Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

What is it with you man? I was prepared to give you some credit for actually doing some research, but then you go back to the blame the Jews first stuff, which is total bull.

Blame the Jew stuff first? I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean. But maybe you need to go back and re-read my posts and you'll see that my position is that Israel needs to humble itself to recognize its mistakes and be willing to acknowledge the full extent of offense that it has committed against the Palestinians. The Jewish world needs to acknowledge that we did not live in the region as a people for thousands of years and that we did come there in a way that was unfair to the Palestinians. Only when Israel is willing to do with can it ever hope to fulfill its burden to meet in a peaceful middle with the Palestinians.

The Jews fight to survive

And the Palestinians fight because they want to sink into extinction? :cuckoo:

they don't start wars for land

Who started the 6 Day war and why?

not since its founding, get your friken facts straight.

You should. Who started the 6 Day war and why?

What is it with you people?

Us people, whom? We Jews?

No blame for the muslims

It really irritates me when people insist on making this more about religion than it needs to be. There are Palestinian Jews, Christians, and other religions. So why talk about them all as if they were all Muslims?

No responsibility for their own situations.

Yes, that's exactly Israel's problem.

That line of thinking is total BS and actually quite laughable.

You're right. It's laughable BS that Israel takes no responsibility for its own actions and is never willing to accept any blame for what it does or has done. It's laughable that Israel wallows in a series of victimhood and entitlement complexes.

Why are so many problems in most all of the muslim countries how do you explain that?

Uh, point out a single country that doesn't have major problems. Why are you so damned prejudiced and biased?
And the Palestinians fight because they want to sink into extinction? :cuckoo:

You should. Who started the 6 Day war and why?

Us people, whom? We Jews?

It really irritates me when people insist on making this more about religion than it needs to be. There are Palestinian Jews, Christians, and other religions. So why talk about them all as if they were all Muslims?

You're right. It's laughable BS that Israel takes no responsibility for its own actions and is never willing to accept any blame for what it does or has done. It's laughable that Israel wallows in a series of victimhood and entitlement complexes.

Uh, point out a single country that doesn't have major problems. Why are you so damned prejudiced and biased?

Maybe you should learn a little more about the 6 day war, you would suggest that Israel set back and wait while all surrounding Arab countries prepare to attack and annihilate them? That is a joke sir and you should be ashamed if you are actually a Jew. As with most of the left you are a leftist before you are any kind of Jew

[ame=]1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 1/6 - YouTube[/ame]

And I like how you conveniently ignore the muslim whacko video that I posted here’s another

[ame=]Report investigates child brainwashing in the Middle East - YouTube[/ame]

"Major problems" indeed
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Seems to me the Israeli's were there first on a Historical/Biblical perspective, and were pushed out by invading armies/Religions...





All biblical accounts render the Israelites as the invading army into the land of Canaan. According to biblical account/religious tradition, Abraham himself was from Sumer, i.e. modern day Iraq, and moved to Canaan, then to Egypt, then back to Canaan, where he was a foreigner. God's promise to Abraham is one explicitly identifying the lands that his progeny will rule as belonging to other people. Jacob lived in modern day Turkey when his 12 children were born. The migrated to Canaan, then to Egypt. It was in Egypt that the nation of Israel arose, according to the bible.

All historical evidence indicates that this story is false, and that the Jews arose in the Levant along side other Semitic peoples. They weren't there first. Don't come on here babbling outright lies.
Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

The Palestine Mandate​

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

.Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.


That really doesnt rebut what Katz said, since he is speaking of ethnic Palestinians, as was Newt, and the Mandate is simply speaking of those who live in the general area of Palestine to include also Jews.


95% of the folks who were living in Palestine in 1922 were Arabs? So what the fucketh are you talking about?!?!?!?.


Katz is talking about ethnic Palestinians as defined today. Back when the Mandate was written the word did not have that connotation and simply meant 'someone who lives in the newly designated are of Palestine.

It wasnt even called Palestine till the Brits renamed it that. The Ottomans had other names for the area.
Maybe you should learn a little more about the 6 day war, you would suggest that Israel set back and wait while all surrounding Arab countries prepare to attack and annihilate them? That is a joke sir and you should be ashamed if you are actually a Jew. As with most of the left you are a leftist before you are any kind of Jew

He's a self hating Jew. Remember, he's a liberal, and with them being a liberal always comes first, even if it means selling out your own people who are utterly innocent of any wrong doing.
As a Christian, I only wish American Jews were stronger in their support of Israel. I've visited Israel, and it's remarkable how anyone's created such a dynamic country in such a nasty part of the world.

But rather than take pride in such an accomplishment, some American Jews seem more interested in pointing fingers at Israeli politicians than looking at the great achievements of Israeli citizens. Moreover, only a naive fool thinks this has anything to do with '67 borders. The Arabs just want the Jews gone entirely from the region, regardless of what the Israeli government does.
Maybe you should learn a little more about the 6 day war, you would suggest that Israel set back and wait while all surrounding Arab countries prepare to attack and annihilate them? That is a joke sir and you should be ashamed if you are actually a Jew. As with most of the left you are a leftist before you are any kind of Jew

He's a self hating Jew. Remember, he's a liberal, and with them being a liberal always comes first, even if it means selling out your own people who are utterly innocent of any wrong doing.

Especially when it comes to selling out their own people, as they think that gives them more credibility.
That is a bullshit lie.

Palestinians ARE Arabs.

No, you're the one with bullshit lies. Like the lie about Palestine not being called that until the British renamed it that. You've been provided with ample evidence that the area has been continually called Palestine through history. You know it's true. You no longer have the defense of ignorance. You are now reciting bullshit lies.

Also, I doubt you even know anything about Arabic ethnicity. You probably assume that every person/country that speaks some form of Arabic is ethnically Arab. It's not. You probably also think that "Arabic" constitutes a single language. Again, it's not. You have no knowledge or understanding of the things that contribute to this naming scheme. And I'm sure you're completely disinterested in any such knowledge, because you've already prove that you will flatly ignore any information and simply lie in order to repeat your continued propaganda.
That is a bullshit lie.

Palestinians ARE Arabs.

No, you're the one with bullshit lies. Like the lie about Palestine not being called that until the British renamed it that. You've been provided with ample evidence that the area has been continually called Palestine through history. You know it's true. You no longer have the defense of ignorance. You are now reciting bullshit lies.

Also, I doubt you even know anything about Arabic ethnicity. You probably assume that every person/country that speaks some form of Arabic is ethnically Arab. It's not. You probably also think that "Arabic" constitutes a single language. Again, it's not. You have no knowledge or understanding of the things that contribute to this naming scheme. And I'm sure you're completely disinterested in any such knowledge, because you've already prove that you will flatly ignore any information and simply lie in order to repeat your continued propaganda.

Hey, Palestine has been around fro a very long time.

1.Joel 3:4 (Whole Chapter)
Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;
Uri Avnery, who has lived in the invented nation of Israel before the Jewish state came into existence, offers some thoughts for Newt:

"Who are these Palestinians?

"About a hundred years ago, two young students in Istanbul, David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, the future Prime Minister and President (respectively) of Israel, wrote a treatise about the Palestinians.

"The population of this country, they said, has never changed. Only small elites were sometimes deported. The towns and villages never moved, as their names prove.

"Canaanites became Israelites, then Jews and Samaritans, then Christian Byzantines.

"With the Arab conquest, they slowly adopted the religion of Islam and the Arabic Culture.

"These are today’s Palestinians. I tend to agree with them."

Gingrich, Israel and the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
And the Palestinians fight because they want to sink into extinction? :cuckoo:

You should. Who started the 6 Day war and why?

Us people, whom? We Jews?

It really irritates me when people insist on making this more about religion than it needs to be. There are Palestinian Jews, Christians, and other religions. So why talk about them all as if they were all Muslims?

You're right. It's laughable BS that Israel takes no responsibility for its own actions and is never willing to accept any blame for what it does or has done. It's laughable that Israel wallows in a series of victimhood and entitlement complexes.

Uh, point out a single country that doesn't have major problems. Why are you so damned prejudiced and biased?

Maybe you should learn a little more about the 6 day war, you would suggest that Israel set back and wait while all surrounding Arab countries prepare to attack and annihilate them? That is a joke sir and you should be ashamed if you are actually a Jew. As with most of the left you are a leftist before you are any kind of Jew

[ame=]1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 1/6 - YouTube[/ame]

And I like how you conveniently ignore the muslim whacko video that I posted here’s another

[ame=]Report investigates child brainwashing in the Middle East - YouTube[/ame]

"Major problems" indeed

Right, so you're pretty extreme in your views. I'm not a leftist, but you assume I am one just because I disagree with you. You take your ideology to such extremes that you would actually believe that such bullshit as "you're a leftist before you're a Jew." Such extremism is rather bin Laden-ish. So you're blocked.
1It wasnt even called Palestine till the Brits renamed it that.

I emphatically disproved that BS already, citing several examples that have spanned the centuries. At this point, you're deliberately lying.

LOL, you did not prove a damned thing and you know it.

The name comes from the Anglicization of the Latin 'Palestina' not the Greek. The name refers to the old Phillistine tribe and the Romans renamed the area from Judea to spite the Jews who revolted and were slaughter on so many crosses that trees almost disapeared from a thirty mile radius of Jerusalem.

And the Palestinians are Arab, not Phillistine, and are related to the other Semetic groups to include the Jews, but they are Arab.

You are a nutball.
And the Palestinians fight because they want to sink into extinction? :cuckoo:

You should. Who started the 6 Day war and why?

Us people, whom? We Jews?

It really irritates me when people insist on making this more about religion than it needs to be. There are Palestinian Jews, Christians, and other religions. So why talk about them all as if they were all Muslims?

You're right. It's laughable BS that Israel takes no responsibility for its own actions and is never willing to accept any blame for what it does or has done. It's laughable that Israel wallows in a series of victimhood and entitlement complexes.

Uh, point out a single country that doesn't have major problems. Why are you so damned prejudiced and biased?

Maybe you should learn a little more about the 6 day war, you would suggest that Israel set back and wait while all surrounding Arab countries prepare to attack and annihilate them? That is a joke sir and you should be ashamed if you are actually a Jew. As with most of the left you are a leftist before you are any kind of Jew

[ame=]1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 1/6 - YouTube[/ame]

And I like how you conveniently ignore the muslim whacko video that I posted here’s another

[ame=]Report investigates child brainwashing in the Middle East - YouTube[/ame]

"Major problems" indeed

Right, so you're pretty extreme in your views. I'm not a leftist, but you assume I am one just because I disagree with you. You take your ideology to such extremes that you would actually believe that such bullshit as "you're a leftist before you're a Jew." Such extremism is rather bin Laden-ish. So you're blocked.

Extreme? If you ignore what you see that’s your problem, if you are a Jew, you side with the people that would have you dead. You are what we call a useful idiot. You spew the talking points of the muslims while you excuse what you see from them. You're pathetic
Do you find it "extreme" that one-third of the citizens of Palestine imposed a Jewish state by force of arms on their fellow citizens of Palestine in 1948?

Would your answer be different if you were not a Jew?

Yup, palestinians have absolutely no reason to be mad huh...

Their population has quadrupled at the same time theyve been pushed into an area 1/10 the size it used to be.

Your ignorant. Israel should stop settlements now. Theyre illegal under international law. That is palestinian land, even according to the UN's own plan. Thats according to the 4th geneva convention, and according to UN security council resolution. They are illegal.
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That's true.

There aren't any "palestinians". They are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians for the most part. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian.

Yup, you're right. It would be the Wall Street Occupoopers demanding their own state in our country and expect that some states will cede some land for them.
That's true.

There aren't any "palestinians". They are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians for the most part. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian.

Yup, you're right. It would be the Wall Street Occupoopers demanding their own state in our country and expect that some states will cede some land for them.

that statement has already been severely destroyed retard. the poster left. u want more?

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