Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Actually, if it was done in connection with Trump's campaign, it is a violation of election law in that it is considered an "in kind" contribution, and it's not supposed to be more than 2,500 total. 130,000 is significantly more than that.

The acid test to determine if an expenditure is a campaign expenditure is the question whether the candidate involved would have spent the money anyway, and yes, Cohen would have and Trump would have.

Paying off lying whores is an industry that does not require some one to be running for office
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
A.) Trump broke no law.
B.) He might not have known about the payment being to cover payout to Daniels. Probably accountants though it was just a legal bill. The guys rich don’t you know. It is impossible for him to keep track of all his $$$.
It went towards his campaign and was not reported. That’s a violation of campaign finance laws.
Evidence? :9:
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
I knew the morons would come out in force on this.. Attorney provides services from his accounts. Bills the client and the client pays his bills.. Did he actually know or was it the fact trump had over 300 lawyers and someone else is paid to pay his bills.

Rudy only indicated that he paid the attorney for HIS SERVICES. What Trump knew or didn't know is still in question.

Get a new Meme. The whore on TV is old an worn out..
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.
Oh, Rudy, Rudy.......if you're supposed to be the Trump "savior", you're turning out to be a much dumber Brutus.

How would anyone interpret this little statement by Rudy to Hannity?

“He fired Comey because Comey would not, among other things, say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation,” .....“He’s entitled to that. Hillary Clinton got that, and he couldn’t get that. So he fired him, and he said, ‘I’m free of this guy.'”

Does Rudy realize he just ran over Trump for firing Comey strictly because Comey would NOT agree to let him off the hook (as Trump tried to do with Comey regarding Flynn)???

With such legal "expertise" on his side, Trump should maybe hire some attorneys from the yellow pages.
I still say Rudy is getting even for something. He sure wanted a plum job in the administration and he didn't get it. Is this payback?
Getting even with whom?

Not Trump. He and Trump planned Rudy’s “bombshell.”
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
And it's a shame Rudy had to go and run his mouth about that on Faux so soon. Avenatti just hit them with a daisy cutter last night, revealing it was in fact a campaign violation; Avenatti evidence bombshell contradicts Giuliani
Avenati is atort lawyer and his expertise is not campaign finance.

He is also a Democrat partisan and has clashed with Trump in the past.

Who is Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing Stormy Daniels?

While at SLU, he worked on campaigns for local Democrats, including then-Rep. Dick Gephardt. The experience allowed him to meet Emanuel, he told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch earlier this month.

Although Avenatti has worked for Democrats, he says he's not politically motivated. "I haven't done anything in politics in 20 years…my client is credible, she's telling the truth," he told CBS News' "60 Minutes" in an interview that aired Sunday.

As an attorney, Avenatti has worked on suits against major accounting firms and celebrities like Paris Hilton. He even sued The Apprentice, Mr. Trump's reality TV show, and its producer Mark Burnett, on behalf of a client who said they had stolen his idea.

After working at a series of big-name legal firms, Avenatti struck out on his own in 2007, according to the Post, and claims to have been the lead counsel on cases that have netted $1 billion in settlements and verdicts. He represented people who sued Jim Carrey in a wrongful-death case that attracted plenty of media attention and was eventually dismissed.

I could explain to you why it is not under campaign finance laws, but I dont have the time to repeat myself fifty times only so that you never understand anyway, lol.
Got it. You don't have the time to explain, but just enough time to post for others. Lol! You do know of course that several federal prosecutors back up what that Tort lawyer had to say, while you haven't the time to explain how they are wrong.? Carry on!
Once again lib loons
If a porn star blackmails you, THAT is the violation of law
No matter how much you really, really, really feel that it is-it's not a violation of law to pay for her to remain silent
Maybe your orange pos buddy should press charges.

If You & I rob a bank together & you hear I am going to talk to the press & you offer me money to keep quiet. That ain't blackmail you stupid, Trump loving moron.
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
I knew the morons would come out in force on this.. Attorney provides services from his accounts. Bills the client and the client pays his bills.. Did he actually know or was it the fact trump had over 300 lawyers and someone else is paid to pay his bills.

Rudy only indicated that he paid the attorney for HIS SERVICES. What Trump knew or didn't know is still in question.

Get a new Meme. The whore on TV is old an worn out..
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.

Personal loans from the candidate -

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.
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Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
I knew the morons would come out in force on this.. Attorney provides services from his accounts. Bills the client and the client pays his bills.. Did he actually know or was it the fact trump had over 300 lawyers and someone else is paid to pay his bills.

Rudy only indicated that he paid the attorney for HIS SERVICES. What Trump knew or didn't know is still in question.

Get a new Meme. The whore on TV is old an worn out..
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.
Say's who? Rudy? Lol! Is it also a "legal bill" to set up payments a few weeks before the election and not be considered hush money that could influence the election? Boss, you'd have to be totally retarded to think otherwise.
I knew the morons would come out in force on this.. Attorney provides services from his accounts. Bills the client and the client pays his bills.. Did he actually know or was it the fact trump had over 300 lawyers and someone else is paid to pay his bills.

Rudy only indicated that he paid the attorney for HIS SERVICES. What Trump knew or didn't know is still in question.

Get a new Meme. The whore on TV is old an worn out..
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.

Personal loans from the candidate -

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

Yep, and because the NDA was signed just 2 weeks before the election, and not back in 2006 when the affair happened, one can reasonably conclude that this NDA was done for the purpose of influencing the election.
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.

Personal loans from the candidate -

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

Yep, and because the NDA was signed just 2 weeks before the election, and not back in 2006 when the affair happened, one can reasonably conclude that this NDA was done for the purpose of influencing the election.

And Gloria Allred bringing her out front and making the long forgotten item, a non issue, an issue had nothing to do with affecting the election???

You Idiots are fucking hilarious...
JimBowie1958, post: 19858275
No, actually lawyers make the best fixers as they know how to walk the legal lines generally and how to avoid inadvertent admissions.

Not if Cohen commits fraud as according to Trumpo (on Air Force One) saying he was representing Trumpo in negotiations with Stormy but Trumpo knew nothing about it.

That's what happened. That's part of why Cohen got his dirty domicile and office raided by the Feds.

So was Trumpo in on the fraud - it's a pretty safe bet that Trumpo was communicating with Cohen during the negotiations but then they decided the best course was to deny knowledge of the entire sordid affair.

Trumpo is a businessman so he gets loans, has many sources for income, profits and loss. He must write business statements all the time. When he signs them he is swearing everything is true.

Do you think Trumpo can declare hush money for a porn star he was banging when his wife just had their kid, as a loss? What if he declared some phony expense and did take a loss. Or perhaps he had an account labeled whoring around money that is perfectly legit.

Then why lie about it until your fixer gets all his records and electronic devices hauled away by the Justice Dept.?

Trumpo is dirty and a pretty shitty human being. This bullshit about Trumpo draining the swamp is a farce. Trumpo is the king of the swamp. If he evaded paying taxes or committed fraud doing business with legitimate business people then his ass should be the one in prison just as soon as his current job title is revoked or runs out.
Are you truly that dumb?


It doesn’t have to. But if it goes towards the campaign, it must be reported. His $130,000 hush money was not reported.
It was a legal bill.

Personal loans from the candidate -

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

Yep, and because the NDA was signed just 2 weeks before the election, and not back in 2006 when the affair happened, one can reasonably conclude that this NDA was done for the purpose of influencing the election.

And Gloria Allred bringing her out front and making the long forgotten item, a non issue, an issue had nothing to do with affecting the election???

You Idiots are fucking hilarious...
What does Gloria Allred have to do with Stormy Daniels?
JimBowie1958, post: 19858275
No, actually lawyers make the best fixers as they know how to walk the legal lines generally and how to avoid inadvertent admissions.

Not if Cohen commits fraud as according to Trumpo (on Air Force One) saying he was representing Trumpo in negotiations with Stormy but Trumpo knew nothing about it.

That's what happened. That's part of why Cohen got his dirty domicile and office raided by the Feds.

So was Trumpo in on the fraud - it's a pretty safe bet that Trumpo was communicating with Cohen during the negotiations but then they decided the best course was to deny knowledge of the entire sordid affair.

Trumpo is a businessman so he gets loans, has many sources for income, profits and loss. He must write budlsinesd statements all the time. When he signs them he is swearing everything is true.

Do you think Trumpo can declare hush money for a porn star he was banging when his wife just had their kid, as a loss? What if he declared some phony expense and did take a loss. Or perhaps he had an account labeled whoring around money that is perfectly legit.

Then why lie about it until your fixer gets all his records and electronic devices hauled away by the Justice Dept.?

Trumpo is dirty and a pretty shitty human being. This bullshit about Trumpo draining the swamp is a farce. Trumpo is the king of the swamp. If he evaded paying taxes or committed fraud doing business with legitimate business people then his ass should be the one in prison just as soon as his current job title is revoked or runs out.
I wonder how Cohen feels about Trump throwing him to the wolves?
JimBowie1958, post: 19858275
No, actually lawyers make the best fixers as they know how to walk the legal lines generally and how to avoid inadvertent admissions.
Not if Cohen commits fraud as according to Trumpo (on Air Force One) saying he was representing Trumpo in negotiations with Stormy but Trumpo knew nothing about it.
Dude that is how the Fix It Man relationship works; the Fixer does the dirty work and sends the bill while the client knows as little as possible to boost plausible deniability.

Of course Cohen paid the hush money and of course he represented Trump while informing Trump very little about the details.
'An MO For Other More Serious Crimes'

I know everyone has a take on this Rudy/Cohen shit-show, but I thought I would give you some perspective from someone steeped in anti-corruption enforcement (both domestic and foreign) on the prosecution and defense side.

As we already know, Michael Cohen is the prototypical fixer or bagman. In Mexico, as discussed in glorious detail in this NY Times expose on Wal-Mart’s massive corruption scandal in Mexico , a lawyer-fixer like Cohen would be known as a “gestore.” The bagman’s job is to get bribe money to people while insulating and giving deniability to the ultimate payor of the bribe. Having a dirty lawyer as a bagman provides a number of advantages.

First, bribe money can be laundered from the “client” through the lawyer as fictitious legal services. The lawyer can issue bogus invoices to the client in amounts sufficient to cover bribe payments, a commission to the lawyer, and a gross-up for any taxes the lawyer would have to pay on the fee income (bagmen, after all, don’t want to be stuck paying taxes on amounts they pay out as bribes). Sound familiar?

Second, by disguising the bribes as payments for legal fees, businesses can try to write them off as expenses (bribes are not deductible). This is tax evasion, of course, but it is common practice for the corrupt. Third, the lawyer-client relationship can be an impediment to law enforcement. It can be very difficult for prosecutors to pierce what appears on the surface to be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

So now we have Giuliani confirming that this is exactly how Trump and Cohen operated. Hush money to Stormy Daniels is one thing and certainly raises potential serious campaign finance violations, but she is not a public official. What I find most significant about Rudy’s admission is what it says about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Cohen and how it suggests an M.O. for other more serious crimes.

Trump is a major real estate developer in NY who has openly bragged about his ability to cut through red tape and get politicians in his pocket. We now have serious SDNY public corruption prosecutors and FBI agents in possession of a massive amount of electronic data from his bagman. They likely already have all of his financial records as well. And Rudy has now given them the roadmap for how Trump may have laundered bribes through Cohen as purported legal fees or retainer payments. Every invoice Cohen has ever issued to Trump is suspect. Every corrupt payment Cohen has ever made or facilitated to building inspectors, councilmen, pornstars, or whomever can potentially be tied back to Trump. In addition, I suspect Trump and his kids had a false sense of comfort that their communications with Cohen would be privileged. I am convinced this is why Trump and his family are freaking out about the Cohen raid and the possibility he could flip. The SDNY is sitting on the mother lode of evidence and Rudy has given them the connection between purported legal fees and payments by Cohen to third parties.
How does President Pence sound to you? :)
So, you are admitting Trump is guilty and cutting him loose? Very smart of you. no guarantee that Pence will ever be elected..Trump has so damaged the Republican brand that I doubt that Pence will ever win anything.
I was very clear, but I will expound for you slower thinkers.

The hyper-emotional response from the Left for being so devastatingly, historically, and easily defeated has produced an hysteria heretofore unwitnessed in our lifetimes. Their massive efforts to unseat the most accomplished POTUS since Reagan, if successful, will result in President Pence.

For Patriots, it's win-win. :)

Yeah, here’s the thing. Using more words will not negate the amount of quicksand Don the Con is in.
Then welcome President Pence. :)
JimBowie1958, post: 19858275
No, actually lawyers make the best fixers as they know how to walk the legal lines generally and how to avoid inadvertent admissions.
Not if Cohen commits fraud as according to Trumpo (on Air Force One) saying he was representing Trumpo in negotiations with Stormy but Trumpo knew nothing about it.
Dude that is how the Fix It Man relationship works; the Fixer does the dirty work and sends the bill while the client knows as little as possible to boost plausible deniability.

Of course Cohen paid the hush money and of course he represented Trump while informing Trump very little about the details.
Ignorance is not an excuse in law.
Big deal all politicians are known for paying off female and male porn stars all the time. Conservative christians are cool with it, it's a big part of their lifestyle. This is normal stuff
Once again lib loons
If a porn star blackmails you, THAT is the violation of law
No matter how much you really, really, really feel that it is-it's not a violation of law to pay for her to remain silent

It didn't happen. There was no blackmail. Christ, I'd half-kill for the other side to investigate and think instead of hear lies and react.

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