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Giuliani Sharpens Liberal Credentials

Well I will vote for him if by some idiotic chance he wins nomination. The choice being between him and any of the people the dems will run. Just like a lot of people voted for Bush in 2004, the only other choice was Kerry and that just wasn't gonna fly.
I do know what I want

The issues most important to me is the war on terror, keeping the Bush tax cuts, and conservative Judges

And yet Rudy will probably appoint pro-choice judges...so how can you say you're being intellectually honest? You're not. You're a sounding board for Republican Party talking points. It's sad, really, people don't even consider you an actual human being.
And yet Rudy will probably appoint pro-choice judges...so how can you say you're being intellectually honest? You're not. You're a sounding board for Republican Party talking points. It's sad, really, people don't even consider you an actual human being.

He has said many times, he will appoint Judges in the mold of Scalia and Thomas
You are in a mindless Conservative company...how can you be a Conservative supporting a pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control LIBERAL?

You can't.

You are too unintelligent to see the difference.

Why are you so afraid of Rudy?

He will cream Hillary or Obama in the election

He was good last night and made some great comments in the debate
Why are you so afraid of Rudy?

He will cream Hillary or Obama in the election

He was good last night and made some great comments in the debate

I'm afraid of Rudy because I'm pro-life, anti-gun control and anti-gay marriage.

I guess you love him because you are anti-life, pro gun control, and pro-gay marriage. You are a LIBERAL!
I'm afraid of Rudy because I'm pro-life, anti-gun control and anti-gay marriage.

I guess you love him because you are anti-life, pro gun control, and pro-gay marriage. You are a LIBERAL!

Keep trying. You are doing your best no matter how badly your results
He is on the RECORD as pro-choice, pro-gun control, and pro-gay rights...

Keep trying, you Lib

He has already addressed those issues

Unlike REAL libs, he will not impose his personal viewpoints on the rest of us

Again, many well know conservatives are backing Rudy - much to the dismay of the left
Why are you so afraid of Rudy?

He will cream Hillary or Obama in the election

He was good last night and made some great comments in the debate

yes i'm sure that a carbon-copy of the worst-polling president in recent memory will roll all over the democratic nominee, considering how the '06 elections turned out, a republican win is a sure thing in '08

especially when he's even more of a commie-socialist than bush is, that will really fire up the grassroots republican base and get them to show up in droves
yes i'm sure that a carbon-copy of the worst-polling president in recent memory will roll all over the democratic nominee, considering how the '06 elections turned out, a republican win is a sure thing in '08

especially when he's even more of a commie-socialist than bush is, that will really fire up the grassroots republican base and get them to show up in droves

I know it is early, but Rudy beats Hillary in FL, NY, PA, and in OH

Dems lied thru their teeth to win in 06

They have broken every promise they made to get elected
I think they have held to their promises tooth and nail, rsr.

I know it is early, but Rudy beats Hillary in FL, NY, PA, and in OH
Dems lied thru their teeth to win in 06
They have broken every promise they made to get elected

Hearings take time and the truth is only now slowly being released. Each day grows a little darker for the economics liars and the chickenhawks. Not to mention the crooks in our offices of Law Enforcement, pedro.
I think they have held to their promises tooth and nail, rsr.

Lets see, Dems promised:

Not to raise taxes - they passed a $400 billion tax increase

Not to cut and run form Iraq - that is what they want to do

They would stand up to terrorists - they passed their surrender bill

They would work with Republicans - Pelosi now wants to change the Hoiuse rules that would silence Republicans

They would get rid of pork - the pork is growing in spending bills

They would reduce Congressional perks - Andrews AFB is busy with Dems taking trips at taxpayer expense

Hearings take time and the truth is only now slowly being released. Each day grows a little darker for the economics liars and the chickenhawks. Not to mention the crooks in our offices of Law Enforcement, pedro.

Many polls are showing about 50% will not vote for Hillary - period

Her negatives are higher then her positives - the voters are seeing her for what she really is

A Northeastern liberal
yes i'm sure that a carbon-copy of the worst-polling president in recent memory will roll all over the democratic nominee, considering how the '06 elections turned out, a republican win is a sure thing in '08

especially when he's even more of a commie-socialist than bush is, that will really fire up the grassroots republican base and get them to show up in droves

GOP's best hope is a New York Catholic

Rudy Giuliani went into the most recent Republican presidential debate as the front-runner, and he emerged as the front-runner. And he's doing it, to coin a phrase, his way.

The spectacle of 10 hopefuls onstage in South Carolina, all yakking away, might be wearying, even to the GOP faithful, but fairness requires that everyone have a shot.

Besides, some new stars will emerge. For example, not only did former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee have the funniest line of the night - "We've had a Congress that's spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop" - but it was also maybe the truest line. True about the wastrel ways of Capitol Hill, and true about the foppish ways of John Edwards.

Huckabee bids to be what George W. Bush was supposed to be when elected in 2000: a compassionate conservative holding a strong gubernatorial record, determined to bring Christian teaching to the public square on issues ranging from education to abortion.

And while Huckabee stands out for his earnest willingness to wrestle with issues such as public health, the presidential wannabes mostly presented themselves as social-issue conservatives. For that, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who died Tuesday morning, can claim enormous credit. Since the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the Republican Party has been firmly in the grip of Sunbelt social-issue conservatives.

Even Sen. John McCain, who flirted with ideological deviationism and once directly attacked Falwell as "an agent of intolerance," has fallen back into the fold. He made a mea culpa pilgrimage to Falwell's Liberty University last year.

But now comes the exception that probes the Republican rule: Giuliani, who maintains moderate-to-liberal social-issue views. In 2008, says the former New York City mayor, America must focus on the global war on terror. Over and over again Tuesday, Giuliani shifted pointed questions about domestic issues back to his preferred turf of counter-terrorism. Twice he cited the arrests of the "Fort Dix Six" as a reminder that America faces real threats. Dealing with those threats, Giuliani argued, must take precedence over social-issue litmus tests.

Will it work? Will Giuliani be able to win the nomination, thereby undoing three decades of Falwell-esque orthodoxy? Certainly Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) did his best to help - help Giuliani, that is. Paul, an anti-interventionist libertarian, has for years critiqued American foreign policy. And if he were advancing his arguments at leisurely academic seminars, he might do pretty well, recalling such forgotten (by Americans) incidents as Uncle Sam's overthrowing the elected government of Iran back in 1953.

But in the sound-bitten world of presidential politics, Paul was demolished by Giuliani's stern response to the Texan's blaming 9/11 on our foreign policy. As in the wake of Pearl Harbor, nobody here was interested in looking at things from the Japanese viewpoint.

Yet, while Giuliani shows great enthusiasm for carrying on Bush's war on terror, every other aspect of his candidacy breaks the familiar mold. In a party dominated by Southern Baptists, he is a Northeastern Catholic. He is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control.

In addition, stylistically, Giuliani is far different from the incumbent president. Whereas Bush as a war leader chose to focus on broad themes, leaving the details for others to handle - or not - Giuliani advertises himself as detail-oriented, determined to cut through the clutter to get results.

It's hard to imagine that a President Giuliani, for instance, would have let Osama bin Laden slip away back in 2001, or let the Iraq war drag out for all these years, with our military so ill equipped. Giuliani is that rare political combination: moderate ideologically, but not mushy personally. He has the hard edge of an ideologue, but not the rigidity or extremism.

So today, with another debate behind him, Giuliani seems to be the most "nominate-able" of the Republicans. And probably the most electable.

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