Giuliani concedes he lied about election workers in Georgia

As Ghouli has, by his own admission lie there is very little if anything left to contest. He admitted he lied. Those lies put the lives of two Women, a Mother and her Daughter at risk.

There is little if anything to contest. His own words condemn him.
I read that Roodles is a full-blown alcoholic
So, Rudy admits he made the statements.

He admits they were defamatory.

To normal people, that's an admission that he lied, being that a true statement can't be defamatory, in a legal sense.

Alas, Trump cultists are not normal people. They lie more readily than normal humans breathe.
Lol, stop lying, nowhere the link does he admit anything.
If he had been able to contest the point successfully, he’d be off the hook. It’s far from having no bearing on the case.

The real reason he’s not contesting it is that he would probably lose and most likely lose in embarrassing fashion once full discovery comes out.

That’s what I think.
Cool story. What you and I think combined coupled with 10 bucks wont feed us both at McDonalds.
Problem being, Jack Smith and his team will know he is ling. Fani Willis has her bullshit-ometer as well. Ghouli lies, he goes to jail. He is of course going anyway. Whatever deal he has with Jack Smith is reduced time, he lies he gets the full ride.
The Trump gang are remarkably stupid. They have loyalty to Trump, but zero instincts for self preservation. .
The first amendment should protect Rudy... its called freedom of speech... just like you can call Trump a Russian colluder Rudy can call poll workers ballot cheats....
See how that works?....
You need to do your research.
"the Supreme Court has recognized that the First Amendment permits restrictions upon the content of speech in a “few limited areas,” including obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, and speech integral to criminal conduct."

You need to do your research.
"the Supreme Court has recognized that the First Amendment permits restrictions upon the content of speech in a “few limited areas,” including obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, and speech integral to criminal conduct."

You can't defame someone if you didn't use a name to do it.... You can say all day that the ballot center in a given area of the country is corrupt... Rudy never named anyone....
Ted Goodman, Giuliani's political advisor, said, “Giuliani did not acknowledge that the statements were false but did not contest it in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss.

“This is a legal issue, not a factual issue. Those out to smear the mayor are ignoring the fact that this stipulation is designed to get to the legal issues of the case," Goodman said."

From the article you posted........
Do you even know what it means to not contest a charge? It means he admitted to it. Guess they didn't teach you that, sitting around on your ratty old couch.

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