"Girls" Track Final Sprinter Champs: 3 out of 4 are TRANNIES

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Wonder when women will stop taking a back seat to mentally ill males and start using their brains again and demand that if they want to compete start a THIRD GENDER CLASS for all competitive sports!


This is the Connecticut State Indoor Track Finals.

First, second, third = trannies. It's pretty obvious with Buckwheat in the red number, there in front, right..? Only from poor 4th place over there on the right do you see real women.

Yup, used to be you'd see some deliusional banana hammock guy sporting falsies once in a blue moon, but now you have wall-to-wall trannies.

Gross, sure, but does this disgusting state of affairs actualy HELP our cause..? Does this speed the cultural rush to the bottom, helping well-intentioned but stubborn normies finally see the light..?

What do you think..?

Is this embarrassing enough for them to wake up or will it have to get much worse..? HOW LONG can this go on..?
It is the end of female sports.

And the feminists pushed for it.
Great, I love it!

Let the lefty fuckin’ idiots who sanction such absurdity sort it all out. I’m sure they’ll come up with something to appease the girls who worked and trained hard for really no reason at all in the end.
Women led the Big Giant Pity Party For Faggots in the first place, so let them reap what they've sown, a bunch of mentally ill sexual deviants and freaks now infesting their daughters' rest rooms and gym locker rooms and taking over womens' sports. lol too funny..
I notice none of our LGTBQXYZ's want to chime in on why this is OK ....come on girls let us know what you think!
It won’t matter until there is money involved. Imagine if a tranny tries to join the LPGA tour and starts taking down all the prize money. Sponsors and Advertisers would stop it dead in its tracks.
I find this from England disturbing as it will start being pushed and pushed hard here..... where does this deviance stop or now we must teach our children who are VERY IMPRESSIONABLE at 5 years old (most haven't a clue what SEX is about yet at that age) and take away the parents right to PARENT?

Primary school children 'are to be taught about gay and transgender relationships from the age of five under new curriculum

he Daily Mail ^ | 02/24/19 | Brendan Mcfadden

Guidance about the compulsory lessons from age five is published tomorrow

The lessons mean pupils will be taught about gay and transgender relationships

Parents' rights to remove children from sex education aged 15 is also planned

Primary school children from the age of five are to be taught about gay and transgender relationships as part of compulsory lessons.

Guidance about the new lessons, which will be rolled out nationally next year, will be published tomorrow.

It will also outline plans to withdraw parents' rights to remove their children from sex education aged 15 from 2020.

New curriculum will bring an end of parents’ right to opt their children out of sex and relationships education classes in secondary school .

Children are guaranteed to receive at least a term of lessons by the time they are 16, as part if the new curriculum which is being brought in by education secretary Damian Hinds.

When the new lessons are rolled out next year, headteachers will be forced to bring them in, The Sunday Times reported.
Transgender Powerlifter Janae Kroc:

Competed as a man and has bench pressed 738 pounds.

Threw on a wig (no sex change operation) and now wants to compete as a woman.

Excuse me, it's MA'AM!

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