Girl gave her bullies semen filled cupcakes

She should have ground up the parents of the bullies, cooked them into her chili and fed the parents to the bullies at the chili con carnival.
She should have ground up the parents of the bullies, cooked them into her chili and fed the parents to the bullies at the chili con carnival.

Wow, cannibal nerds strike back against bullies. They should make a movie.
Whether anything was in the food or not, I find it rather hard to believe that they would accept such a thing from their victim if they really did. Normally a person in their spot would not be so gullible. How many people actually respond like that to a person who "kills with kindness"?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I was bullied at school, until I made a nail rod and stood up and attacked the bully behind me with it when the teacher turned his back.
I then quickly sat back in my seat, and no one said a word.

Best not to hit and bully the quiet and gentle souls...they can snap just like anyone else.
I think they won't bully her any more.

No, it will get worse, she will have more bullies from the other students hearing about it. The bullies will make sure everyone in the whole school district knows. She is a pariah now, and it will never change. This will follow her for years.

I feel for her, obviously she was hurt and disturbed. Hopefully it was lies to make them feel awful, but what she claimed will always haunt her I'm afraid.
And where did she get this semen? She probably made the story about semen up to go with the poorly made, bad tasting cupcakes.

The same place Cartman did?

[ame=]Cartmen finds seamen - YouTube[/ame]
I was bullied at school, until I made a nail rod and stood up and attacked the bully behind me with it when the teacher turned his back.
I then quickly sat back in my seat, and no one said a word.

Best not to hit and bully the quiet and gentle souls...they can snap just like anyone else.

Ouch! Did he ever touch you again?

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