Girls Gone Wild: About the hookup culture

I dont see a problem here, if prostitution is not legal in your state go to Las Vegas. Simple as that, its not about whats right or wrong, its about whats legal and whats not. If they want it bad enough, go to Vegas or face the consiquences.

Prostitution Is NOT legal in Las Vegas!
Women have always been the ones portrayed as corrupting boys... even back to biblical days. I've seen it on these threads... all about how the "girls" should be punished or should control themselves because, well... how could one expect a male to control his urges. :eusa_angel:

You should all wear burqas - that'll stop us ravishing you all on sight in the street :badgrin:
Call me what you will (should you choose), but I damn well don't believe you can be forced into living that type of lifestyle with no way to get out of it.. You can get out of anything you want..if you want to bad enough.

Really? When was the last time someone who was three times your size and strength, who had a gun, kidnapped you from your parents at the age of 9 years old, and raped you, and toted you off to someones house, just to sell you to them for a few hours of sex?

It might SEEM easy, but its most certainly easier SAID than done, in MOST cases. Even the grown WOMEN are only half the size of the men.

This is all (apparently) OT, though... ????

The issue is about casual sex, which I assume is talking about consentual sex.
Well, lets say this as a situation that is similar-
Say a drug pusher forces a little kid who is on his way home from school, to use XTC, a few days a week. When I say little, I mean, like 10 or 12. Thats pretty little, and about the right age for drug pushing. Well, the XTC is addictive, due to severe drops in seratonin in the kids body, and the kid grows INTO this horribly BAD drug addiction.

So then you have a 19 year old kid who used XTC, maybe frequently, maybe infrequently. He was still forced INTO it. The addiction for him is not so much getting high, but not feeling DOWN all the time.
Same goes with the hundreds of thousands of women a nd children who are raped, molested, and sold in the human slave market every year. They were forced into it. Many of them dont KNOW that there are better ways of getting a mans attention than sex, because they were exploited dfor so long. Even if it wasnt for long, maybe they hate themselves. In these situations, their ASSAILANTS are to blame, not the women and children who have occassional or frequent casual sex. Compare it to the druggie. You can cut down, or cut back, but it IS what it is.

I dont blame all men for any of this. I just think that there are some serious double standards here, and people need to see women AND children as EQUALS. Maybe we arent equal in size, maybe not in age, but we ARE humans, and we deserve to be treated with every respect that any man is treated with.

And no I will not say please or thank you. I will say adieu.. lol..
People who live by a code of morals also follow secular laws.

Yes they do, but it doesn't work the other way. Secular laws are the prerogative of the state, religious laws are separate from the state's secular laws and are observed by the religious. If I mix dairy and meat I won't be penalised by the state.
Yes they do, but it doesn't work the other way. Secular laws are the prerogative of the state, religious laws are separate from the state's secular laws and are observed by the religious. If I mix dairy and meat I won't be penalised by the state.

True--and Christians (unlike Muslims) will not behead you for it either.
Yes they do, but it doesn't work the other way. Secular laws are the prerogative of the state, religious laws are separate from the state's secular laws and are observed by the religious. If I mix dairy and meat I won't be penalised by the state.

You are being too soft. What if, based on my interpretation of my favorite translation of the Bible, I think that “those who live by the sword shall die by the sword” and “turn the other cheek” calls on me to refuse to pay taxes. If the government requires me to pay taxes it is prohibiting my practice of religion.
You are being too soft. What if, based on my interpretation of my favorite translation of the Bible, I think that “those who live by the sword shall die by the sword” and “turn the other cheek” calls on me to refuse to pay taxes. If the government requires me to pay taxes it is prohibiting my practice of religion.

That analogy is so silly and far fetched I'm gonna put you right up there with TM.
You are being too soft. What if, based on my interpretation of my favorite translation of the Bible, I think that “those who live by the sword shall die by the sword” and “turn the other cheek” calls on me to refuse to pay taxes. If the government requires me to pay taxes it is prohibiting my practice of religion.

In liberal democracies religion is put in its proper place and it's not intertwined with politics or the law.
Christians do not behead you for not adhereing to their principals nor do they need to be "put in their proper place". Which Christian practice has been outlawed by secular laws?

Secular laws trump religious laws in a liberal democracy - and so they should.
Stuff like this is overblown. Its just good news filler for the media. How is this any different - or any worse - than the "free love" era of the 1960s? Its just now that the baby boomers are grown up and are now editors and Gen X reporters who never were promiscuous are now "suddenly" discovering that teens are having sex. BFD. The only difference is what they label it now.

Also, I read a story in the paper the other day that more teenagers are saving themselves for marriage, even though their parents are encouraging them to lose their virginity before they get married.
Christians do not behead you for not adhereing to their principals nor do they need to be "put in their proper place". Which Christian practice has been outlawed by secular laws?

They did execute those who did not behave in the expected “Christian” way a few centuries ago in Spain and Massachusetts (Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials).

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