Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.

Bwahahaha....9/11 happened under doofus G must be another of those delusional conservatives trying to rewrite history. Pathetic.

Give it a few years and they'll be saying Obama caused 9/11.

A few years?

You know damn well if they could they would say it now and those voting for Trump would believe it!
He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
Maybe she can start her research by watching your video which starts with Giuliani saying

IN THE EIGHT YEARS BEFORE OBAMA there were no domestic terrorist attacks
You can waste you fucking time watching vids all day, fool!

:alcoholic: How's the kool-aid?

So you create a thread, write an op, post a video which shows you're a liar, and your answer is to criticize me for watching your video in your op?


You go girl.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.

Bwahahaha....9/11 happened under doofus G must be another of those delusional conservatives trying to rewrite history. Pathetic.

Give it a few years and they'll be saying Obama caused 9/11.

A few years?

You know damn well if they could they would say it now and those voting for Trump would believe it!

Can you two get a room?
Unfortunately Rudy was talking about ISIS
No he wasn't. He was talking about "radical Islamic terrorism", and acting as if lone wolf attacks had not occurred before Obama.

He's a fucking deranged, fearmongering, liar.
He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
Maybe she can start her research by watching your video which starts with Giuliani saying

IN THE EIGHT YEARS BEFORE OBAMA there were no domestic terrorist attacks
You can waste you fucking time watching vids all day, fool!

:alcoholic: How's the kool-aid?

So you create a thread, write an op, post a video which shows you're a liar, and your answer is to criticize me for watching your video in your op?


You go girl.
I cited and ARTICLE you fucking IDIOT! I don't waste time on the vids, fool! If you do, that's your choice asshole!
Maybe she can start her research by watching your video which starts with Giuliani saying

IN THE EIGHT YEARS BEFORE OBAMA there were no domestic terrorist attacks


What a leftist tool

Maybe you should have read the topic before demonstrating your utter stupidity.

It's amazing how in the dark you retards are about even the most recent history. I don't call you goldfish for nothing.

And you are the dumbshit who should have watched the video. Giuliani did not specify the eight years before Obama. He plainly said, "Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States."

That is a much wider scope.

Nevertheless, we had domestic terror attacks by Muslims before Bush and during Bush, you fucking idiot:

1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters

1993 World Trade Center bombing

1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale

September 11 attacks - FBI, Justice: El Al attack was terrorism - Apr. 12, 2003

2006 UNC SUV attack

2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting
Last edited:
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

Yep, he's dumber than most drag queens.

You didn't watch the video either, did you, Tonto? Giuliani said in the eight years before he took office, obviously referring to after 9/11.

Anyone with half a brain would have known that anyway, but he not only said it but started with that. Redskin not smart
wouldn't matter if he meant after 9/11 or not, he'd still be wrong

Zero content to back that up, your usual fare. So name some
2002 l.a. airport shooting
2002 beltway sniper
2006 UNC-Chapel hill suv driver
2006 seattle jewish federation shooting

need more?
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
guess what happened in the eight years before jan. 09?

most obviously would be the attacks on the wtc and pentagon

OMG, so you're arguing that he can't round. OMG, those were 7 1/2 years before Obama, not eight! What is Rudy talking about?

You make yourself look more stupid than anyone could make you look. Seriously, that's your argument? It was seven and a half years, not eight?


OMG, that is funny
omg, i take someone at their word?

incidentally 9/11/01 is less than 7.5 years from obama's inauguration, meaning rounding would make it 7 years, not 8.
GIULIANI: Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States.

TARDS: I want to bleev it, so it must be true!
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.
And 9.11 was what? An unsuccessful non-Islamic non-attack?
Jesus, the dumbing down of the credulous rubes has progressed further than even I thought!

They will literally bleev ANYTHING now. They will chow down on any shit as long as it is excreted from the right ass.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

Yep, he's dumber than most drag queens.

You didn't watch the video either, did you, Tonto? Giuliani said in the eight years before he took office, obviously referring to after 9/11.

Anyone with half a brain would have known that anyway, but he not only said it but started with that. Redskin not smart
wouldn't matter if he meant after 9/11 or not, he'd still be wrong

Zero content to back that up, your usual fare. So name some
2002 l.a. airport shooting
2002 beltway sniper
2006 UNC-Chapel hill suv driver
2006 seattle jewish federation shooting

need more?

Gulianni's point exactly, you have a total of 12 deaths, and only one of those within six years of Obama taking over. Compare that to what has happened since. You're not doing very well
Yep, he's dumber than most drag queens.

You didn't watch the video either, did you, Tonto? Giuliani said in the eight years before he took office, obviously referring to after 9/11.

Anyone with half a brain would have known that anyway, but he not only said it but started with that. Redskin not smart
wouldn't matter if he meant after 9/11 or not, he'd still be wrong

Zero content to back that up, your usual fare. So name some
2002 l.a. airport shooting
2002 beltway sniper
2006 UNC-Chapel hill suv driver
2006 seattle jewish federation shooting

need more?

Gulianni's point exactly, you have a total of 12 deaths, and only one of those within six years of Obama taking over. Compare that to what has happened since. You're not doing very well
wow. even when presented with clear proof that gulianni was wrong you keep insisting he was right

have you no shame?
Unfortunately Rudy was talking about ISIS or as the Manchurian Muslim calls it ISIL....It's a fact that ISIS as we know it today was formed under the Obunglers watch!
You must think then that Obama became president in 2006 when Al-Qaeda in Iraq became known as the Islamic State of Iraq.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.

Bwahahaha....9/11 happened under doofus G must be another of those delusional conservatives trying to rewrite history. Pathetic.

Give it a few years and they'll be saying Obama caused 9/11.
I've seen some of the rubes forget Obama wasn't in office when the markets crashed and blame him for it.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.
If you're counting the attack on the USS Cole, that was in the Port of Aden, Yemen, that is not inside the United States, which was the area to which Giuliani limited his statement. Regarding the 8 year prior period, that was not mentioned according to the article I cited along with the quote from that article posted in the OP.

Further, Bush was president on 9/11/2001 when the twin Towers fell. If you don't consider that a terrorist attack or are thinking someone else was POTUS on that day, then God Bless You!

If you have additional information regarding Giuliani's statement to augment the information in the article along with your assertions feel free to include it all.
I guess you missed my follow up post.

Excuse me, but I knew you were a dumber than a goat in a briar patch the last time we mixed on this board, Mr. Indeep. Sorry, but "11" referred to the DAY not the YEAR of the WTC/Pentagon/Shanksville attacks. I am laughing my @ss off at you!
He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
guess what happened in the eight years before jan. 09?

most obviously would be the attacks on the wtc and pentagon

OMG, so you're arguing that he can't round. OMG, those were 7 1/2 years before Obama, not eight! What is Rudy talking about?

You make yourself look more stupid than anyone could make you look. Seriously, that's your argument? It was seven and a half years, not eight?


OMG, that is funny
omg, i take someone at their word?

incidentally 9/11/01 is less than 7.5 years from obama's inauguration, meaning rounding would make it 7 years, not 8.

It takes someone truly butt stupid to think that Giuliani wasn't referring to after 9/11
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.

Bwahahaha....9/11 happened under doofus G must be another of those delusional conservatives trying to rewrite history. Pathetic.

Give it a few years and they'll be saying Obama caused 9/11.
Why not?
Rush already said Obama caused the 2008 crash.

And Obama created Isis lol

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