Girls in Saudi Arabia demand the right to have PE lessons

Women rode bare breasted, hair flying, and fought with Mohammed. Some even lead the men swinging a sword as well as the best men.

Women were to cover their breasts before prayer.
Before Islam girls were buried alive in the some region and other areas in India and China.
Before Islam women were deprived from heritage.
Before Islam rare women can have their business and property.

Mostly matriarchal. There were queens, military leaders, priestess, women who ran businesses, they were poets, teachers, philosopher, healers.

In a few tribes, women could have several husbands and divorce them by redirecting tent door.

Pre-Islam women were the equal of men in many fields.

Mohammed's wet nurse went on campaign across the middle east and died in cyprus.
"Before Islam, women experienced limited rights, except those of high status. They were treated like slaves and were incessantly at the mercy of men. They were not considered human and had almost no rights at all."
Women in pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Women were also badly considered in Europe.

Women had more rights in pre-Islamic period.

Treament Of Women Before Islam And Lies Spread By Islam. - Religion - Nigeria

The rise of Islam: What did happen to women? - Azar Tabari

Nabeel Qureshi: The Status of Women in Arabia before Islam

So some women were warriors before Islam, who said that women couldn't be a warrior in Islam?!



the issue is WOMEN's RIGHTS as an "Islamic innovation" Why are you playing dumb-------free-of-brain?
Sure, it wasnĀ“t the Mossad? What about Mossad, btw? How many were assassinated amid your applause?
The UN found Hezbollah and Assad guilty.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control

"The Obama administrationā€™s web of lies, intrigue, and relentless aggression has turned Syria into the worldā€™s most insane field of battle, where both the United States and Russia provide air cover to Kurdish forces that are being shelled by Americaā€™s NATO ally, Turkey.

Turkey has also been shelling units of the Syrian army, operating under Russiaā€™s protection. A Turkish invasion of Syria is considered imminent, and will likely include Saudi Arabian troops and aircraft ā€“ all of which would become targets for Russian air defense systems if they violate Syrian land and air space.

Should Turkey and Russia come to blows, the Turks could close off access to and from the Black Sea, bottling up Russian naval forces and provoking a world war.

ā€˜Plan Bā€™
Meanwhile, Western governments, their royal Arab allies, and the global corporate media scream for some kind of so-called ā€œhumanitarianā€ intervention in northern Syria ā€“ a transparent call for the United States to activate its so-called ā€œPlan Bā€ ā€“ an all-out U.S. military offensive againstā€¦who?

The United States will claim itā€™s against the Islamic State. But there never was a U.S. war against the Islamic State, which spread like wildfire until the Russian air force intervened in late September.

The U.S., the Brits, the French, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kleptocracies financed and armed all of the jihadist gangs that descended on Syria after 2011, and although the Islamic State decided that it had plans of its own, the American ā€œcoalitionā€ never tried to militarily defeat ISIS in Syria or Iraq. ISIS was still useful, to wear down the Syrian army and keep the Iraqi government off-balance and dependent on the United States.

The success of the Russian intervention changed all that. Under Plan B, the United States and its allies will move militarily to absorb the Islamic State and take over the Syrian territory the jihadists now occupy, de facto dismembering Syria. The surviving ISIS fighters would fight on under U.S. protection, distributed among other jihadist groups and under new political labels. That appears to be the plan.

Turks uncooperative
However, the Turks have their own agenda. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has staked his political life on defeating and humiliating the Kurds, in his own country and in Syria. But the United States has made a huge investment in acting as the ā€œprotectorā€ of the Iraqi Kurds, in order to dismember and control Iraq, and the Americans are trying to play the same game with the Syrian Kurds. Thatā€™s why the U.S. is providing air cover to some Syrian Kurdish units, while the Turks are shelling other Kurds who operate under Russian air cover, 60 miles away.

The Turks donā€™t like the game the Americans are playing, and are threatening to invade Syria, confront the Russians, and force the U.S. to choose between Turkey, or the Kurds, or World War III. This is a very dangerous moment for the planet."

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control
Heck, the Syrian regime and it's puppets Hezbollah in Lebanon have been found responsible for assassinating Harriri, the very popular Lebanese leader.
Sure, it wasnĀ“t the Mossad? What about Mossad, btw? How many were assassinated amid your applause?
The UN found Hezbollah and Assad guilty.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.
Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.
They're all filthy lies! Assad is an angel, and "the only respectable leader in the region"!

And if you believe that I have a used car to sell you.
The UN found Hezbollah and Assad guilty.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control

"The Obama administrationā€™s web of lies, intrigue, and relentless aggression has turned Syria into the worldā€™s most insane field of battle, where both the United States and Russia provide air cover to Kurdish forces that are being shelled by Americaā€™s NATO ally, Turkey.

Turkey has also been shelling units of the Syrian army, operating under Russiaā€™s protection. A Turkish invasion of Syria is considered imminent, and will likely include Saudi Arabian troops and aircraft ā€“ all of which would become targets for Russian air defense systems if they violate Syrian land and air space.

Should Turkey and Russia come to blows, the Turks could close off access to and from the Black Sea, bottling up Russian naval forces and provoking a world war.

ā€˜Plan Bā€™
Meanwhile, Western governments, their royal Arab allies, and the global corporate media scream for some kind of so-called ā€œhumanitarianā€ intervention in northern Syria ā€“ a transparent call for the United States to activate its so-called ā€œPlan Bā€ ā€“ an all-out U.S. military offensive againstā€¦who?

The United States will claim itā€™s against the Islamic State. But there never was a U.S. war against the Islamic State, which spread like wildfire until the Russian air force intervened in late September.

The U.S., the Brits, the French, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kleptocracies financed and armed all of the jihadist gangs that descended on Syria after 2011, and although the Islamic State decided that it had plans of its own, the American ā€œcoalitionā€ never tried to militarily defeat ISIS in Syria or Iraq. ISIS was still useful, to wear down the Syrian army and keep the Iraqi government off-balance and dependent on the United States.

The success of the Russian intervention changed all that. Under Plan B, the United States and its allies will move militarily to absorb the Islamic State and take over the Syrian territory the jihadists now occupy, de facto dismembering Syria. The surviving ISIS fighters would fight on under U.S. protection, distributed among other jihadist groups and under new political labels. That appears to be the plan.

Turks uncooperative
However, the Turks have their own agenda. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has staked his political life on defeating and humiliating the Kurds, in his own country and in Syria. But the United States has made a huge investment in acting as the ā€œprotectorā€ of the Iraqi Kurds, in order to dismember and control Iraq, and the Americans are trying to play the same game with the Syrian Kurds. Thatā€™s why the U.S. is providing air cover to some Syrian Kurdish units, while the Turks are shelling other Kurds who operate under Russian air cover, 60 miles away.

The Turks donā€™t like the game the Americans are playing, and are threatening to invade Syria, confront the Russians, and force the U.S. to choose between Turkey, or the Kurds, or World War III. This is a very dangerous moment for the planet."

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control
Typical Arab / Muslim mindset...blame the West and others for things you yourself are guilty of.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control

"The Obama administrationā€™s web of lies, intrigue, and relentless aggression has turned Syria into the worldā€™s most insane field of battle, where both the United States and Russia provide air cover to Kurdish forces that are being shelled by Americaā€™s NATO ally, Turkey.

Turkey has also been shelling units of the Syrian army, operating under Russiaā€™s protection. A Turkish invasion of Syria is considered imminent, and will likely include Saudi Arabian troops and aircraft ā€“ all of which would become targets for Russian air defense systems if they violate Syrian land and air space.

Should Turkey and Russia come to blows, the Turks could close off access to and from the Black Sea, bottling up Russian naval forces and provoking a world war.

ā€˜Plan Bā€™
Meanwhile, Western governments, their royal Arab allies, and the global corporate media scream for some kind of so-called ā€œhumanitarianā€ intervention in northern Syria ā€“ a transparent call for the United States to activate its so-called ā€œPlan Bā€ ā€“ an all-out U.S. military offensive againstā€¦who?

The United States will claim itā€™s against the Islamic State. But there never was a U.S. war against the Islamic State, which spread like wildfire until the Russian air force intervened in late September.

The U.S., the Brits, the French, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kleptocracies financed and armed all of the jihadist gangs that descended on Syria after 2011, and although the Islamic State decided that it had plans of its own, the American ā€œcoalitionā€ never tried to militarily defeat ISIS in Syria or Iraq. ISIS was still useful, to wear down the Syrian army and keep the Iraqi government off-balance and dependent on the United States.

The success of the Russian intervention changed all that. Under Plan B, the United States and its allies will move militarily to absorb the Islamic State and take over the Syrian territory the jihadists now occupy, de facto dismembering Syria. The surviving ISIS fighters would fight on under U.S. protection, distributed among other jihadist groups and under new political labels. That appears to be the plan.

Turks uncooperative
However, the Turks have their own agenda. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has staked his political life on defeating and humiliating the Kurds, in his own country and in Syria. But the United States has made a huge investment in acting as the ā€œprotectorā€ of the Iraqi Kurds, in order to dismember and control Iraq, and the Americans are trying to play the same game with the Syrian Kurds. Thatā€™s why the U.S. is providing air cover to some Syrian Kurdish units, while the Turks are shelling other Kurds who operate under Russian air cover, 60 miles away.

The Turks donā€™t like the game the Americans are playing, and are threatening to invade Syria, confront the Russians, and force the U.S. to choose between Turkey, or the Kurds, or World War III. This is a very dangerous moment for the planet."

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control
Typical Arab / Muslim mindset...blame the West and others for things you yourself are guilty of.

*) THE WEST (* <<<< what do muzzies mean when they say

*) THE WEST (*

Captain blei seems to want us to believe that muhummad is a construct of the CIA
Actually Mohammad was a Zionist spy.

* )) ZIONIST-CONTROLLED-CIA << ----- I learned that word
almost 60 years ago when I first encountered islamo Nazi
propaganda-------first written-----and ten years later---
SPOKEN----mostly by Pakistani islamo nazis
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control

"The Obama administrationā€™s web of lies, intrigue, and relentless aggression has turned Syria into the worldā€™s most insane field of battle, where both the United States and Russia provide air cover to Kurdish forces that are being shelled by Americaā€™s NATO ally, Turkey.

Turkey has also been shelling units of the Syrian army, operating under Russiaā€™s protection. A Turkish invasion of Syria is considered imminent, and will likely include Saudi Arabian troops and aircraft ā€“ all of which would become targets for Russian air defense systems if they violate Syrian land and air space.

Should Turkey and Russia come to blows, the Turks could close off access to and from the Black Sea, bottling up Russian naval forces and provoking a world war.

ā€˜Plan Bā€™
Meanwhile, Western governments, their royal Arab allies, and the global corporate media scream for some kind of so-called ā€œhumanitarianā€ intervention in northern Syria ā€“ a transparent call for the United States to activate its so-called ā€œPlan Bā€ ā€“ an all-out U.S. military offensive againstā€¦who?

The United States will claim itā€™s against the Islamic State. But there never was a U.S. war against the Islamic State, which spread like wildfire until the Russian air force intervened in late September.

The U.S., the Brits, the French, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kleptocracies financed and armed all of the jihadist gangs that descended on Syria after 2011, and although the Islamic State decided that it had plans of its own, the American ā€œcoalitionā€ never tried to militarily defeat ISIS in Syria or Iraq. ISIS was still useful, to wear down the Syrian army and keep the Iraqi government off-balance and dependent on the United States.

The success of the Russian intervention changed all that. Under Plan B, the United States and its allies will move militarily to absorb the Islamic State and take over the Syrian territory the jihadists now occupy, de facto dismembering Syria. The surviving ISIS fighters would fight on under U.S. protection, distributed among other jihadist groups and under new political labels. That appears to be the plan.

Turks uncooperative
However, the Turks have their own agenda. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has staked his political life on defeating and humiliating the Kurds, in his own country and in Syria. But the United States has made a huge investment in acting as the ā€œprotectorā€ of the Iraqi Kurds, in order to dismember and control Iraq, and the Americans are trying to play the same game with the Syrian Kurds. Thatā€™s why the U.S. is providing air cover to some Syrian Kurdish units, while the Turks are shelling other Kurds who operate under Russian air cover, 60 miles away.

The Turks donā€™t like the game the Americans are playing, and are threatening to invade Syria, confront the Russians, and force the U.S. to choose between Turkey, or the Kurds, or World War III. This is a very dangerous moment for the planet."

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control
Typical Arab / Muslim mindset...blame the West and others for things you yourself are guilty of.

*) THE WEST (* <<<< what do muzzies mean when they say

*) THE WEST (*

"The West! It's all the West's fault we're savages!"
Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control

"The Obama administrationā€™s web of lies, intrigue, and relentless aggression has turned Syria into the worldā€™s most insane field of battle, where both the United States and Russia provide air cover to Kurdish forces that are being shelled by Americaā€™s NATO ally, Turkey.

Turkey has also been shelling units of the Syrian army, operating under Russiaā€™s protection. A Turkish invasion of Syria is considered imminent, and will likely include Saudi Arabian troops and aircraft ā€“ all of which would become targets for Russian air defense systems if they violate Syrian land and air space.

Should Turkey and Russia come to blows, the Turks could close off access to and from the Black Sea, bottling up Russian naval forces and provoking a world war.

ā€˜Plan Bā€™
Meanwhile, Western governments, their royal Arab allies, and the global corporate media scream for some kind of so-called ā€œhumanitarianā€ intervention in northern Syria ā€“ a transparent call for the United States to activate its so-called ā€œPlan Bā€ ā€“ an all-out U.S. military offensive againstā€¦who?

The United States will claim itā€™s against the Islamic State. But there never was a U.S. war against the Islamic State, which spread like wildfire until the Russian air force intervened in late September.

The U.S., the Brits, the French, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kleptocracies financed and armed all of the jihadist gangs that descended on Syria after 2011, and although the Islamic State decided that it had plans of its own, the American ā€œcoalitionā€ never tried to militarily defeat ISIS in Syria or Iraq. ISIS was still useful, to wear down the Syrian army and keep the Iraqi government off-balance and dependent on the United States.

The success of the Russian intervention changed all that. Under Plan B, the United States and its allies will move militarily to absorb the Islamic State and take over the Syrian territory the jihadists now occupy, de facto dismembering Syria. The surviving ISIS fighters would fight on under U.S. protection, distributed among other jihadist groups and under new political labels. That appears to be the plan.

Turks uncooperative
However, the Turks have their own agenda. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has staked his political life on defeating and humiliating the Kurds, in his own country and in Syria. But the United States has made a huge investment in acting as the ā€œprotectorā€ of the Iraqi Kurds, in order to dismember and control Iraq, and the Americans are trying to play the same game with the Syrian Kurds. Thatā€™s why the U.S. is providing air cover to some Syrian Kurdish units, while the Turks are shelling other Kurds who operate under Russian air cover, 60 miles away.

The Turks donā€™t like the game the Americans are playing, and are threatening to invade Syria, confront the Russians, and force the U.S. to choose between Turkey, or the Kurds, or World War III. This is a very dangerous moment for the planet."

The Westā€™s war against Syria is out of control
Typical Arab / Muslim mindset...blame the West and others for things you yourself are guilty of.

*) THE WEST (* <<<< what do muzzies mean when they say

*) THE WEST (*

"The West! It's all the West's fault we're savages!"

really roudy-----you should know------what does "THE WEST" mean to
an Iraqi muslim or an Iranian muslim? Captain blei seems to count
Turkey as part of "the west" Adolf seems to have imagined that Iran is
Dr. Bashar uses the term "THE WEST" too? is SYRIA part of "THE WEST" ---- is TURKEY?
Apparently, you have no clue what the West is, indeed.

you have not yet INFORMED ME. As a kid in both public school and under-graduate college------I had courses in the HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION----- the starting points were always ------EGYPT AND MESOPOTAMIA ----and then went on to PERSIA AND GREECE
Sure, it wasnĀ“t the Mossad? What about Mossad, btw? How many were assassinated amid your applause?
The UN found Hezbollah and Assad guilty.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

Muslim conflict and assassinations have been the norm long before there was a US

Assads and the Baath are fascists and created the situation by their crimes. The people began protesting, peacefully, till Assad forces began the violence.
The UN found Hezbollah and Assad guilty.
Of what?
BTW: Should we discuss about the longest list of UN resolutions - the Israeli list?
Even fellow Arabs know that Assad and his henchmen in Hezbollah were responsible for the assassination. What is your point. Assad does not walk on water, he is a murderous dictator, worse than his father. The Apple did not fall far from the tree. Except in this case the spoiled brat dictator has killed over 300,000 of his own people and he has already lost 2/3 of Syria to show for it.

Your filthy lies do not change anything. Assad is the only respectable leader in the region. How many terrorists have your masters already thrown at Assad and he is still standing.

what "filthy lie"? what "terrorists thrown at Assad"? -------is that something like the "terrorists thrown at Saddam" or the "terrorists thrown at MUSLIM OF THE CENTURY---IDI AMIN"???? --------who are these people "throwing terrorists"?

Muslim conflict and assassinations have been the norm long before there was a US

Assads and the Baath are fascists and created the situation by their crimes. The people began protesting, peacefully, till Assad forces began the violence.
Nice prayer. Sounds memorized but still nice. Did your agent controller teach you it?

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