Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

63/58 and closing. BTW, independents usually decide elections. Your messiah is bringing your party down, but you voted for him twice--you deserve it.

Well this barely means anything considering Gallup currently has reported the GOP has the lowest recorded ratings of either party since their polling began.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

So your thread title claims equal blame, and your supporting link proves your thread title wrong.

Hey, great thread!! I'm sure your fellow inmates will love it!!

Within margins of error.. practical statistical tie for a small sample poll
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Yup, the tide is turning. That is why the GOP is backing up and trying to find a way out.

The Dems have not budged at all.

lol...backing up....not budged at all.

You know...that can be read as ..."the republicans tried to do what was best for the country (in their eyes) and the democrats preferred seeing the country fail rather than giving the GOP decided to fix the problem while the democrats sat hoping Rome would burn."

You are funny JS......
Yo, wytchey, CNN is not the GOP.

Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

So are you saying the White House wasn't paying attention?....or are you saying they saw it coming and did nothing to avert it.

Which one is it?

No, I think the WH (and most sane people) never expected the bagger crazies to take it this far. Are you denying the GOP has been planning this shutdown for months? Would you like the evidence? A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Yup, the tide is turning. That is why the GOP is backing up and trying to find a way out.

The Dems have not budged at all.

Trying to find a solution IS THEIR JOB. The republicans are doing their job, obama and the dems are refusing to do theirs.

The president is sent to DC to be a leader of ALL the people, to act as a mediator, to do the right thing for the country----------Clinton knew it and did it, so did Reagan, Bush, and even Carter. But chairman maobama is above negotiating--------he is a dictator---fuck him!
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

So your thread title claims equal blame, and your supporting link proves your thread title wrong.

Hey, great thread!! I'm sure your fellow inmates will love it!!

in sports, if the score has a 40 point spread at halftime, and at the end of the third quarter, the losing team is only down by speaks volumes as to who has the momentum.
Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

63/58 and closing. BTW, independents usually decide elections. Your messiah is bringing your party down, but you voted for him twice--you deserve it.

Well this barely means anything considering Gallup currently has reported the GOP has the lowest recorded ratings of either party since their polling began.

Root canals are more popular than Republicans these days.
I remember posting some poll on here from CNN and I had like 10 people say "CNN?? Stupid LIBERAL BIAS media!! Can't trust them!!"
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

you mean registered republicans and registered democrats are good groups to poll as to whom is to blame?

Independents decide the are aware of

Well...... That's what the 'pundits' say but I disagree.

Conservatives decide elections.

Conservatives don't like government and we don't like politicians or politics.

Just not our thing. As far as we're concerned, we could go through our lives not ever hearing one word from a fucking politician and be perfectly content.

Any of them. Theirs, ours, yours, mine, his, hers, its.... Whatever.

Our side decides elections because, frankly, there's more of us.

The problem is, if Conservatives don't see a difference, and I mean a BIG difference, too many are just not going to bother.

We don't like politicians anyway, not even our own.

dimocraps vote. dimocraps vote early, they vote often, they lie, they cheat, they commit voter fraud, they empty holding cells to take to the polls, they pay the homeless to vote, they get College kids to vote using the Voter IDs of dead and/or imprisoned people...

To dimocraps, everything good comes from government. Everything.

Because they're too stupid and too lazy to compete in the open marketplace where hard work and inventiveness rule the day.

They find it much easier to steal from people who work for their money than to go out and earn it themselves.

Conservatives decide elections.

Whether we/us/they decide to vote is what decides National elections.

Not 'Independents'. An Independent is a closet liberal in the first place.

Sorry for the rant, but it's true :)
Last edited:
Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

So are you saying the White House wasn't paying attention?....or are you saying they saw it coming and did nothing to avert it.

Which one is it?

No, I think the WH (and most sane people) never expected the bagger crazies to take it this far. Are you denying the GOP has been planning this shutdown for months? Would you like the evidence? A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

So then I guess you are saying that the White House saw it coming months ago but did nothing to avert it.

I wonder why that is.
Better liars, but not much brighter. The GOP lies better (and more frequently) so their "message" gets out better...hence the "both sides" result of the poll.

People that pay attention to what's going on know that the GOP orchestrated this months ago and now that they got what they wanted, they want to run away from responsibility for it.

The dog didn't fart, the GOP did.

So are you saying the White House wasn't paying attention?....or are you saying they saw it coming and did nothing to avert it.

Which one is it?

No, I think the WH (and most sane people) never expected the bagger crazies to take it this far. Are you denying the GOP has been planning this shutdown for months? Would you like the evidence? A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

and the dem/libs have been trying to ram socialized medicine up our butts for 50 years, whats your point?
You shouldn't consider CNN government propaganda as a credible source for ANYTHING at all!

Not just polls!
Funny how the the best the right can do is post a poll where they're *almost* tied.

Hey I am just glad they finally found a poll that they like and trust. And it wasn't from FOX.
Was it?
Funny how the the best the right can do is post a poll where they're *almost* tied.

Funny that common sense conservatives have said all along that there is plenty of blame to go around... it is you on the loony left that thinks all conservatives praise Bush II, or blindly follow the GOP, or are all racist, or whatever other myth you try and portray...

yeah right, "conservatives" have been throwing crap at obama democrats nonstop, they just don't have any polls to back it up.
Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

you mean registered republicans and registered democrats are good groups to poll as to whom is to blame?

Independents decide the are aware of

Well...... That's what the 'pundits' say but I disagree.

Conservatives decide elections.

Conservatives don't like government and we don't like politicians or politics.

Just not our thing. As far as we're concerned, we could go through our lives not ever hearing one word from a fucking politician and be perfectly content.

Any of them. Theirs, ours, yours, mine, his, hers, its.... Whatever.

Our side decides elections because, frankly, there's more of us.

The problem is, if Conservatives don't see a difference, and I mean a BIG difference, too many are just not going to bother.

We don't like politicians anyway, not even our own.

dimocraps vote. dimocraps vote early, they vote often, they lie, they cheat, they commit voter fraud, they empty holding cells to take to the polls, they pay the homeless to vote, they get College kids to vote using the Voter IDs of dead and/or imprisoned people...

To dimocraps, everything good comes from government. Everything.

Because they're too stupid and too lazy to compete in the open marketplace where hard work and inventiveness rule the day.

They find it much easier to steal from people who work for their money than to go out and earn it themselves.

Conservatives decide elections.

Whether we/us/they decide to vote is what decides National elections.

Not 'Independents'. An Independent is a closet liberal in the first place.

Sorry for the rant, but it's true :)

as a conservative, I see my politician(s) as my representative as it pertains to legislation.

Sadly, most see their politicians as "leaders".

They are not.

They are legislators.....THEY have THEIR leaders such as the Majority leader and speaker....and THOSE TWO have their leader in the President.

But none of them are our leaders. They are to follow OUR lead....not the other way around.
Screwing up the economy is the Pubs job...about time you admitted it...who needs the Constitution anyway, when you disagree. Tea Party RIP 2013...GOOD RIDDANCE BRAINWASHED RACIST UN-AMERICANS...
Screwing up the economy is the Pubs job...about time you admitted it...who needs the Constitution anyway, when you disagree. Tea Party RIP 2013...GOOD RIDDANCE BRAINWASHED RACIST UN-AMERICANS...

You are a sick human being. Did the orderly forget your meds this morning?

you are so full of anger and hate. It has to be a disease, or maybe your defective liberal gene has gone haywire.
Screwing up the economy is the Pubs job...about time you admitted it...who needs the Constitution anyway, when you disagree. Tea Party RIP 2013...GOOD RIDDANCE BRAINWASHED RACIST UN-AMERICANS...

you have absolutely no tolerance for those that think differently than you do.

I pity you.
So are you saying the White House wasn't paying attention?....or are you saying they saw it coming and did nothing to avert it.

Which one is it?

No, I think the WH (and most sane people) never expected the bagger crazies to take it this far. Are you denying the GOP has been planning this shutdown for months? Would you like the evidence? A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

So then I guess you are saying that the White House saw it coming months ago but did nothing to avert it.

I wonder why that is.

Why didn't you answer the question and instead re-ask what I already answered? Harry Reid was given assurances by the Boehner that they wouldn't do what they are doing if Reid agreed to the funding levels of the CR.

So, again, it was not thought that the Tea Party would take this as far as they have. Short-sighted by the WH perhaps, but this hasn't ever happened before.

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