Gingrich says climate change a huge rip-off of taxpayers (John Kerry's big conference adventure)

Fox New is proven Liars, paying $787.5 Million Dollars for their lies, rather than testify. Suit yourself.
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You are still believing 'fossil fuels". The oil industry operates best with little resistance. Wars can affect it. Joe affected it after the stolen election immediately. On his first day in office, the changes were made. No pipelines. Oil transported by train. And the owners have made out like bandits. Areas shut down No expansions of testing for oil. We are suckered. And the Green Energy legislation is just that. Along with the Inflation Reduction Act and Bidenomics. All of these people educated from propaganda. And the ones pushing it living richer and richer lives while slowly putting a vice grip on the necks of more and more people. The extreme feminism has put all these women in power. And now when the shit hits the fan on just one of the issues like the Pro Islamic protesting, they are fractured. all of those movies and TV shows showing the nirvana of a woman-controlled world. Tell that to the people who are purely tribal in existence. And the crazy feminists supporting them currently. They are the architects of their own demise and many more are going to eventually die for it.
You are still believing 'fossil fuels". The oil industry operates best with little resistance. Wars can affect it. Joe affected it after the stolen election immediately. On his first day in office, the changes were made. No pipelines. Oil transported by train. And the owners have made out like bandits. Areas shut down No expansions of testing for oil. We are suckered. And the Green Energy legislation is just that. Along with the Inflation Reduction Act and Bidenomics. All of these people educated from propaganda. And the ones pushing it living richer and richer lives while slowly putting a vice grip on the necks of more and more people. The extreme feminism has put all these women in power. And now when the shit hits the fan on just one of the issues like the Pro Islamic protesting, they are fractured. all of those movies and TV shows showing the nirvana of a woman-controlled world. Tell that to the people who are purely tribal in existence. And the crazy feminists supporting them currently. They are the architects of their own demise and many more are going to eventually die for it.
Hilarious fuckup
You are still believing 'fossil fuels". The oil industry operates best with little resistance. Wars can affect it. Joe affected it after the stolen election immediately. On his first day in office, the changes were made. No pipelines. Oil transported by train. And the owners have made out like bandits. Areas shut down No expansions of testing for oil. We are suckered. And the Green Energy legislation is just that. Along with the Inflation Reduction Act and Bidenomics. All of these people educated from propaganda. And the ones pushing it living richer and richer lives while slowly putting a vice grip on the necks of more and more people. The extreme feminism has put all these women in power. And now when the shit hits the fan on just one of the issues like the Pro Islamic protesting, they are fractured. all of those movies and TV shows showing the nirvana of a woman-controlled world. Tell that to the people who are purely tribal in existence. And the crazy feminists supporting them currently. They are the architects of their own demise and many more are going to eventually die for it.
Yes. I still believe in my gasoline powered SUVs, by outdoor propane barbecue grille and radiant propane outdoor heater. When I camp, I haven't cooked on a wood fire in years, preferring my one of my instantly propane stoves and always have fresh hot coffee within minutes of crawling out of the sleeping bag. I also enjoy flying to ski vacations on jet airliners. I will let you lead the way to the cave, but will not follow you to the Stone Age. I like it here. Good luck with your hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

Everything Gingrich says is true and Americans have been thinking it for a long time. People who say it doesn't matter which party you vote for are WRONG as hell.

Trump would no way let the climate change scammers get away with all this


This is an amazing Broadway show which goes all over the world playing from place to place. It’s John Kerry flying into the next five-star hotel to go to the next gourmet restaurant in order to be deeply worried, at which point he has to go back, get on his plane to go to the next five-star hotel, to the next gourmet restaurant, to be even more worried. This whole thing is an elite ripoff of everyday workers.


From your linked article:

NEWT GINGRICH: I think that the left is deeply committed to taking your money, spending it on their friends.

Gingrich makes not the slightest attempt to refute the science that tells us immediate, serious, commited action is required.

Think about the irony. You go to the Middle East, the center of producing oil and gas, in order to have a conference about why you shouldn’t produce oil and gas

How does Newt think the world should interact with OPEC and other oil producing nations in its efforts to eliminate use of the products on which their economies are dependent? Should we ignore them? Should we antagonize them? Should we invade and conquer them?

And they’re good enough that they say it with a straight face. This is an amazing Broadway show which goes all over the world playing from place to place.

Are we supposed to think that Gingrich himself has never attended such conferences and conventions on someone else's dime?

It’s John Kerry flying into the next five-star hotel to go to the next gourmet restaurant in order to be deeply worried, at which point he has to go back, get on his plane to go to the next five-star hotel, to the next gourmet restaurant, to be even more worried.

And that doesn't sound like the life of a celebrity like Gingrich. Do a Google search on "Newt Gingrich, private jet" and see what you get.

This whole thing is an elite ripoff of everyday workers.

COPs take place once per year and are legally required for the signatories of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The signatory nations take turns hosting the meetings.

And that’s why you’re seeing in Argentina and Holland and Italy and across the planet, a move towards the right from people who realize they’re the ones paying.

Evidence that any moves to the right are driven by an opposition to global warming mitigation measures is going to be hard to come by and Newt doesn't even begin the attempt.

When John Kerry talks about giving away money, guess what? That’s your money.


What is climate finance?​

Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing—drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing—that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change. The Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from Parties with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more vulnerable. This recognizes that the contribution of countries to climate change and their capacity to prevent it and cope with its consequences vary enormously. Climate finance is needed for mitigation, because large-scale investments are required to significantly reduce emissions. Climate finance is equally important for adaptation, as significant financial resources are needed to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of a changing climate.

In accordance with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities” set out in the Convention, developed country Parties are to provide financial resources to assist developing country Parties in implementing the objectives of the UNFCCC. The Paris Agreement reaffirms the obligations of developed countries, while for the first time also encouraging voluntary contributions by other Parties. Developed country Parties should also continue to take the lead in mobilizing climate finance from a wide variety of sources, instruments and channels, noting the significant role of public funds, through a variety of actions, including supporting country-driven strategies, and taking into account the needs and priorities of developing country Parties. Such mobilization of climate finance should represent a progression beyond previous efforts.

It is important for all governments and stakeholders to understand and assess the financial needs of developing countries, as well as to understand how these financial resources can be mobilized. Provision of resources should also aim to achieve a balance between adaptation and mitigation.

Overall, efforts under the Paris Agreement are guided by its aim of making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. Assessing progress in provision and mobilization of support is also part of the global stocktake under the Agreement. The Paris Agreement also places emphasis on the transparency and enhanced predictability of financial support.

John Kerry is cheerful about taking money from you to give to these people he’s never met. Who will then, by the way, mostly squander it. They won’t achieve anything. It’s an absurdity. And historians will someday look back and say, how could they have been so stupid for so long?
This statement has so many anti-foreigner dog whistles my hound just ran outside in pain.
Stupid AND a dick.
Yeah, they are.
So are the fools following them as they scold people for driving an SUV while they fly in leisure.
Fear Porn and the sheep are addicted to it.
Yeah, they are.
So are the fools following them as they scold people for driving an SUV while they fly in leisure.
Fear Porn and the sheep are addicted to it.
Would you really like government officials traveling on business to spend days and weeks getting to events that require their presence? No. You want them to fly but you don't give a shit how effective they are on this issue. You want them to fly so you can gig them for it.

That's why I called you a stupid dick.
From your linked article:

NEWT GINGRICH: I think that the left is deeply committed to taking your money, spending it on their friends.

Gingrich makes not the slightest attempt to refute the science that tells us immediate, serious, commited action is required.

Think about the irony. You go to the Middle East, the center of producing oil and gas, in order to have a conference about why you shouldn’t produce oil and gas

How does Newt think the world should interact with OPEC and other oil producing nations in its efforts to eliminate use of the products on which their economies are dependent? Should we ignore them? Should we antagonize them? Should we invade and conquer them?

And they’re good enough that they say it with a straight face. This is an amazing Broadway show which goes all over the world playing from place to place.

Are we supposed to think that Gingrich himself has never attended such conferences and conventions on someone else's dime?

It’s John Kerry flying into the next five-star hotel to go to the next gourmet restaurant in order to be deeply worried, at which point he has to go back, get on his plane to go to the next five-star hotel, to the next gourmet restaurant, to be even more worried.

And that doesn't sound like the life of a celebrity like Gingrich. Do a Google search on "Newt Gingrich, private jet" and see what you get.

This whole thing is an elite ripoff of everyday workers.

COPs take place once per year and are legally required for the signatories of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The signatory nations take turns hosting the meetings.

And that’s why you’re seeing in Argentina and Holland and Italy and across the planet, a move towards the right from people who realize they’re the ones paying.

Evidence that any moves to the right are driven by an opposition to global warming mitigation measures is going to be hard to come by and Newt doesn't even begin the attempt.

When John Kerry talks about giving away money, guess what? That’s your money.


What is climate finance?​

Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing—drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing—that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change. The Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from Parties with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more vulnerable. This recognizes that the contribution of countries to climate change and their capacity to prevent it and cope with its consequences vary enormously. Climate finance is needed for mitigation, because large-scale investments are required to significantly reduce emissions. Climate finance is equally important for adaptation, as significant financial resources are needed to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of a changing climate.

In accordance with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities” set out in the Convention, developed country Parties are to provide financial resources to assist developing country Parties in implementing the objectives of the UNFCCC. The Paris Agreement reaffirms the obligations of developed countries, while for the first time also encouraging voluntary contributions by other Parties. Developed country Parties should also continue to take the lead in mobilizing climate finance from a wide variety of sources, instruments and channels, noting the significant role of public funds, through a variety of actions, including supporting country-driven strategies, and taking into account the needs and priorities of developing country Parties. Such mobilization of climate finance should represent a progression beyond previous efforts.

It is important for all governments and stakeholders to understand and assess the financial needs of developing countries, as well as to understand how these financial resources can be mobilized. Provision of resources should also aim to achieve a balance between adaptation and mitigation.

Overall, efforts under the Paris Agreement are guided by its aim of making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. Assessing progress in provision and mobilization of support is also part of the global stocktake under the Agreement. The Paris Agreement also places emphasis on the transparency and enhanced predictability of financial support.

John Kerry is cheerful about taking money from you to give to these people he’s never met. Who will then, by the way, mostly squander it. They won’t achieve anything. It’s an absurdity. And historians will someday look back and say, how could they have been so stupid for so long?
This statement has so many anti-foreigner dog whistles my hound just ran outside in pain.

Gingrich makes not the slightest attempt to refute the science that tells us immediate, serious, commited action is required.

Where does the science say that we have to waste trillions on wind and solar, while China can keep adding much more CO2 than we cut?

This statement has so many anti-foreigner dog whistles my hound just ran outside in pain.

Obviously, if you're against wasting money by sending it to foreign countries to cut CO2, it must be because you're against foreigners, not against wasting money.

The Dems should run on that platform.

Send money to foreigners........don't be anti-foreigner.
And stop heating and cooling your home.....and eat some bugs.
But do you think Newt never lies?

It wasn't Trump's prescient statement. It was the posters.

How are you enjoying Trump's mexico paid border wall and your new cheaper but better coverage under trumpcare? Have you been writing Hillary while she is locked up? Are you glad COVID went away in two weeks?

The alternate reality where Trump delivers on his promises must be comforting.
Biden promised peace, now we have 2 wars. Biden promised a Utopian EV future, now we have cars nobody wants to buy being subsidized by our tax dollars. Biden says that the border is closed yet we have more border jumpers and ‘got aways’ then ever before.
Biden promised peace, now we have 2 wars. Biden promised a Utopian EV future, now we have cars nobody wants to buy being subsidized by our tax dollars. Biden says that the border is closed yet we have more border jumpers and ‘got aways’ then ever before.
You change topics in rapid succession.

This isn't about Biden or your BDS. This is about if Newt ever lies and if the OPer can predict the future.

The topics in your short rant are numerous and easily searchable. Good luck!
Biden promised peace, now we have 2 wars.
Biden is not responsible, in any way, shape or manner, for either one. Yet his response has been appropriate, proportionate and a clear example of what leadership looks like.
Biden promised a Utopian EV future, now we have cars nobody wants to buy being subsidized by our tax dollars.
Biden never promised a utopia. EV sales are still growing and our tax dollars are being spent in a process that is shrinking our GHG emissions.
Biden says that the border is closed yet we have more border jumpers and ‘got aways’ then ever before.
The border is being maintained per the law. No families are being separated (Trump created over 5,000 orphans with his policy) and the US is not wasting billions and billons of dollars on the New Berlin Wall your orange idiot dreamed up.
Biden promised peace, now we have 2 wars. Biden promised a Utopian EV future, now we have cars nobody wants to buy being subsidized by our tax dollars. Biden says that the border is closed yet we have more border jumpers and ‘got aways’ then ever before.
It was the former 1-term fuckup who stated that he could fix everything as our chosen one.
You change topics in rapid succession.

This isn't about Biden or your BDS. This is about if Newt ever lies and if the OPer can predict the future.

The topics in your short rant are numerous and easily searchable. Good luck!
What did Newt 'lie' about?
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What did Newt 'lie' about?
Do you really think a politician exists that hasn't lied? Good grief man, you need to get our more. You seem a bit naive.


"Cole said he had concluded that Gingrich had violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. He said the committee members were reluctant to go that far in their conclusions, but said they agreed Gingrich was either "reckless" or "intentional" in the way he conducted himself."

Do you really think a politician exists that hasn't lied? Good grief man, you need to get our more. You seem a bit naive.


"Cole said he had concluded that Gingrich had violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. He said the committee members were reluctant to go that far in their conclusions, but said they agreed Gingrich was either "reckless" or "intentional" in the way he conducted himself."

Plus the early cell phone call

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