Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

Screwing up the economy is the Pubs job...about time you admitted it...who needs the Constitution anyway, when you disagree. Tea Party RIP 2013...GOOD RIDDANCE BRAINWASHED RACIST UN-AMERICANS...

You are a sick human being. Did the orderly forget your meds this morning?

you are so full of anger and hate. It has to be a disease, or maybe your defective liberal gene has gone haywire.

Most people with bipolar disorder won't reliably take their meds on their own. You have to physically make sure they do.

We have a nutty lady in our neighborhood whose Mother died and left her the house she lives that used to go off her meds all the time. Wandering the neighborhood pestering people. Just walking right into their houses without so much as a knock on the door.

I finally called the Cops on her and the Deputy had the Fire Department Paramedics come by and they hospitalized her. Got her back on her meds.

Now, every morning, some lady comes by her house, gives her the meds and sits there while she takes them.

I'd bet that's what's going on when some of our resident libs start acting up
Screwing up the economy is the Pubs job...about time you admitted it...who needs the Constitution anyway, when you disagree. Tea Party RIP 2013...GOOD RIDDANCE BRAINWASHED RACIST UN-AMERICANS...

You are a sick human being. Did the orderly forget your meds this morning?

you are so full of anger and hate. It has to be a disease, or maybe your defective liberal gene has gone haywire.

Most people with bipolar disorder won't reliably take their meds on their own. You have to physically make sure they do.

We have a nutty lady in our neighborhood whose Mother died and left her the house she lives that used to go off her meds all the time. Wandering the neighborhood pestering people. Just walking right into their houses without so much as a knock on the door.

I finally called the Cops on her and the Deputy had the Fire Department Paramedics come by and they hospitalized her. Got her back on her meds.

Now, every morning, some lady comes by her house, gives her the meds and sits there while she takes them.

I'd bet that's what's going on when some of our resident libs start acting up

thats gotta be it. no sane person would act like they do.

their problem is that they invested so much energy and emotion into obama that they cannot admit that he is a total failure as president. If they would admit their mistake, they might be able to heal.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

So your thread title claims equal blame, and your supporting link proves your thread title wrong.

Hey, great thread!! I'm sure your fellow inmates will love it!!

Within margins of error.. practical statistical tie for a small sample poll

Ten points is within the margin of error?

lol, so that 37% approval for the President that's getting posted all over could actually be 47%?

You're as stupid as Redfish.
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

So your thread title claims equal blame, and your supporting link proves your thread title wrong.

Hey, great thread!! I'm sure your fellow inmates will love it!!

in sports, if the score has a 40 point spread at halftime, and at the end of the third quarter, the losing team is only down by speaks volumes as to who has the momentum.

We listened to you people's nonsensical spinning of the 2012 polls for months. You're really wearing out your welcome with this relentless stupidity.
You are a sick human being. Did the orderly forget your meds this morning?

you are so full of anger and hate. It has to be a disease, or maybe your defective liberal gene has gone haywire.

Most people with bipolar disorder won't reliably take their meds on their own. You have to physically make sure they do.

We have a nutty lady in our neighborhood whose Mother died and left her the house she lives that used to go off her meds all the time. Wandering the neighborhood pestering people. Just walking right into their houses without so much as a knock on the door.

I finally called the Cops on her and the Deputy had the Fire Department Paramedics come by and they hospitalized her. Got her back on her meds.

Now, every morning, some lady comes by her house, gives her the meds and sits there while she takes them.

I'd bet that's what's going on when some of our resident libs start acting up

thats gotta be it. no sane person would act like they do.

their problem is that they invested so much energy and emotion into obama that they cannot admit that he is a total failure as president. If they would admit their mistake, they might be able to heal.

No, Redfish.

You can only judge people, you can only view people through the prisms of your own eyes.

You can only judge people with the thoughts of your own brain, your own morals, your own ideas of right and wrong.

Not dimocraps. dimocraps aren't like you and me.

I'm serious. There is no cure, there is nothing you can say or do that will change them.


Ever look at the old pictures of Nazis standing over a mass burial pit and shooting people by the edge so they fell into the pit?

Ever looked at the pictures of the Nazis guarding the Concentration Camps and wondered...... How did they get that way?

What makes them tick? How could anybody commit those kind of atrocities?

It takes a special mindset, the lack of a Soul, IMO, to be able to do such things.

And you may think I'm being hyperbolic but -- Trust me, I'm not.

dimocraps aren't much different. If at all.

I've held that view for decades. Take a look around at what's going on right now.

Sobibor? Dachau? Hell no.

But for one reason only...... They just don't have the power.

They have the mindset, but they don't have the power.

And they never will as long as I'm alive. But they have the same mindset.

Never judge a dimocrap like you would a normal human being. It's a waste of time
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If the GOP has the executive power to shut down the government, then wouldn't they also have the power to shut down Obama-Care?

No. The Unaffordable Health Act will fail on it's own and the GOP knows that and is setting it aside to address the debt ceiling. A default will be blamed on the male resident of the White House.

If the GOP has the executive power to shut down the government, then wouldn't they also have the power to shut down Obama-Care?

No. The Unaffordable Health Act will fail on it's own and the GOP knows that and is setting it aside to address the debt ceiling. A default will be blamed on the male resident of the White House.

The default will be blamed on Obama? If that were true, why do the polls show people blame the GOP for the shutdown?
Gingrich: The startling CNN poll on the shutdown -

from the poll:

"When asked in the CNN poll whom they are angry at, 63% said Republicans, 58% said Democrats and 53% said Obama. That is a 10-point margin for the president and only a 5-point margin for Democrats, compared with a 23-point margin in November 1995.

Independents said they blamed all three equally (60% GOP, 59% Democrats, 58% Obama). This is so clearly within the margin of error that it is for all practical purposes a tie."

the tide is turning dems. The american people are not as stupid as you and obama think they are.

Lol You cons will take any small victory you can get huh?

And, only independents assign equal blame. Stop with the distortion.

you mean registered republicans and registered democrats are good groups to poll as to whom is to blame?

Independents decide the are aware of

Yup. I'm an Indi and I know who I blame for this whole mess and it ain't the Reps.
In every poll, the Republicans get most of the blame. Only a retard would see that as a victory for Republicans. :lol:
If the GOP has the executive power to shut down the government, then wouldn't they also have the power to shut down Obama-Care?

No. The Unaffordable Health Act will fail on it's own and the GOP knows that and is setting it aside to address the debt ceiling. A default will be blamed on the male resident of the White House.

The default will be blamed on Obama? If that were true, why do the polls show people blame the GOP for the shutdown?

Because Republicans don't have the platform with which to get their message out.

And frankly, it's not that good of a message anyway.

It's like being the only responsible adult in the family. It's like telling your kid that, No, I'm sorry. You can't have $200 to spend on Concert ticket.

You're the bad guy.

Of course, you could always be the 'good guy' and destroy your family, leaving them nowhere to live, very little to eat and no money to live on.

But, then again, that's how most dimocraps live anyway.

It's not easy being the only Adult in the room.

dimocraps should be thankful for us. But they're not. They're like the pouty little 16 year old that hates her parents for not giving her the money for the Concert ticket
No. The Unaffordable Health Act will fail on it's own and the GOP knows that and is setting it aside to address the debt ceiling. A default will be blamed on the male resident of the White House.

The default will be blamed on Obama? If that were true, why do the polls show people blame the GOP for the shutdown?

Because Republicans don't have the platform with which to get their message out.

And frankly, it's not that good of a message anyway.

It's like being the only responsible adult in the family. It's like telling your kid that, No, I'm sorry. You can't have $200 to spend on Concert ticket.

You're the bad guy.

Of course, you could always be the 'good guy' and destroy your family, leaving them nowhere to live, very little to eat and no money to live on.

But, then again, that's how most dimocraps live anyway.

It's not easy being the only Adult in the room.

dimocraps should be thankful for us. But they're not. They're like the pouty little 16 year old that hates her parents for not giving her the money for the Concert ticket

Why can't you cons just face facts? The house is responsible for this shut down. It is getting rather pathetic you refuse to put any blame on them for it.
Is this the poll with the 5% approval rating for Congress they were showing on CNN this morning?
The article [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] references from the NYT, spun and spun it as much as they could but they did mention this........

Although the law’s opponents say that shutting down the government was not their objective, the activists anticipated that a shutdown could occur — and worked with members of the Tea Party caucus in Congress who were excited about drawing a red line against a law they despise.
Would the OP tell me how long CNN will be a valid source and when that window typically opens and closes?
Would the OP tell me how long CNN will be a valid source and when that window typically opens and closes?

CNN is a source that you on the left use continuously, why are they not a valid source when they do not support your agenda?

The whole point here is that public opinion is swinging and putting more blame on obama and the dems. In spite of the biased media.
Would the OP tell me how long CNN will be a valid source and when that window typically opens and closes?

CNN is a source that you on the left use continuously, why are they not a valid source when they do not support your agenda?

The whole point here is that public opinion is swinging and putting more blame on obama and the dems. In spite of the biased media.

When people see WWII vets locked out of their memorial but Illegal Aliens are allowed to have their demonstrations with Pelosi and Reid and Rangel there, the people can see it. They know what's going on.

Yes, the arrogance of the Dem party is opening people's eyes.
Would the OP tell me how long CNN will be a valid source and when that window typically opens and closes?

CNN is a source that you on the left use continuously, why are they not a valid source when they do not support your agenda?

The whole point here is that public opinion is swinging and putting more blame on obama and the dems. In spite of the biased media.

The bolded is my question to you. And when is CNN a valid news source? Does it follow the moon cycle? A secret?
Republicans think if they drag down everyone it means they are winning.

Would the OP tell me how long CNN will be a valid source and when that window typically opens and closes?

CNN is a source that you on the left use continuously, why are they not a valid source when they do not support your agenda?

The whole point here is that public opinion is swinging and putting more blame on obama and the dems. In spite of the biased media.

The bolded is my question to you. And when is CNN a valid news source? Does it follow the moon cycle? A secret?

I never said they were not a valid source, their polls are probably as good as anyone elses.

the problem is that we all put too much stock in how 1000 people out of 330,000,000 respond to a series of questions that may be skewed to get the answer that the pollster is being paid to get.

Its a game and we all play it, why not recognize it for what it is?

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