Gingrich says, Vote For Obama

The man is a democrat and unlikely to vote for Newt no matter what Newt says.

The faux outrage is hilarious!

Homosexuals will never be accepted except in liberal precints. No matter how much they wish to validate the abominable lifestyle with so-called "same sex marriage" it will never work.
making the republican party smaller voter by voter.

If you actually read the article it's about Gay marriage.

Gingrich specifically states that if Gay marriage is a CENTRAL number ONE topic to the gay voter then vote for Obama--but if gays are more interested in--cutting run-a-way government spending--real private sector job growth in this country then vote for him.

An HONEST answer--and one that doesn't BEAT around the bush--how refreshing is that? You'll find other GOP candidates agree with Gingrich--but tend to walk all over themselves over this issue--as do the majority of DEMOCRATS--including Obama who has no intention of making gay marriage LEGAL in this country. Furthermore--Gingrich--was very polite in his answer.
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Didn't Barry endorse the Marriage law when he first came into the WH??

Of course he's back pedaled on that one big time.
The man is a democrat and unlikely to vote for Newt no matter what Newt says.

The faux outrage is hilarious!

Homosexuals will never be accepted except in liberal precints. No matter how much they wish to validate the abominable lifestyle with so-called "same sex marriage" it will never work.

Well, you're half right. I suspect the guy is a Republican. Just because he's gay doesn't make him "liberal".

On the other hand, we've known for a long time what the right thinks about gays.


and blacks and Hispanics and women's rights and other religions and education and science.
making the republican party smaller voter by voter.

Ron Paul pulls Democrats by the masses and outright wins the independent vote, and he is winning... Oh, we're talking about Newt, the progressive Neocon, you're right then.
making the republican party smaller voter by voter.

If you actually read the article it's about Gay marriage.

Gingrich specifically states that if Gay marriage is a CENTRAL number ONE topic to the gay voter then vote for Obama--but if gays are more interested in--cutting run-a-way government spending--real private sector job growth in this country then vote for him.

An HONEST answer--and one that doesn't BEAT around the bush--how refreshing is that? You'll find other GOP candidates agree with Gingrich--but tend to walk all over themselves over this issue--as do the majority of DEMOCRATS--including Obama who has no intention of making gay marriage LEGAL in this country. Furthermore--Gingrich--was very polite in his answer.

Newt's not talking about cutting government spending. He's talking about cutting spending that will hurt and cause the death of Americans.

He's also talking about increasing spending that will hurt and cause the death of Americans.

As in going to war with Iran.

Very little you guys want to helpful to America. Governor Jan Brewer is a good "Proof of Concept" when she with helding funding of approved operations that resulted in the deaths of 2 Americans.
Just watched Newt and the guy talking. Newt said, as president, he would ignore gay issues. He did tell the guy to go vote for Obama.

On this issue, I have no doubt Newt speaks for the majority of Republicans.

Come on guys, be honest. Republicans hate the gays. They hate Obama even more, but they hate the gays. Tell the truth.

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