Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that anytime Israel let's her guard down, someone from inside those "occupied" territories starts lobbing rockets or visiting other parts of Israel wearing bombs strapped to their chests?

Gee, do you think that could have anything to do with the fact that every time Palestine lets its guard down, someone from Israel starts burning Palestinian crops, or forcibly removes Palestinians from their homes to set up a Jewish settlement, or the military kills 20 children to get to a single suspected "terrorist."

Let's try dealing with reality.

Well you're failing my friend. You're dealing with a biased and single sided view that has already made its conclusions before the information has been presented, and then reinvents new information in light of the starting biases.

NO! This is exactly what I'm talking about. You start off with bias, and you redefine "facts" to support your bias. Israel declared simultaneously itself independent and grabbed more land that it admitted wasn't its own. Israel's Declaration of Independence was largely predicated on the UN's Partition Plan. But when Israel declared itself a country, it claimed for itself land that belonged to Palestine according to the plan. Israel's very act of coming into existence coincided with an act of illegal war.

But you are all too willing to ignore that and insist that Israel is entitled to those lands, and to forsake any claim of the Palestinians that the land is rightfully theirs. The fact that you insist that Israel has an unquestionable right to claim such territories based on some "spoils of war" theory is equivalent to giving a stamp of approval to Israel to simply start a war based on nothing more than a desire for expansion and to eliminate other countries. And that mentality is exactly why Jordan, Egypt, et al immediately declared war on Israel. Because the same Zionist movement that lead to immigration into Palestine, led to the Jewish terrorism as a means to gain control and eventually declare themselves a state, heavily postulated their position on the same biblical prophesies that would also see a state of Israel eventually conquer Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt too.

As I've said already, Israel's biggest problem is that it refuses to recognize its own offenses. Israel doesn't want to admit its own mistakes, and by doing so insists on keeping old wounds open.

Palestine lost a war in which they were never involved? Yet again, you twist facts to fit your biases.

That has happened the world over since time began.

And murder has happened the world over since time began. Should we simply accept that it happens and not hold people accountable?

Do you think if any of the Arab aggressors had held land in Israel in 1968 that they would have given it back? Why should Israel give back land that they won in battle?

The Jews have been the aggressor from day one. The very same Jewish "statesmen" who declared Israel a state were active terrorists the day before. But you want to ignore all of that. You want to simply give carte blanche to Israel.

Once again the reality is that Israel emerged victorious from the 6 day war. The result of their victory was physical control of the Jordanian territory know as the West Bank. Based on that, I will in your words, "insist that Israel is entitled to those lands, and to forsake any claim of the Palestinians that the land is rightfully theirs."
If the Palestinians ever hope to have Israel cede them that territory, then they need to learn how to live like peaceful people. If they truly want to protect their children then they need to not allow terrorists to hide among them and teach them they joys of life rather than the joy of martyrdom. The tactics they've been trying for the last 45 years haven't worked. They should try a different path.
That's true.

There aren't any "palestinians". They are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians for the most part. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

The Palestine Mandate​

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

.Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.

That's true.

There aren't any "palestinians". They are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians for the most part. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

The Palestine Mandate​

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

.Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.


That really doesnt rebut what Katz said, since he is speaking of ethnic Palestinians, as was Newt, and the Mandate is simply speaking of those who live in the general area of Palestine to include also Jews.
Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that anytime Israel let's her guard down, someone from inside those "occupied" territories starts lobbing rockets or visiting other parts of Israel wearing bombs strapped to their chests?

Gee, do you think that could have anything to do with the fact that every time Palestine lets its guard down, someone from Israel starts burning Palestinian crops, or forcibly removes Palestinians from their homes to set up a Jewish settlement, or the military kills 20 children to get to a single suspected "terrorist."

Well you're failing my friend. You're dealing with a biased and single sided view that has already made its conclusions before the information has been presented, and then reinvents new information in light of the starting biases.

NO! This is exactly what I'm talking about. You start off with bias, and you redefine "facts" to support your bias. Israel declared simultaneously itself independent and grabbed more land that it admitted wasn't its own. Israel's Declaration of Independence was largely predicated on the UN's Partition Plan. But when Israel declared itself a country, it claimed for itself land that belonged to Palestine according to the plan. Israel's very act of coming into existence coincided with an act of illegal war.

But you are all too willing to ignore that and insist that Israel is entitled to those lands, and to forsake any claim of the Palestinians that the land is rightfully theirs. The fact that you insist that Israel has an unquestionable right to claim such territories based on some "spoils of war" theory is equivalent to giving a stamp of approval to Israel to simply start a war based on nothing more than a desire for expansion and to eliminate other countries. And that mentality is exactly why Jordan, Egypt, et al immediately declared war on Israel. Because the same Zionist movement that lead to immigration into Palestine, led to the Jewish terrorism as a means to gain control and eventually declare themselves a state, heavily postulated their position on the same biblical prophesies that would also see a state of Israel eventually conquer Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt too.

As I've said already, Israel's biggest problem is that it refuses to recognize its own offenses. Israel doesn't want to admit its own mistakes, and by doing so insists on keeping old wounds open.

Palestine lost a war in which they were never involved? Yet again, you twist facts to fit your biases.

And murder has happened the world over since time began. Should we simply accept that it happens and not hold people accountable?

Do you think if any of the Arab aggressors had held land in Israel in 1968 that they would have given it back? Why should Israel give back land that they won in battle?

The Jews have been the aggressor from day one. The very same Jewish "statesmen" who declared Israel a state were active terrorists the day before. But you want to ignore all of that. You want to simply give carte blanche to Israel.

Once again the reality is that Israel emerged victorious from the 6 day war. The result of their victory was physical control of the Jordanian territory know as the West Bank. Based on that, I will in your words, "insist that Israel is entitled to those lands, and to forsake any claim of the Palestinians that the land is rightfully theirs."
If the Palestinians ever hope to have Israel cede them that territory, then they need to learn how to live like peaceful people. If they truly want to protect their children then they need to not allow terrorists to hide among them and teach them they joys of life rather than the joy of martyrdom. The tactics they've been trying for the last 45 years haven't worked. They should try a different path.

Again, this is the fact and no one can refute this. They won the war and now have the right to run their nation. If the Palestinians don't like it then they need to stop attacking the Israelis. Then they MIGHT give them a second thought. For now, they are not going to invite someone in that wants them dead.
Noam Chomsky has been writing about the Arab Peace Plan since 1976.

"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.

"For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980..."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"

Wow. I wouldn't have thought you could find someone whose opinion I respect even less than yours to quote, but you have proven me wrong. If I had to make a list of people who damaged the entire human race simply by existing, Noam Chomsky would be somewhere in my top twenty, at least.
That's true.

There aren't any "palestinians". They are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians for the most part. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

The Palestine Mandate​

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

.Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.


That really doesnt rebut what Katz said, since he is speaking of ethnic Palestinians, as was Newt, and the Mandate is simply speaking of those who live in the general area of Palestine to include also Jews.


95% of the folks who were living in Palestine in 1922 were Arabs? So what the fucketh are you talking about?!?!?!?.

Can a free state of Palestine support itself?

This is a good point, the Palestinians have been getting by on aid money from other nations for decades.
SO HAVE ISRAEL,EL SALVADOR,MALI,NEPAL to name but a very few, AND SO HAVE THE USA in a way,by all the LOANs you have accrued over the decades.....without them America as we know it could not EXIST.......that is why you are tens of Trillions in Debt.....Don't assume about anyone else,until you get your own house in order....its HYPOCRITCAL TO SAY THE LEAST.DUH.

I'm theliq,changing hypocricy into rational true thought.:cool:

Loans are not the same as charity and aid money you stupid fuckin pussy, plus Mali, El Salvador and Nepal are third world shit holes, its good that you admit that is what the Palestinians would have if they formed their own country.
Once again the reality is that Israel emerged victorious from the 6 day war. The result of their victory was physical control of the Jordanian territory know as the West Bank.

Israel started that war. It's appalling that you give such carte blanche to Israel to start wars. Oh, and the West Bank didn't belong to Jordan. They were there as a defensive presence at the wish of the Palestinians.

Based on that, I will in your words, "insist that Israel is entitled to those lands, and to forsake any claim of the Palestinians that the land is rightfully theirs."

So, Israel is entitled to start wars against Jordan, to conquer Palestinian lands? Ridiculous.

If the Palestinians ever hope to have Israel cede them that territory, then they need to learn how to live like peaceful people.

Israel needs to learn to live like peaceful people, instead of starting wars with everyone any time they want more land.

If they truly want to protect their children then they need to not allow terrorists to hide among them and teach them they joys of life rather than the joy of martyrdom.

Yes, that's exactly what Israel needs to do.

The tactics they've been trying for the last 45 years haven't worked. They should try a different path.

Yes, that's exactly what Israel needs to do.
Again, this is the fact and no one can refute this. They won the war and now have the right to run their nation. If the Palestinians don't like it then they need to stop attacking the Israelis. Then they MIGHT give them a second thought. For now, they are not going to invite someone in that wants them dead.

So, Israel starts a war against Jordan and Egypt, has to go through Palestinian lands to get there, and now Israel is entitled to Palestinian lands? And why do the Palestinians need to stop attacking Israel, while Israel shouldn't do the same?
95% of the folks who were living in Palestine in 1922 were Arabs? So what the fucketh are you talking about?!?!?!?.

Actually, they were Palestinians. Palestinians have closer ancestral ties to Jews than they do to ethnic Arabs.
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?
This is a good point, the Palestinians have been getting by on aid money from other nations for decades.
SO HAVE ISRAEL,EL SALVADOR,MALI,NEPAL to name but a very few, AND SO HAVE THE USA in a way,by all the LOANs you have accrued over the decades.....without them America as we know it could not EXIST.......that is why you are tens of Trillions in Debt.....Don't assume about anyone else,until you get your own house in order....its HYPOCRITCAL TO SAY THE LEAST.DUH.

I'm theliq,changing hypocricy into rational true thought.:cool:

Loans are not the same as charity and aid money you stupid fuckin pussy, plus Mali, El Salvador and Nepal are third world shit holes, its good that you admit that is what the Palestinians would have if they formed their own country.
And based upon thier behaviour? It would be one of anarchy...How about that Arab Spring and true Democracy? Mob Rule...
95% of the folks who were living in Palestine in 1922 were Arabs? So what the fucketh are you talking about?!?!?!?.

Actually, they were Palestinians. Palestinians have closer ancestral ties to Jews than they do to ethnic Arabs.
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?

Clearly, someone has not been paying attention to the thread. Or all the various sources that have already been listed. Nor understanding the context of the discussion regarding my comment. Carry on with your ignorance....
95% of the folks who were living in Palestine in 1922 were Arabs? So what the fucketh are you talking about?!?!?!?.

Actually, they were Palestinians. Palestinians have closer ancestral ties to Jews than they do to ethnic Arabs.
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?

In 1880, Arab Palestinians constituted about 95 per cent of the total population of 450,000.

I the mid 1920's the zionist into Palestine immigration was so massive that the British could not control it.

Again, this is the fact and no one can refute this. They won the war and now have the right to run their nation. If the Palestinians don't like it then they need to stop attacking the Israelis. Then they MIGHT give them a second thought. For now, they are not going to invite someone in that wants them dead.

So, Israel starts a war against Jordan and Egypt, has to go through Palestinian lands to get there, and now Israel is entitled to Palestinian lands? And why do the Palestinians need to stop attacking Israel, while Israel shouldn't do the same?

What is it with you man? I was prepared to give you some credit for actually doing some research, but then you go back to the blame the Jews first stuff, which is total bull. Do some more research because that line of thinking is totally void of any reality. The Jews fight to survive, they don't start wars for land, not since its founding, get your friken facts straight. What is it with you people? No blame for the muslims, No responsibility for their own situations. That line of thinking is total BS and actually quite laughable. Why are so many problems in most all of the muslim countries how do you explain that? Oh yeah "it's the Jews fault:cuckoo:
Last edited:
Actually, they were Palestinians. Palestinians have closer ancestral ties to Jews than they do to ethnic Arabs.
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?

In 1880, Arab Palestinians constituted about 95 per cent of the total population of 450,000.

I the mid 1920's the zionist into Palestine immigration was so massive that the British could not control it.


Bullshit boy those numbers include what is now Jordan. Get your facts straight
Actually, they were Palestinians. Palestinians have closer ancestral ties to Jews than they do to ethnic Arabs.
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?

In 1880, Arab Palestinians constituted about 95 per cent of the total population of 450,000.

I the mid 1920's the zionist into Palestine immigration was so massive that the British could not control it.

Again? Does it give them cause to push out Israel...and on a Historical basis?

Seems to me the Israeli's were there first on a Historical/Biblical perspective, and were pushed out by invading armies/Religions...

Doesn't matter now. it is thiers, and they wished to give Arafat everything he wanted precluding being pushed into the sea...:eusa_whistle:
Have Historical data to back this up? And does it entitle them to push the Jews out?

In 1880, Arab Palestinians constituted about 95 per cent of the total population of 450,000.

I the mid 1920's the zionist into Palestine immigration was so massive that the British could not control it.

Again? Does it give them cause to push out Israel...and on a Historical basis?

Seems to me the Israeli's were there first on a Historical/Biblical perspective, and were pushed out by invading armies/Religions...

Doesn't matter now. it is thiers, and they wished to give Arafat everything he wanted precluding being pushed into the sea...:eusa_whistle:

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

Matthew 26:52

This is a good point, the Palestinians have been getting by on aid money from other nations for decades.
SO HAVE ISRAEL,EL SALVADOR,MALI,NEPAL to name but a very few, AND SO HAVE THE USA in a way,by all the LOANs you have accrued over the decades.....without them America as we know it could not EXIST.......that is why you are tens of Trillions in Debt.....Don't assume about anyone else,until you get your own house in order....its HYPOCRITCAL TO SAY THE LEAST.DUH.

I'm theliq,changing hypocricy into rational true thought.:cool:

Loans are not the same as charity and aid money you stupid fuckin pussy, plus Mali, El Salvador and Nepal are third world shit holes, its good that you admit that is what the Palestinians would have if they formed their own country.

As opposed to what they have now? WTF. At least they'd be able to trade freely with those who wanted to trade with them, they would be in control of their finances, their government, their water, their coming and really isn't as complicated as people want to make it.
Look at it like this: How would YOU like it if you were in their place?
Simple, isn't it?
American men make me laugh. They want government out of their business, but have no qualms at all about anybody else having a flashlight up their asses for all eternity. :doubt:
Noam Chomsky has been writing about the Arab Peace Plan since 1976.

"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.

"For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980..."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"

Wow. I wouldn't have thought you could find someone whose opinion I respect even less than yours to quote, but you have proven me wrong. If I had to make a list of people who damaged the entire human race simply by existing, Noam Chomsky would be somewhere in my top twenty, at least.
Proving you wrong isn't difficult.

"According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar from 1980 to 1992, and was the eighth most cited source.[15][16][17][18] Chomsky is the author of over 100 books."

Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who's Number One on your top twenty list, Albert Einstein?

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