Giuliani Co-Operating with Jack Smith

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Yeah. This is just like any other predominantly communist country.
They use the courts to attack their political opposition.
There's rules for thee...but not for me.

I'm waiting for Biden to send the FBI on raids against Justices Alito, Thomas, and anyone else who doesn't vote his way on constitutional issues.
So horrible. You should leave then.
Orange Jumpsuit Jesus is going to prison. Lock him up! Lock him up!

HERE’S WHY I THINK that Giuliani is indeed seeking to cooperate.​

First, however nonsensical Giuliani’s past thinking and public utterances have been, facing prosecution tends to focus the mind. Giuliani likely sees his freedom at risk because he was so central to Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election before January 6th.​

Among other things, after the 2020 election, Giuliani, along with Trump himself, pressured Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers to help reverse the certification of Joe Biden’s election, though Giuliani admitted not having evidence to justify such a move. Giuliani also reportedly led the Trump “fake electors” campaign, which aimed to send Congress phony slates of electors from battleground states to provide a pretext for then-Vice President Mike Pence to reject or delay certification of President Joe Biden’s election.​

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that in the proffer session, “Mr. Smith asked Mr. Giuliani about [the] plan to create fake slates” of electors. Giuliani was also reportedly asked about his role with Steve Bannon, Trump lawyer John Eastman, and others at a command center at the Willard Hotel near the White House on January 6th itself.​

It’s looking more and more likely that the only way Trump stays out of prison is if he wins the election and pardons himself!
If he is found guilty in court, and prison is a required sentence, I don't see how he could get around it?

BUT I also don't see how the secret service could protect him in prison, unless they have some kind of plan for it already devised?

So perhaps it is possible that some sort of house arrest and ankle monitor, among other restrictions could be arranged due to him being an ex president, but truly if our laws are equal justice for each man, then sentencing should be no different, he should be shown no favor, as our justice system requires, in order to be Just....imo.
Secret Service personnel being forced to serve prison sentences to protect him is beyond the call of duty.

Reich Chancellor and Deputy Führer of the Third Reich, Rudolf Hess, captured in 1941, was the sole occupant of Spandau Prison from 1966 until his death in 1987.

A facility at Guantanamo should be available shortly.

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Because I'm a lot smarter than you are.
Surely you are! So show us, oh smart one, why you think he won't spend any prison time, for the sake of argument, the sake of debate, on this debate forum, so this user can argue, the argument with you....!!!

Who knows, I could agree with your reasoning?

All this puffy elevation of yourself is childish nonsense on display for all to see!
But But We REALLY Got Him This Time!!!!

In other news, The leadership of the FBI and some 51 CIA employees had to deliberately lie to protect Biden and Hillary, even though they well knew they would be caught and exposed as liars.

"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

Paranoid fantasy is always an alternative to evidence-based reality.

Prepare to be thrilled by the Cry Baby Loser pulling another "Landslide!" out of his big flabby butt.

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You mean like Tater has been doing with his unconstitutional edicts and LLCs?

As for Giuliani it's just another example why we right-leaners should move-on from Trump, he surrounded himself with the worst possible people.....Kraken indeed.
And right on cue comes the "whataboutism."
Has Trump? He has to win first.....Cart before the horse much?

In fact Tater will be first at bat for pardoning himself.....By the looks of things he might need to, along with half the Biden Crime Family which, if we lived in a sane/just world, they would already be facing RICO charges.
Do you crazily think for one nano second that if Trump were president and there was a federal investigation in to his son, with a prosecutor hired from the previous president to investigate, Trump would have allowed the prosecutor from the previous president, stay on and not be replaced by him or that president trump would not have just pardoned Don Jr or Eric and killed the investigation in the bud?

Joe allowing the Trump prosecutor to stay on and keep up his investigation, and allowing any of these charges brought against his son, is how it should be handled.

Y'all falsely accusing Joe of what you know Trump would have done, when Joe has not done it, is typical Trump modus operandi.... :rolleyes:
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