Girls in Saudi Arabia demand the right to have PE lessons

your information (gleaned from the Baathist archives) is entirely incorrect----can you name ONE jewish community that rejects converts?--------try hard. Can you cite some jewish communities that "have problems" when "meeting" ""other
communities""??? try hard or ask your Baathist handler
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
Baathists were all Nazi Arab Nationalists. They modeled their movement after the Nazis, whom they adored. Look it up, dufus.
Nope. YOU DO. While Baathism does not know differences between people, your pyramid reaches from the chosen on the top to the Muslim Arabs way below the surface.
More ignorance from someone who doesn't even know the history of those he adores:

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Erwin Rommel was almost as popular as Hitler. Some Arabs used "Heil Rommel" as a common greeting in Arab countries. Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."[22] Posters in Arabic stating "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.[23]

Some wealthy Arabs who traveled to Germany in the 1930s brought back fascist ideals and incorporated them into Arab Nationalism.[24] One of the principal founders of Ba'athist thought and the Ba'ath Party, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascismand Nazism had greatly influenced Ba'athist ideology. An associate of al-Arsuzi, Sami al-Jundi, wrote:

"We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit. We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. Michel Aflaq a founder of the Ba'athist philosophy admired Hitler and the Nazis for standing up to Britain and America. This admiration would combine aspects of Nazism into Ba'athism."


Many emerging movements in the Arab world were influenced by European fascist and Nazi organizations during the 1930s. The Young Egypt Party ("Green shirts") closely resembled the Hitler Youth and was "obviously Nazi in form".[68] The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) adopted styles of fascism. Its emblem, the red hurricane, was taken from the Nazi swastika,[69] leader Anton Saada was known as al-za'im (the Führer), and the party anthem was "Syria, Syria, über alles" sung to the same tune as the German national anthem.[70] He founded the fascist SSNP with a program that Syrians were "a distinctive and naturally superior race".
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
Baathists were all Nazi Arab Nationalists. They modeled their movement after the Nazis, whom they adored. Look it up, dufus.
Nope. YOU DO. While Baathism does not know differences between people, your pyramid reaches from the chosen on the top to the Muslim Arabs way below the surface.
More ignorance from someone who doesn't even know the history of those he adores:

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Erwin Rommel was almost as popular as Hitler. Some Arabs used "Heil Rommel" as a common greeting in Arab countries. Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."[22] Posters in Arabic stating "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.[23]

Some wealthy Arabs who traveled to Germany in the 1930s brought back fascist ideals and incorporated them into Arab Nationalism.[24] One of the principal founders of Ba'athist thought and the Ba'ath Party, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascismand Nazism had greatly influenced Ba'athist ideology. An associate of al-Arsuzi, Sami al-Jundi, wrote:

"We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit. We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. Michel Aflaq a founder of the Ba'athist philosophy admired Hitler and the Nazis for standing up to Britain and America. This admiration would combine aspects of Nazism into Ba'athism."


Many emerging movements in the Arab world were influenced by European fascist and Nazi organizations during the 1930s. The Young Egypt Party ("Green shirts") closely resembled the Hitler Youth and was "obviously Nazi in form".[68] The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) adopted styles of fascism. Its emblem, the red hurricane, was taken from the Nazi swastika,[69] leader Anton Saada was known as al-za'im (the Führer), and the party anthem was "Syria, Syria, über alles" sung to the same tune as the German national anthem.[70] He founded the fascist SSNP with a program that Syrians were "a distinctive and naturally superior race".
Later, the built the Baathist Saturn V rocket...
The richest by their numbers not necessarily wealth.

There are 12,251,954 women in Saudi. 13% of Saudi women work.
Only Egypt has more women, and a very high poverty rate in the country.
The percentage of Saudi women who work are 20%, Egypt 24%, Qatar 51%, Iran 14%., Turkey 30%.

I find 20% good percentage. High percentage doesn't mean development: Zimbabwe: 87%.

Anyway Saudi people need political rights, there are available works for both gender in the country.

I hope Saudi Arabia will do political reform to build constitutional monarchy or a good system like in Koweit. :arrow:
So why can't they drive? Why can't married women enter or leave the country without the husband's official permission? LOL

Yes driving should be allowed, even many clerics call to allow women driving.
It could be authorised in the future, the funniest thing is that saudis women can be pilot but not driving a car!

You think Mohammad forbade women to ride horses and that's why Saudis don't let them drive?

I agree with not allowing women to drive. Less accidents. Now if they can add Asians and Seniors to that list, the roads will be much safer. LOL

Women rode bare breasted, hair flying, and fought with Mohammed. Some even lead the men swinging a sword as well as the best men.

Women were to cover their breasts before prayer.
There are 12,251,954 women in Saudi. 13% of Saudi women work.
Only Egypt has more women, and a very high poverty rate in the country.
The percentage of Saudi women who work are 20%, Egypt 24%, Qatar 51%, Iran 14%., Turkey 30%.

I find 20% good percentage. High percentage doesn't mean development: Zimbabwe: 87%.

Anyway Saudi people need political rights, there are available works for both gender in the country.

I hope Saudi Arabia will do political reform to build constitutional monarchy or a good system like in Koweit. :arrow:
So why can't they drive? Why can't married women enter or leave the country without the husband's official permission? LOL

Yes driving should be allowed, even many clerics call to allow women driving.
It could be authorised in the future, the funniest thing is that saudis women can be pilot but not driving a car!

You think Mohammad forbade women to ride horses and that's why Saudis don't let them drive?

I agree with not allowing women to drive. Less accidents. Now if they can add Asians and Seniors to that list, the roads will be much safer. LOL

Women rode bare breasted, hair flying, and fought with Mohammed. Some even lead the men swinging a sword as well as the best men.

Women were to cover their breasts before prayer.
That's crazy. How did they go from that to the way they are today. Insane.
there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
Baathists were all Nazi Arab Nationalists. They modeled their movement after the Nazis, whom they adored. Look it up, dufus.
Nope. YOU DO. While Baathism does not know differences between people, your pyramid reaches from the chosen on the top to the Muslim Arabs way below the surface.
More ignorance from someone who doesn't even know the history of those he adores:

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Erwin Rommel was almost as popular as Hitler. Some Arabs used "Heil Rommel" as a common greeting in Arab countries. Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."[22] Posters in Arabic stating "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.[23]

Some wealthy Arabs who traveled to Germany in the 1930s brought back fascist ideals and incorporated them into Arab Nationalism.[24] One of the principal founders of Ba'athist thought and the Ba'ath Party, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascismand Nazism had greatly influenced Ba'athist ideology. An associate of al-Arsuzi, Sami al-Jundi, wrote:

"We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit. We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. Michel Aflaq a founder of the Ba'athist philosophy admired Hitler and the Nazis for standing up to Britain and America. This admiration would combine aspects of Nazism into Ba'athism."


Many emerging movements in the Arab world were influenced by European fascist and Nazi organizations during the 1930s. The Young Egypt Party ("Green shirts") closely resembled the Hitler Youth and was "obviously Nazi in form".[68] The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) adopted styles of fascism. Its emblem, the red hurricane, was taken from the Nazi swastika,[69] leader Anton Saada was known as al-za'im (the Führer), and the party anthem was "Syria, Syria, über alles" sung to the same tune as the German national anthem.[70] He founded the fascist SSNP with a program that Syrians were "a distinctive and naturally superior race".
Later, the built the Baathist Saturn V rocket...

Who Syrians? Ha ha ha ha.

Syria has not been anything more than a brutal barbaric dictatorship. They don't make or contribute anything. Face it. And now the dictators son's chickens are coming home to roost. He's lost 2/3 of Syria after having killed over 300,000 of his own people.
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
Baathists were all Nazi Arab Nationalists. They modeled their movement after the Nazis, whom they adored. Look it up, dufus.
Nope. YOU DO. While Baathism does not know differences between people, your pyramid reaches from the chosen on the top to the Muslim Arabs way below the surface.
More ignorance from someone who doesn't even know the history of those he adores:

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Erwin Rommel was almost as popular as Hitler. Some Arabs used "Heil Rommel" as a common greeting in Arab countries. Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."[22] Posters in Arabic stating "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.[23]

Some wealthy Arabs who traveled to Germany in the 1930s brought back fascist ideals and incorporated them into Arab Nationalism.[24] One of the principal founders of Ba'athist thought and the Ba'ath Party, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascismand Nazism had greatly influenced Ba'athist ideology. An associate of al-Arsuzi, Sami al-Jundi, wrote:

"We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit. We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. Michel Aflaq a founder of the Ba'athist philosophy admired Hitler and the Nazis for standing up to Britain and America. This admiration would combine aspects of Nazism into Ba'athism."


Many emerging movements in the Arab world were influenced by European fascist and Nazi organizations during the 1930s. The Young Egypt Party ("Green shirts") closely resembled the Hitler Youth and was "obviously Nazi in form".[68] The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) adopted styles of fascism. Its emblem, the red hurricane, was taken from the Nazi swastika,[69] leader Anton Saada was known as al-za'im (the Führer), and the party anthem was "Syria, Syria, über alles" sung to the same tune as the German national anthem.[70] He founded the fascist SSNP with a program that Syrians were "a distinctive and naturally superior race".
Later, the built the Baathist Saturn V rocket...

Who Syrians? Ha ha ha ha.

Syria has not been anything more than a brutal barbaric dictatorship. They don't make or contribute anything. Face it. And now the dictators son's chickens are coming home to roost. He's lost 2/3 of Syria after having killed over 300,000 of his own people.
Germans. Over 2000 German scientists were hired by the US.

How did he kill 300000 people, first Zionist Al-Qaeda cheerleader? Why does Syria not contribute anything, douchebag?
Syria doesn't contribute jack. It has been ruled by corrupt greedy barbaric Baathist Nazi shitty dictators for the last century.
wrong-------conversion to Judaism has existed for thousands of years. -----Ruth---(of bible fame----and an ancestor of king David----was a convert) Unlike
ISLAM and Baathism ----forced conversion is illegal in jewish law. Interestingly---
Zoroatrianism does not accept conversion. It is not clear to me how one converts
to Hinduism. Conversion to islam is so simple that muslims often convert persons LONG DEAD
Few Jewish communities accept converters and they have problems when meeting other communities. The problem is that one cannot join the chosen people. On the other hand, you don´t need to be a Jew to enter heaven in Judaism. Converters will never be true Jews.

your information (gleaned from the Baathist archives) is entirely incorrect----can you name ONE jewish community that rejects converts?--------try hard. Can you cite some jewish communities that "have problems" when "meeting" ""other
communities""??? try hard or ask your Baathist handler
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Few Jewish communities accept converters and they have problems when meeting other communities. The problem is that one cannot join the chosen people. On the other hand, you don´t need to be a Jew to enter heaven in Judaism. Converters will never be true Jews.

your information (gleaned from the Baathist archives) is entirely incorrect----can you name ONE jewish community that rejects converts?--------try hard. Can you cite some jewish communities that "have problems" when "meeting" ""other
communities""??? try hard or ask your Baathist handler
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
The richest by their numbers not necessarily wealth.

There are 12,251,954 women in Saudi. 13% of Saudi women work.
Only Egypt has more women, and a very high poverty rate in the country.
The percentage of Saudi women who work are 20%, Egypt 24%, Qatar 51%, Iran 14%., Turkey 30%.

I find 20% good percentage. High percentage doesn't mean development: Zimbabwe: 87%.

Anyway Saudi people need political rights, there are available works for both gender in the country.

I hope Saudi Arabia will do political reform to build constitutional monarchy or a good system like in Koweit. :arrow:
So why can't they drive? Why can't married women enter or leave the country without the husband's official permission? LOL

Yes driving should be allowed, even many clerics call to allow women driving.
It could be authorised in the future, the funniest thing is that saudis women can be pilot but not driving a car!

You think Mohammad forbade women to ride horses and that's why Saudis don't let them drive?

I agree with not allowing women to drive. Less accidents. Now if they can add Asians and Seniors to that list, the roads will be much safer. LOL

Religion never forbid women to ride horses or drive a car, it's just a stupid law.
I hope eventually that if all schools are allowed to have P.E. for the girls, the girls will be able to have some kind of modest gym uniform instead of those heavy robes women wear in Saudi Arabia. I think the Internet has shown these girls what girls in the West are doing when it comes to gym.

Girls in Saudi Arabia demand the right to have PE lessons
Girls at private schools have been allowed to take part in classes since 2013 – but only if they abide by a ‘decent dress code’ that complies with the rules of sharia

Many Saudis have taken to Twitter to discuss lifting the ban on girls playing sports in schools FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP/Getty Images

Girls in Saudi Arabia are demanding they be allowed to have PE lessons.

Girls at private schools have been allowed to take part in PE classes since 2013 – but only if they abide by a “decent dress code” that complies with the rules of sharia.

But now, girls across the country have started demanding it should apply to all schools across the Islamic Kingdom.


Saudi Arabia is 'not ready' for women drivers, says defence minister

Many Saudis took to twitter to discuss lifting the ban on girls playing sports in schools using the Arabic hashtag which translates to “#Officially_Sports_For_ Girls_At_Schools.

The hashtag attracted 124k tweets - with Saudis divided between those who strongly support this idea and those who are making fun of it.

Continue at:

Good for those girls! Hopefully, more and more girls and women will stand up for themselves and demand that they are treated more equally. I have a feeling that this is going to start happening more and more. Soon enough, places like Saudi Arabia will become more modern. It takes the people who live there to demand change in order to change things.
your information (gleaned from the Baathist archives) is entirely incorrect----can you name ONE jewish community that rejects converts?--------try hard. Can you cite some jewish communities that "have problems" when "meeting" ""other
communities""??? try hard or ask your Baathist handler
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
Hey the slave,
Who killed Salah AlBaitar and expelled Michel Aflaq?

Salah al-Din al-Bitar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
Hey the slave,
Who killed Salah AlBaitar and expelled Michel Aflaq?

Salah al-Din al-Bitar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article gives no answer...
There are 12,251,954 women in Saudi. 13% of Saudi women work.
Only Egypt has more women, and a very high poverty rate in the country.
The percentage of Saudi women who work are 20%, Egypt 24%, Qatar 51%, Iran 14%., Turkey 30%.

I find 20% good percentage. High percentage doesn't mean development: Zimbabwe: 87%.

Anyway Saudi people need political rights, there are available works for both gender in the country.

I hope Saudi Arabia will do political reform to build constitutional monarchy or a good system like in Koweit. :arrow:
So why can't they drive? Why can't married women enter or leave the country without the husband's official permission? LOL

Yes driving should be allowed, even many clerics call to allow women driving.
It could be authorised in the future, the funniest thing is that saudis women can be pilot but not driving a car!

You think Mohammad forbade women to ride horses and that's why Saudis don't let them drive?

I agree with not allowing women to drive. Less accidents. Now if they can add Asians and Seniors to that list, the roads will be much safer. LOL

Women rode bare breasted, hair flying, and fought with Mohammed. Some even lead the men swinging a sword as well as the best men.

Women were to cover their breasts before prayer.
Before Islam girls were buried alive in the some region and other areas in India and China.
Before Islam women were deprived from heritage.
Before Islam rare women can have their business and property.
there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
Hey the slave,
Who killed Salah AlBaitar and expelled Michel Aflaq?

Salah al-Din al-Bitar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article gives no answer...

Before his assassination he admitted receiving many death threats from regime dogs.

It's not the first political assassination of opposition leaders.
A record of political assassinations - ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
Hey the slave,
Who killed Salah AlBaitar and expelled Michel Aflaq?

Salah al-Din al-Bitar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article gives no answer...

Before his assassination he admitted receiving many death threats from regime dogs.

It's not the first political assassination of opposition leaders.
A record of political assassinations - ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
Nope. The article reports of death threats and not of regime and dogs, "Al-Nusra democrat".
Few Jewish communities accept converters and they have problems when meeting other communities. The problem is that one cannot join the chosen people. On the other hand, you don´t need to be a Jew to enter heaven in Judaism. Converters will never be true Jews.

your information (gleaned from the Baathist archives) is entirely incorrect----can you name ONE jewish community that rejects converts?--------try hard. Can you cite some jewish communities that "have problems" when "meeting" ""other
communities""??? try hard or ask your Baathist handler
We, the Jewish Baathists of the Syrian Arab Army, do not accept converters.

there are no jewish Baathists------Baathists are followers of muhummad and adolf hitler. You should read your "holy" books
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.

Baitar pardoned and killed by haf.ass, not jr, back in the '80's

Judge Haitham Al-Maleh, an 80-year old Syrian human rights activist, was released in 2011.
You are a moron. Baathism is secular and has nothing to do with Hitler.
The criminal Ass*ad has killed most of the Bathist leaders and founders like Salah AlBaitar killed in France.
Actually one of the founder of Bathist party is jailed, Chabel Alisami he is more than 80 years old in Syria.
Go away with your Saudi al-Qaeda lies.
Hey the slave,
Who killed Salah AlBaitar and expelled Michel Aflaq?

Salah al-Din al-Bitar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article gives no answer...

Before his assassination he admitted receiving many death threats from regime dogs.

It's not the first political assassination of opposition leaders.
A record of political assassinations - ASHARQ AL-AWSAT

I think most people know haf.ass was a villain. Long list of assassination, not just syrians.

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