Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

What illegal behavior? There isn't any.

what did trump lie about?

He said he never paid it back...just admit trump is the greatest liar God ever created and we will call it a day.

The adultery was years ago. The payment was days before the election.

These people are the Mafia is the WH....RUDY IS BLOWING IT UP!
Rudy said trump didnt know.
It seems that Trump AND you are liars.
You should be very careful...since, as you say, the Clintons kill people to silence them, they may feel the need to silence you. Like they've silenced (killed) all those thousands of people who have died after they said a bad thing about the Clintons.

Clinton used a team of Arkansas state troopers back in the day to beat and rig up "suicides" for his enemies. The two blacks he had murder Seth Rich were probably provided by Al Sharpton or BLM. Same kind of set-up he used on Vince the investigation killed with hush money. you talking about that kind of thing out in the open puts you in danger of "suicide" too.
Cilinton didn't have his lawyer shut her up and then lie about it.
No, he had Hillary attacking, bullying, threatening, demonizing, and silencing all of his victims...
"all his victims"....:rofl:
Yeah, the Democrat Party hero (one of them) committing sexual crimes against women is funny, isn't it Bo?!

God, you people are sick and will stop at nothing to defend your criminals, ever sexual deviants.
What I think is funny, is trumpanzees accusing people willy nilly of having committed crimes without those pesky indictments and convictions. That's the Easy thing to do, isn't it?
The depth of your loyalty to criminals, your willingness to defend the worst proven scumbags - as long as they are liberals - never ceases to amaze, Bo. :p
If means Liberals are trying to stand in the way of a progress with the economy, jobs for blacks, border security, national security and middle America getting ahead. You people are so anti-American. It's truly pathetic.

Only a moronic, FOX sheep would state the above......

The economy, jobs for blacks and wage increases for the middle class had ALL been EVIDENT since 2014.....Get a fucking brain!!!
Isn't Giuliani part of Trump's legal team?

This is getting more baffling by the moment. What in the name of fuck could be their strategy, at this point?

Or has Giuliani gone rogue? I doubt that's it. He's a better lawyer than Cohen is, but maybe he's just really out of practice?

Dunno Doc - If I'm in trouble and can choose between Senile Old Rudy and Avenatti ... I choose Avenatti! I stated long ago---Trump/etc knew the was a very low possibility that he would've violated the campaign laws
...please people--start thinking and RESPONDING in reality for all subjects.....the forum would go smoother//less time wasted
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Just watched this unfold on Morning Joe :lol:

Avenatti was on - ecstatic!

Angry Rudy now the latest to sully their reputation while riffing for Trump ..

HILARIOUS - Hannity was trying to save the man but he just kept flailing away.

Now he's on Fox-n-Friends trying attempting a late cleanup on aisle 9.

Holyfuckingshit!! :ack-1:

Giuliani just drove the bus back over Trump this morning.

In his attempt to clarify what he meant, he said Trump used personal finances, not campaign finances, to pay Cohen back because the allegations against him were embarrassing to Trump and Melania.


That means Trump knew what the hush money was for and exposes even more lies now.
Cilinton didn't have his lawyer shut her up and then lie about it.
No, he had Hillary attacking, bullying, threatening, demonizing, and silencing all of his victims...
"all his victims"....:rofl:
Yeah, the Democrat Party hero (one of them) committing sexual crimes against women is funny, isn't it Bo?!

God, you people are sick and will stop at nothing to defend your criminals, ever sexual deviants.
What I think is funny, is trumpanzees accusing people willy nilly of having committed crimes without those pesky indictments and convictions. That's the Easy thing to do, isn't it?
The depth of your loyalty to criminals, your willingness to defend the worst proven scumbags - as long as they are liberals - never ceases to amaze, Bo. :p
You mean my depth of devotion to the U.S. Constitution that one isn't a convicted criminal until they are actually convicted of a crime? That accusations are Easy, but not convictions themselves? I will admit I am proud of my support of the U.S. Constitution and our justice system. You like to throw criminal accusations around with no convictions....that's what our Founders fought and won against. But cheap accusations of criminal behavior are Easy.
Trump has once again shot himself in the foot.

"Trump -- who previously said he was not aware of the $130,000 Cohen paid to Daniels before the 2016 election in an effort to keep her quiet about an alleged affair between her and the President -- denied on Thursday that any campaign money was used to reimburse Cohen and that he was paid via retainer. The payment has prompted complaints to the Justice Department and Federal Election Commission over potential violations of campaign finance law."

Trump changes his story about Stormy Daniels - CNNPolitics
Makes no sense that Michael Cohen would handle the affair the RNC Finance Mgr had with a playboy bunny who he allegedly got pregnant.... Stormy's lawyer thinks the $1.6 million paid to her by Cohen WAS REALLY for Trump.... it was all a coverup for Trump.....
Obviously Rudy thinks Cohen has flipped or is preparing to flip on the orange king. He is trying to take pressure off of Cohen. Too little too late....the Feds have a ton of material on Michael....HE WILL FLIP!

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