Girl Shoved Into A Wall For Not Saying The Pledge Of Allegiance

The problem isn't the country itself though, it's that not enough people want to fight to keep our freedoms anymore

Not to parrot some pledge upon order is American. The girl acted American. I don´t know for people who do the Walmart pledge each morning but free people do what they like

The free nation that sets up Northkorean speakers needs some fix, man
I’m not a great proponent of “freedom” as it is defined these days. I’m a believer in Right and Wrong. Unfortunately a very large swath of our citizens can’t even define those terms anymore.
The problem is that the video and the article seem to contradict each other so I'm not too sure what actually happened anymore. :confused:
Indeed. I tried to find a better video/article - but they were all parroted copies of what Associated Press wrote.
Such as it is in corporate media. And they are all trying to make it about race.
I’m not a great proponent of “freedom” as it is defined these days. I’m a believer in Right and Wrong. Unfortunately a very large swath of our citizens can’t even define those terms anymore.
The good thing is that all the political correct and woke stuff isn´t law. But the indoctrination has to stop everywhere. "Napoleons" go to the mental asylum but "cats" get strengthened in their believe nowadays.
Yeah, I read they have video, and the family released it. (They got the school surveillance video, somehow.) And no one is saying it wasn't about her walking to class while they were saying the Pledge. Apparently it's pretty truthful; the case is more whether teachers get to knock kids around for stuff like that.
I watched the video. It does not show anyone getting knocked around. The headline of the article is not supported by the body of the article. The article in the OP is fake news.
That school person who stopped the girl and trapped her against the wall. That's false imprisonment and probably assault if she put her hands on her.
Bullshit. The staff is allowed to stop kids who are roaming the hallways while class is in session, jackass.

Obviously she was late for class if the pledge was being recited and she was in the hallway.
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Bullshit. The staff is allowed to stop kids who are roaming the hallways while class is in session, jackass.

Obviously she was late for class if the pledge was being recited and she was in the hallway.
So slam her against the wall?
Bullshit. The staff is allowed to stop kids who are roaming the hallways while class is in session, jackass.

Obviously she was late for class if the pledge was being recited and she was in the hallway.
Now you're just making shit up. Give up.
Well unless something happened that they're not telling us (which I admit is a full possibility with the news media) then why else would the teacher target her specifically? True racism still exists among the white community, it's just scarce these days.
What was the race of the instructional assistant?

She was obviously late to class.
Yeah, I read they have video, and the family released it. (They got the school surveillance video, somehow.) And no one is saying it wasn't about her walking to class while they were saying the Pledge. Apparently it's pretty truthful; the case is more whether teachers get to knock kids around for stuff like that.
Where did this "knocking" you claim occurred? It was not on video?

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