Giuliani gets angry because his radio show issued a disclaimer before he aired

Other radio hosts have been threatened with dismissal if they dare even broach the possibility of electoral fraud.
No, not about electora fraud - defamation against SmartTec and Dominion. They can yell fraud all they want and nobody will care. It’s only when they start to try to describe how that “fraud” occurred that they get in trouble.
Problem for Rudy and his accomplices is that they did not make general claims about stolen elections. They made specific claims about fraudulent activities and foreign connections of Dominion and Smartmatic.
Claims they can’t back up in court

Finally, those that lied for trump as he promoted the Big Lie are having to pay. The radio show owners do not want to have to share in the price that Rudy is going to pay. If all the man can do is lie, why is he on the air in the first place?
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!

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