Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Remember that the Republicans Impeached Clinton over lying about it?
Still pushing that LIE, huh, BO?!

Bill Clinton was not Impeached because of Lewinski. What you snowflakes keep skipping over is that Bill Clinton was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court and forced to testify in a civil case, and in that case the Judge hammered the $hit out of him for INTENTIONALLY attempting to deceive the court, thereby attempting to strip a US citizen - while serving as President - of her Constitutional Right to a fair trial, just to save his own ass. He was called on his complete LACK OF ETHICS, a Contempt of Court - negotiated into an agreement in which the President was stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas for approx 6 months. He then paid off his victim so she would just go away...

Bill Clinton was Impeached as a result of his violation of his oath of office, for his breach of Ethics, attempting to deny a US citizen her right to a fair trail.

But don't let the truth / facts get in the way of your denial.
He was impeached for lying. It was in all the papers.
Out of his own pocket which means no campaign contributions were used, and there's still no proof of what actually happened other than an opportunistic Stormy. Trump wins again. Liberals lose. Again. LOL

WAIT!!! Maybe you can prove Putin paid Trump, who then paid Cohen, who paid Stormy.
When you ""funnel"" money what do you think that means?

If means Liberals are trying to stand in the way of a progress with the economy, jobs for blacks, border security, national security and middle America getting ahead. You people are so anti-American. It's truly pathetic.
Put the whole quote up. You won't will you asshole. Premature ejaculation running with just a bit of the quote.


Giuliani continued: 'Everybody was nervous about this from the very beginning. I wasn’t...

'When I heard Cohen’s retainer of $35,000, when he was doing no work for the president, I said, "That’s how he's repaying it, with a little profit and a little margin for paying taxes, for Michael".'

Giuliani said that the president 'didn’t know about the specifics of it (the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels), as far as I know.

'But he did know about the general arrangement that Michael would take care of things like this.'

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Your reading comprehension sucks
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They must have been very weak people to let a loser like Hillary shut them up.

They must have all been weak to let the President sexually harass, assault, and rape them, too, huh?!

That's right - pull a 'Hillary' - blame and attack the victims.

And where are the indictments/convictions? The one time under oath (the one time not being paid) said she wasn't raped.
Cilinton didn't have his lawyer shut her up and then lie about it.
No, he had Hillary attacking, bullying, threatening, demonizing, and silencing all of his victims...
"all his victims"....:rofl:
Yeah, the Democrat Party hero (one of them) committing sexual crimes against women is funny, isn't it Bo?!

God, you people are sick and will stop at nothing to defend your criminals, ever sexual deviants.
What I think is funny, is trumpanzees accusing people willy nilly of having committed crimes without those pesky indictments and convictions. That's the Easy thing to do, isn't it?
Trump tweeted to Rudy - "dont mention the 130k payoff"

but he made a typo and it came out

"mention the 130k payoff" -

so he did, and two fools collided head on

President Donald Trump changed his story regarding $130,000 in hush money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign, saying Thursday he reimbursed lawyer Michael Cohen and denying the arrangement was improper.

"Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA," Trump said in a Twitter posting.


Stormy Daniels

Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg
That type of arrangement is "very common among celebrities and people of wealth,” he said in a subsequent message. “In this case it is in full force and effect and will be used in Arbitration for damages” against Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. The agreement “was used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair," Trump continued.

The president’s tweets confirmed statements made by his new lead attorney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in a Fox News interview Wednesday night that contradicted Trump’s previous denials of knowledge of the payments. Giuliani also asserted that payments were not made by Trump’s presidential campaign and therefore didn’t violate campaign finance laws.

“Funneled it through the law firm, and then the president repaid it,’’ Giuliani said during an interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity. On Thursday, Giuliani made the rounds of other Fox programs, telling “Fox & Friends” hosts that Trump “didn’t know the details of this until we did."

“Imagine if that came out on Oct 15, 2016 in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani said. “Cohen didn’t even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, is in the midst of a legal firestorm over the payment to Daniels, which was made in exchange for Daniels’ silence about an alleged affair with Trump. Giuliani provided the most definitive link yet between the president and Daniels, a $130,000 payment that the White House -- and Cohen -- have tried to distance from Trump.

Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, said Thursday on MSNBC that if the payment to his client was structured as a retainer for work that didn’t occur, it may still violate laws. He said Trump’s tweets appeared to have been written by a lawyer who is a "moron."

"Our case just got exponentially better in the last 24 hours," Avenatti said. “These folks make the Watergate burglars seem competent."
Filthy Don is using mob tactics to shut people up about his bad behavior.

You mean he has killed people, like the Clintons have? :p

Offering someone money for their silence ... and they end up agreeing to it is not 'mob tactics'. If it were, all of those sexual criminal deviant Democrats in Congress who have been using tax dollars to silence their victims over decades are guilty of "mob tactics' to shut their victims up.
You should be very careful...since, as you say, the Clintons kill people to silence them, they may feel the need to silence you. Like they've silenced (killed) all those thousands of people who have died after they said a bad thing about the Clintons.
Is that a threat, Bo? Or just a warning...?
It's concern because it's trumpanzees who keep warning us that the Clintons kill people who cross are crossing are in danger. I'm concerned.
Okay, still awake, people? @chrisgeidner just finished an interview w/Giuliani that includes this: Giuliani says Trump repaid Cohen for the $130K at a rate of $35K a month for a year: $420K! Why? Per Giuliani, to repay the $130K with enough left over for Cohen to profit in 2017.

Elizabeth de la Vega on Twitter

They know their base are morons. Will even the morons buy this?
LoL, this is the fuckup the moral, family values, snowflake right voted in to make ‘murica great...again.

Trump supporters should be ridiculed and any Trump supporter that still supports him after this bombshell should be institutionalized for not having the facilities necessary to walk upright.

And what's the bombshell?

If you have to ask, then it isn't worth my time to explain to you. Just in case you didn't know, water is wet...
You really are gullible. DId you read what Rudy said? Or just the headline?


Yes I did read what Giuliani said, it was in English, so what is your excuse?

Watching the full interview is even better :)

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what did trump lie about?

He said he never paid it back...just admit trump is the greatest liar God ever created and we will call it a day.

The adultery was years ago. The payment was days before the election.

These people are the Mafia is the WH....RUDY IS BLOWING IT UP!

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