation of the area. BTW, the veracity of your online dictionary is suspect at best. Just an FYI...


*I* said that the name Palestine derives from the name Phillistine, and the Palestinians are not descended from the Phillistines. Also, 'Palestine' is simply Anglicization of the Latin word 'Palestina'.

Lord you are a frigging moron.
The Arab armies that took defensive positions around the lands partitioned to Arab citizens of Palestine in 1948 are the biggest reason it took Israel two generations to extend control to the Jordan River.

They extended control to the Jordan river in 1967, only 19 years later. That's less than one generation. Furthermore, the territory West of the Jordan river was formerly part of a country named Jordan, not Palestine.

Concentrate real hard and tell me again, what's wrong with one-third of the citizens of 1948 Palestine imposing a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow citizens of Palestine?

There is no Palestine, and when you make war on your neighbor and then get your ass kicked, you can expect there to be some consequences.
Be sure to mention that the next time you're invited to address the UN

"The resolution (194) accepted the definition of Palestinian refugees as 'persons of Arab origin who, after 29 November 1947, left territory at present under the control of the Israel authorities and who were Palestinian citizens at that date' and; 'Persons of Arab origin who left the said territory after 6 August 1924 and before 29 November 1947 and who at that latter date were Palestinian citizens; 2. Persons of Arab origin who left the territory in question before 6 August 1924 and who, having opted for Palestinian citizenship, retained that citizenship up to 29 November 1947"[110]


1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Be sure to mention that the next time you're invited to address the UN

"The resolution (194) accepted the definition of Palestinian refugees as 'persons of Arab origin who, after 29 November 1947, left territory at present under the control of the Israel authorities and who were Palestinian citizens at that date' and; 'Persons of Arab origin who left the said territory after 6 August 1924 and before 29 November 1947 and who at that latter date were Palestinian citizens; 2. Persons of Arab origin who left the territory in question before 6 August 1924 and who, having opted for Palestinian citizenship, retained that citizenship up to 29 November 1947"[110]


1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN is nothing more than a debating society for dictators.

Aside from congenital toadies, who gives a damn what it says?
Be sure to mention that the next time you're invited to address the UN

"The resolution (194) accepted the definition of Palestinian refugees as 'persons of Arab origin who, after 29 November 1947, left territory at present under the control of the Israel authorities and who were Palestinian citizens at that date' and; 'Persons of Arab origin who left the said territory after 6 August 1924 and before 29 November 1947 and who at that latter date were Palestinian citizens; 2. Persons of Arab origin who left the territory in question before 6 August 1924 and who, having opted for Palestinian citizenship, retained that citizenship up to 29 November 1947"[110]


1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN is nothing more than a debating society for dictators.

Aside from congenital toadies, who gives a damn what it says?
"Among the more important initial laws was article 125 of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations[118]

According to Kirshbaum, the Law has as effect that 'no one is allowed in or out without permission from the Israeli Military". "This regulation has been used to exclude a land owner from his own land so that it could be judged as unoccupied, and then expropriated under the Land Acquisition'"

How the heroic Jews stole the land of their fellow citizens of Palestine.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My contention has been that the specific name 'Palestine' or 'Palestina' in the latin was first given to the place by the Romans and DERIVED from the name for the Phillistines. And apparently the Greeks had a similar derivation also, but Palestine is specifically the Roman form and was not used by anyone after the Romans till the Brits named their part of the Ottoman lands that between the Mediterrenean and the Jordan River.

You really mean to try to pass this crap off as significant? You're now boiling your argument down to nothing more than the fact that the Latin interpretation derived from the Romans? Wow, what an amazing revelation!

Do you really put so much weight on the fact that the English word for "Palestine" looks like the Roman word? You think that that somehow means that the region did not exist under that name at any other time?

So the name 'Palestine' has zip, nada, zero, squelch to do with the Palestinnians of today since they are mostly Arabs who migrated in with the Muslim Conquests about the 7th century AD and did not refer to PAlestine by that name.

What, because people weren't speaking OUR language? That's completely asinine.
*I* said that the name Palestine derives from the name Phillistine

No, you have been claiming that the name did not exist. I'll give you this, the ENGLISH version of the name didn't exist until some time after the Romans, because there were no modern English speakers at the time. But that's it. You think that the history of the word means the word itself did not exist until modern times. You are elevating yourself to the very heights of stupidity. You're making such drastically absurd arguments in a futile attempt to maintain a flawed argument you're venturing into the extreme.

and the Palestinians are not descended from the Phillistines.

What do you know of Palestinian ancestry? Here, let me give you an education:

Modern Palestinians are, like any present day people, a mixture of many peoples over the course of history. At their core, they are the descendants of ancient Canaanites. The most distinctive identifying group of ancestors would be the ancient Philistines, from whom they take their name, who were primarily located in what is called the Gaza strip in modern times. The Philistines were a Semitic people and as such shared prehistoric ancestry with Assyrians, Babylonians, Arabs, Hebrews, and Phoenicians (though this group was a multi-ethnic melting pot of Semitic peoples), and more distantly with ancient Egyptians. Their culture was definitively Canaanite in nature, though archeological finds have shown some of their artifacts to exhibit a Greek influence. This is likely due in large part to the fact that as a seabound people they would have had frequent interaction with the Greeks. For their religion, they worshiped many of the same gods as the other Canaanite peoples of the time.

As the history of ancient Canaan unfolded, the Philistines would eventually spread through the southern Levant. With the introduction of other cultural influences, and other peoples immigrating into the area, these mixings would give rise to the distinct Palestinian people of today. Today's Palestinians are, as a people, identical to most peoples through the world. That is, they have ancestral ties to the region they have inhabited for thousands of years, with additional influences from outside immigration at various parts of history. External influences include Jewish, Arabian, Egyptian, and Syrian people, but the Palestinians have evolved into a distinct people from all of these groups.

Also, 'Palestine' is simply Anglicization of the Latin word 'Palestina'.

The fact that you can argue nothing more than the fact that different languages use different terms for "Palestine" just shows that your entire position is baseless.

Lord you are a frigging moron.

Again with the ad hominems. It shows that you've got nothing.
Jews are Jews, Arabs are Arabs

And just want constitutes an "Arab" to you? See, this is one of the problems. Most people don't even know the meaning of the terms they are using. For example, did you know that "Arabs" are a pan-ethnic grouping, conjoined primarily on the basis of language and historic acculturation? Did you know that, ethnically speaking, Syrians are distinct from ethnic Arabs? Just like Egyptians, Iraqis, and Jordanians? Did you know that Iraqis are more closely related to the Irish than they are Arabians? That Jordanians are more closely related to Syrians? That Palestinians are more closely related to Jews? And did you realize that the Arabic "language" is itself a family of languages, conjoined primarily on the basis of the common religion which spread the roots of these languages? Did you know that many forms of Arabic are no more intelligible to each other than English and German? No, I suppose you didn't know all of that. You want large shoe boxes to easily categorize everyone in a simplistic manner.
Jews are Jews, Arabs are Arabs

And just want constitutes an "Arab" to you? See, this is one of the problems. Most people don't even know the meaning of the terms they are using. For example, did you know that "Arabs" are a pan-ethnic grouping, conjoined primarily on the basis of language and historic acculturation? Did you know that, ethnically speaking, Syrians are distinct from ethnic Arabs? Just like Egyptians, Iraqis, and Jordanians? Did you know that Iraqis are more closely related to the Irish than they are Arabians? That Jordanians are more closely related to Syrians? That Palestinians are more closely related to Jews? And did you realize that the Arabic "language" is itself a family of languages, conjoined primarily on the basis of the common religion which spread the roots of these languages? Did you know that many forms of Arabic are no more intelligible to each other than English and German? No, I suppose you didn't know all of that. You want large shoe boxes to easily categorize everyone in a simplistic manner.

Wow.. I'm impressed you've been looking stuff up. Yes I knew most of that so? The fact remains is that things are what they are, no point in going back through history. The problem is the muslim world, not the Jews. The Jews are just a scape goat for the problems in the region, and the radicals want the Jews dead, it’s part of their belief. Iran is not an Arab country, but they are muslims, the radicals want to the Jews in Israel dead, than the rest. So you see all that stuff you are posting doesn’t really matter in the big scheme of things does it?
Jews are Jews, Arabs are Arabs

And just want constitutes an "Arab" to you? See, this is one of the problems. Most people don't even know the meaning of the terms they are using. For example, did you know that "Arabs" are a pan-ethnic grouping, conjoined primarily on the basis of language and historic acculturation? Did you know that, ethnically speaking, Syrians are distinct from ethnic Arabs? Just like Egyptians, Iraqis, and Jordanians? Did you know that Iraqis are more closely related to the Irish than they are Arabians? That Jordanians are more closely related to Syrians? That Palestinians are more closely related to Jews? And did you realize that the Arabic "language" is itself a family of languages, conjoined primarily on the basis of the common religion which spread the roots of these languages? Did you know that many forms of Arabic are no more intelligible to each other than English and German? No, I suppose you didn't know all of that. You want large shoe boxes to easily categorize everyone in a simplistic manner.

Wow.. I'm impressed you've been looking stuff up. Yes I knew most of that so? The fact remains is that things are what they are, no point in going back through history. The problem is the muslim world, not the Jews. The Jews are just a scape goat for the problems in the region, and the radicals want the Jews dead, it’s part of their belief. Iran is not an Arab country, but they are muslims, the radicals want to the Jews in Israel dead, than the rest. So you see all that stuff you are posting doesn’t really matter in the big scheme of things does it?
You mean it doesn't matter to brain-dead bigots like you.

1948 Palestine.

One third of the citizens of Palestine imposed a Jewish state by force of arms upon their fellow citizens of Palestine.

The aggressors then instituted martial law to prevent the Arab citizens of Palestine from reclaiming their property which had often been in their families for generations.

"Only in the minds of brainwashed slaves like you is ethnic cleansing something that doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Be sure to mention that the next time you're invited to address the UN

"The resolution (194) accepted the definition of Palestinian refugees as 'persons of Arab origin who, after 29 November 1947, left territory at present under the control of the Israel authorities and who were Palestinian citizens at that date' and; 'Persons of Arab origin who left the said territory after 6 August 1924 and before 29 November 1947 and who at that latter date were Palestinian citizens; 2. Persons of Arab origin who left the territory in question before 6 August 1924 and who, having opted for Palestinian citizenship, retained that citizenship up to 29 November 1947"[110]


1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN is nothing more than a debating society for dictators.

Aside from congenital toadies, who gives a damn what it says?

Evidently, we do

We invaded Iraq because Saddam was violating UN sanctions
Lol, your assertion here is easily proven wrong.

Online Etymology Dictionary

Did you miss this part, maybe?

From your cite:

from Heb. Pelesheth "Philistia, land of the Philistines." :cool:

Of course I didnt miss it, since I specifically quoted it, Einstein.

My contention has been that the specific name 'Palestine' or 'Palestina' in the latin was first given to the place by the Romans and DERIVED from the name for the Phillistines. And apparently the Greeks had a similar derivation also, but Palestine is specifically the Roman form and was not used by anyone after the Romans till the Brits named their part of the Ottoman lands that between the Mediterrenean and the Jordan River.

So the name 'Palestine' has zip, nada, zero, squelch to do with the Palestinnians of today since they are mostly Arabs who migrated in with the Muslim Conquests about the 7th century AD and did not refer to PAlestine by that name.

Wait: are you being humorous? I dont pick up on sarcasm very well.

Whatever, it's still not just cause for delegitimizing a people. If you want to quibble over what they're called, fine, but they DO exist.

Gingrich, for a decade or so, has been trying to re-invent himself.

Isnt that a central concept to liberalism?

So why are libs condemning Newt for being like them on some things?

This criticism of Newt by the libs is all political character assassination and nothing more.

Most of the opprobrium for NEWT isn't coming from liberals, its coming from his fellow REPUBLICANS.

I'm surprised you've missed that rather obvious fact, Jim.

Gingrich, for a decade or so, has been trying to re-invent himself.

Isnt that a central concept to liberalism?

So why are libs condemning Newt for being like them on some things?

This criticism of Newt by the libs is all political character assassination and nothing more.

Most of the opprobrium for NEWT isn't coming from liberals, its coming from his fellow REPUBLICANS.

I'm surprised you've missed that rather obvious fact, Jim.

I agree. Thoughtful Republicans know he's a loser. I'm thinking of quitting all the anti-Newt threads. He's obviously the Dems #1 choice as an opponent for Obama.
Did you miss this part, maybe?

From your cite:

from Heb. Pelesheth "Philistia, land of the Philistines." :cool:

Of course I didnt miss it, since I specifically quoted it, Einstein.

My contention has been that the specific name 'Palestine' or 'Palestina' in the latin was first given to the place by the Romans and DERIVED from the name for the Phillistines. And apparently the Greeks had a similar derivation also, but Palestine is specifically the Roman form and was not used by anyone after the Romans till the Brits named their part of the Ottoman lands that between the Mediterrenean and the Jordan River.

So the name 'Palestine' has zip, nada, zero, squelch to do with the Palestinnians of today since they are mostly Arabs who migrated in with the Muslim Conquests about the 7th century AD and did not refer to PAlestine by that name.

Wait: are you being humorous? I dont pick up on sarcasm very well.

Whatever, it's still not just cause for delegitimizing a people. If you want to quibble over what they're called, fine, but they DO exist.

Obvously they do exist, but then who said that they did not exist?

Not me.

Not Newt.

This seems like a lot of reaction to nothing once people look at the facts without all the advertisement selling hype.
The UN is nothing more than a debating society for dictators.

Aside from congenital toadies, who gives a damn what it says?

Evidently, we do

We invaded Iraq because Saddam was violating UN sanctions

That was only to keep stupid turds like you happy. It was a supreme waste of effort since it obviously didn't work.

The U.S. should withdraw from the UN and kick it out of New York. Our membership gives it way more legitimacy than it deserves.
Longer than Israel would make it without US support.

Can a free state of Palestine support itself?

This is a good point, the Palestinians have been getting by on aid money from other nations for decades.
SO HAVE ISRAEL,EL SALVADOR,MALI,NEPAL to name but a very few, AND SO HAVE THE USA in a way,by all the LOANs you have accrued over the decades.....without them America as we know it could not EXIST.......that is why you are tens of Trillions in Debt.....Don't assume about anyone else,until you get your own house in order....its HYPOCRITCAL TO SAY THE LEAST.DUH.

I'm theliq,changing hypocricy into rational true thought.:cool:

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