Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.
Considering how nearly every report by the "Journalists" blame the Republicans....

This is horrible for the Democrats.

Their lies are being seen through.
Those who have any common sense know that there is blame to go around on all sides...

Then you have the rabid loony left who ignorantly try to put everything on the REPs for their power games.. and their followers who lap it up like a dog laps up its own puke
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.
From your link:

Because we were so openly pushing for a big change and Clinton was so willing to be reasonable, the American people naturally attributed the shutdowns to us and gave Clinton good marks for at least trying to negotiate.

Today the situation is radically different.

Virtually every Republican has learned from 1995-1996. Republicans' consistent refrain is that they don't want to shut the government. They constantly say that they want to negotiate, to make a deal, and that they're frustrated by Obama's refusal to talk.

The president, on the other hand, has taken the hard-line position that he will not negotiate, repeating this on television practically every day. In addition, he has used his office to cause as much pain to the people as he reasonably can, including very public and unnecessary pain for our soldiers, veterans and small business owners.

This behavior strikes most Americans as offensive and unfair.

dimocraps will soon realize that they have badly mismanaged this one and will look for a way to make it stop -- Now.

Republicans need to hang tough and get everything they can out of these pig Nazi dimocraps or REPUBLICAN VOTERS will lose all respect for them and stay home in 2014 like they did in 2012.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

you mean registered republicans and registered democrats are good groups to poll as to whom is to blame?

Independents decide the are aware of
The GOP has gotten much better at lying over the years. Good for them?

Yo, wytchey, CNN is not the GOP.

Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

63/58 and closing. BTW, independents usually decide elections. Your messiah is bringing your party down, but you voted for him twice--you deserve it.
The GOP has gotten much better at lying over the years. Good for them?

Yo, wytchey, CNN is not the GOP.

Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

Remind us who said If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Obamacare will not add one thin dime to the deficit. 40M going without healthcare.
Yeah, it wasn't the GOP, honey.

The American People have learned 2 things so far:
1) Going without 18% of the federal government is hardly a disaster.
2) The Democrats and esp the HNIC will stop at nothing to make their lives miserable to score political points.
Funny how the the best the right can do is post a poll where they're *almost* tied.
The GOP has gotten much better at lying over the years. Good for them?

Yo, wytchey, CNN is not the GOP.

Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

Your biased libtardian view is affecting your ability to think clearly. The GOP is doing what the voters sent them to DC to do: 1. defund or delay the terrible law known as ACA. 2. block as much obama socialism as possible. 3. try to fix the fiscal mess created by both parties. No one is lying except obama and the dems.
The GOP has gotten much better at lying over the years. Good for them?

Yo, wytchey, CNN is not the GOP.

Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

So are you saying the White House wasn't paying attention?....or are you saying they saw it coming and did nothing to avert it.

Which one is it?
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Yup, the tide is turning. That is why the GOP is backing up and trying to find a way out.

The Dems have not budged at all.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

So your thread title claims equal blame, and your supporting link proves your thread title wrong.

Hey, great thread!! I'm sure your fellow inmates will love it!!
Funny how the the best the right can do is post a poll where they're *almost* tied.

Funny that common sense conservatives have said all along that there is plenty of blame to go around... it is you on the loony left that thinks all conservatives praise Bush II, or blindly follow the GOP, or are all racist, or whatever other myth you try and portray...

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