Giuliani concedes he lied about election workers in Georgia

He's a liar...lying for the orange sexual abuser.

unless he flipped when he was offered the proffer from jack smith............


Its not lying if he believed it when he made the statements
It is a lie if he made the statement even though it was untrue.
Pretty much period.
That is the very definition of a lie.
A responsible person in Rudy's position would have quadruple checked his own statements for accuracy before putting them out there.
It is laughable and frankly quite desperate at this point for Guilliani to be trying the "I'm a dumbfuck" get out of jail free card.
Like ole Rushbo used to say "words mean things."
Rudy just forgot that.
but he can't prove it because the election data was destroyed

Fake news.
He can't prove it because there was no real stolen election.
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Yahoo "News." Hahahahahahahahaha
Its not lying if he believed it when he made the statements.... but he can't prove it because the election data was destroyed....
Why did they destroy the data should be the question....

It's a yahoo "news" agitprop hit piece. At least 50% of it is pure concentrated bullshit.

Just add 12oz of Kool Aid.

View attachment 808159

Are you really that gullible?

Cult 45 has arrived
Ted Goodman, Giuliani's political advisor, said, “Giuliani did not acknowledge that the statements were false but did not contest it in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss.

“This is a legal issue, not a factual issue. Those out to smear the mayor are ignoring the fact that this stipulation is designed to get to the legal issues of the case," Goodman said."

From the article you posted........
Roodles admits that he lied about the election workers but claims that his lies are political speech that is protected under the first amendment. Just ridiculous
Roodles admits that he lied about the election workers but claims that his lies are political speech that is protected under the first amendment. Just ridiculous

Ghouli keeps talking out of sides of him mouth and he fails. It was NOT political speech, more like venomous lies.

If he is hoping to get a walk this crap it won't happen. Fani Willis will still indict him. Ghouli's lies were the ground work threats against two poll workers. No way he walks on this.
The data was not destroyed. The allegations were made based on a video that Giuliani claimed showed the two poll workers passing a USB drive back and forth that was used, somehow, to corrupt the count.
The video was able to prove they were passing candy back and forth.

The MAGA idiots believed Giuliani and made the poor ladies life a living hell.
The first amendment should protect Rudy... its called freedom of speech... just like you can call Trump a Russian colluder Rudy can call poll workers ballot cheats....
See how that works?....
Roodles admits that he lied about the election workers but claims that his lies are political speech that is protected under the first amendment. Just ridiculous
That’s not what happened but ok. Not contesting a point in court which has no bearing on the case (in their opinion) isn’t admitting that the point is accurate. It’s just not arguing it. From Gulianni’s legal team’s perspective if they don’t believe it matters whether what he said was true or not why waste time and resources arguing the point in court?
Defamation is not covered under the first amendment. Roodles is a lawyer and knows that. Or should know it, whatever
So then defamation was the basis for the Russian collusion hoax...
Trump was defamed by people who knowingly lied....
Two way street.....

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