Ginscpy's everlasting gobstopper Beatles thread - 69 threads combined!


No comparison.

The Beatles were a cultural phenonm..

Even my parents rushed to see them on the Ed Sullivan Show.

No comparison.

The Beatles were a cultural phenonm..

Even my parents rushed to see them on the Ed Sullivan Show.


I was there as a teen watching the whole British invasion, etc event unfold.

Much as I like the Stones and the Doors, they aren't remotely in the same league as the Beetles.

Nobody is, really.
The Doors and Stones are a little more risqué and have that edge to them that the Beatles do not. Its like the Beatles are family entertainment, while the the other two, especially the Doors are adult entertainment.

But for that generation in the 60's the Beatles are it. Elvis was it in the 50's. Each decade seems to have one artist that transcends everyone else in a field. Johnny Cash dominated Country for awhile and Madonna in her prime was unmatched. The teenage world back then was fertile for a new sound and look. The whole package the Beatles brought over, the longish hair, the sound and upbeat tempo hit at the right time and place. Will there be another group that eclipses the Beatles? A new sound may come up, new instruments, but it seems to me that creativity in the music scene may be limited now. We see all these re-recordings of old sounds with changed tempos and new sounds, where is the original music?
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No it isn't about LOOKS, ZZZZ.

Its about musical depth and breadth.

The Beetles have it, and neither the Stone or the doors do.

Look at the canon of hits the Beetles produced.

Song that not only worked for them, but worked for other artists serving other audiences.

The reason one could take a Beetles tune and turn it into elevator music and it STILL worked, was because their tunes were timeless and not merely catering to the Rock and Roll sensibilities of my generation.

Really comparing the Beetles even with Elvis makes zero sense.

It's not about popularity, its about the sum total of their contribution to the music of an age.

They are without compare in that sense.

Not really.

One mans, no brainer is another mans, you're fulla shit.

More than likely any black members would pick MJ, even though he's also a pop artist.

Ok then, I'll plunge in.
I would have picked The Beatles hands down, but I don't consider them a rock group.
So, based purely on my uninformed and unexplainable definition of a rock group, and considering they are two of my favourite bands, I'd have to pick the Stones and The Who.
Which rock group was the greatest, most influential, talentend etc etc ectc off all-time?

The Rolling Stones. Their music is still great even though the members are all craggy and senile, so that shows resilient talent.

Runner-up is Chicago.

My personal favorite of all time (not really a rock group) is The Eagles.
Didn't Kennedy used to do lines off Jane Asher's tits at the Cavern Club? I think I read that online so it must be true.
Were just coming into their own about the time of the JFK assn - my guess is JFK had only a cursory knowledgeof the Fab 4

The2 defined the 60s
JFK was a WWII vet so he probably liked the music of that era; Swing Bands like Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey.

He probably viewed The Beatles like I view Rap music; "What the fuck is THAT noise?"
MegaDeth. Lot's of good songs.

Did anyone, ANYONE, else do a double take on that pick?

Avatar is not the last person I would have thought would pick MegaDeth, but he is next to last.


:rock: MegaDeth :rock:

I like good instrumentals. Not to mention They've got some really good songs. Countdown to Extinction, United AbomiNation, Angry Again, Architecture of Agression to name a few. I've just enjoyed their songs alot.
MegaDeth. Lot's of good songs.

Did anyone, ANYONE, else do a double take on that pick?

Avatar is not the last person I would have thought would pick MegaDeth, but he is next to last.


:rock: MegaDeth :rock:

I like good instrumentals. Not to mention They've got some really good songs. Countdown to Extinction, United AbomiNation, Angry Again, Architecture of Agression to name a few. I've just enjoyed their songs alot.

Never ever, not for love or money, would I have pictured you a metal head.

They are one of the most under rated bands of all time.

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