Give Lois Lerner A Nickel


Sep 23, 2010
H. Res. 644 could turn into a nice thing if it is adopted by the House:

. . . the House of Representatives is considering whether to send Lois Lerner to jail for contempt of Congress.

Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, has just submitted a resolution, HR 664, which finds Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before a congressional committee.


The resolution only has to pass the House, not the Senate, to go into effect.
Arresting Lois Lerner should lead to greater things:

Stockman said, “Asking the Justice Department to prosecute Lois Lerner for admittedly illegal activity is a joke. The Obama administration will not prosecute the Obama administration.”

He added, “How much longer will the House allow itself to be mocked? It is up to this House to uphold the rule of law and hold accountable those who illegally targeted American citizens for simply having different ideas than the president.”

Resolution filed ordering arrest of Lois Lerner
Congress takes 1st step toward jailing former IRS division chief
Published: 17 hours ago

Resolution filed ordering arrest of Lois Lerner

There is not a chance that nest of traitors in the Senate will ever standup to the president, but there is a chance the House might do it on this issue. I make it even money.

NOTE: Refusing to go along with a president on legislation, budgets, and so on is not the same thing as reining in unconstitutional presidential authority. Sending one, or more, of his top bureaucrats to jail undermines the president’s authority among bureaucrats. In other words in order to rein in the president you first have to rein in the bureaucrats.

The max

I had no success finding out the max Lerner could do in the Graystone Hotel. I think it’s like journalists. They stay in the slammer until they talk. Journalists usually get out before they talk; so I’d be happier if Lerner was facing a prescribed nickel for each offense in addition to losing her pension, etc.

I do not expect the MSM to talk about possible penalties. Should Judge Napolitano inform the public I’ll post it —— if I see it.

Finally, you gotta love the concern shown for the VIII Amendment incorporated in the last sentence of H. Res. 644. Giving Lois Lerner access to a computer would be cruel and unusual punishment.


Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress

Whereas Lois G. Lerner, former Director, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service, has been found to be in contempt of Congress for willfully and intentionally refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thereby obstructing the Congress in the lawful exercise of its constitutionally mandated legislative powers; and,

Whereas such behavior is an insult to the dignity of the House of Representatives, an attack upon the integrity of its proceedings, works violence upon the rights of the House collectively, and therefore implicates the long-recognized inherent power of the House to punish and commit for contempt, privileged under the Constitution; and,

Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,

Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;

Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Speaker issue his warrant, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms, or his deputy, commanding him to arrest and take into custody forthwith, wherever to be found, the body of Lois G. Lerner, and bring her to the bar of the House without delay to answer to the charge of contempt of its authority, breach of its privileges, and gross and wanton insult to the integrity of its proceedings, and in the meantime keep the body of Lerner in his custody in the common jail of the District of Columbia, subject to the further order of the House. While in custody, Lerner shall enjoy no special privileges beyond those extended to her fellow inmates, shall not access any computer or telephone, and shall not be visited by anyone other than her counsel, clergy, physician, or family.

Text of Stockman Resolution Calling for House to Arrest Lois Lerner
By David Eldridge Posted at 6:33 p.m. on July 10

Text of Stockman Resolution Calling for House to Arrest Lois Lerner | 218
Contumacious, a new word for me. I would have a heart attack if I was the target of this arrest warrant with the possibility of losing my pension.

Mrs. Lerner must be having an anxiety attack by now.
And some more conservatives let their Stalinist freak flag fly.

If they're an enemy of TheParty, they obviously need to be imprisoned. Flanders here is jonesin' for a gulag archipelago, just like the Soviets had, to hold the vast numbers of political prisoners that have committed CrimesAgainstTheParty.
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And some more conservatives let their Stalinist freak flag fly.

If they're an enemy of TheParty, they obviously need to be imprisoned. Flanders here is jonesin' for a gulag archipelago, just like the Soviets had, to hold the vast numbers of political prisoners that have committed CrimesAgainstTheParty.

Did you "think" this up all by yourself?
And some more conservatives let their Stalinist freak flag fly.

If they're an enemy of TheParty, they obviously need to be imprisoned. Flanders here is jonesin' for a gulag archipelago, just like the Soviets had, to hold the vast numbers of political prisoners that have committed CrimesAgainstTheParty.

Stalinist? :lol::lol::lol: That applies to your Obama more than anyone else in the history of this country. And I am including FDR.
And some more conservatives let their Stalinist freak flag fly.

If they're an enemy of TheParty, they obviously need to be imprisoned. Flanders here is jonesin' for a gulag archipelago, just like the Soviets had, to hold the vast numbers of political prisoners that have committed CrimesAgainstTheParty.

Did you "think" this up all by yourself?

No. mammy is a parrot. It can't think for itself.
That applies to your Obama more than anyone else in the history of this country. And I am including FDR.

I'm assuming it's your voices that told you Obama has sent people to camps. You really should tune those voices out. They always lead you astray.

I also notice you're not opposing turning Lerner into a political prisoner. Nor will any Republican oppose it. It's that authoritarian thing that they do so well.
The recent hard on for Lerner is interesting.

The OP would like to imprison this woman without trial "until she talks"?

If you make a big enough stink about Lerner....and then she is perp walked for any reason at get to pretend like this entire charade had a point of some kind.
That applies to your Obama more than anyone else in the history of this country. And I am including FDR.

I'm assuming it's your voices that told you Obama has sent people to camps. You really should tune those voices out. They always lead you astray.

I also notice you're not opposing turning Lerner into a political prisoner. Nor will any Republican oppose it. It's that authoritarian thing that they do so well.

The recent hard on for Lerner is interesting.

The OP would like to imprison this woman without trial "until she talks"?

If you make a big enough stink about Lerner....and then she is perp walked for any reason at get to pretend like this entire charade had a point of some kind.

To mamooth & lonelaugher: Political prisoner! Hard on! Come on guys, give it a rest. She can always steal when she gets out!

[ame=]I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang - I Steal! - YouTube[/ame]​
The recent hard on for Lerner is interesting.

The OP would like to imprison this woman without trial "until she talks"?

If you make a big enough stink about Lerner....and then she is perp walked for any reason at get to pretend like this entire charade had a point of some kind.

you hear from the right all the time about how we lefties ignore the constitution ... here we have the right ignoring her constitutional right to clame the 5th.... where they threaten her with jail... if thats not interesting I don't know what is...
The recent hard on for Lerner is interesting.

The OP would like to imprison this woman without trial "until she talks"?

If you make a big enough stink about Lerner....and then she is perp walked for any reason at get to pretend like this entire charade had a point of some kind.

you hear from the right all the time about how we lefties ignore the constitution ... here we have the right ignoring her constitutional right to clame the 5th.... where they threaten her with jail... if thats not interesting I don't know what is...

She made a statement and then invoked the 5th. That's a violation. Had she kept her stupid mouth shut she would be relatively safe. But, like most progressives, she felt she was smarter than everyone else, and also felt she was above the law.

Just like you, she was wrong.
Westwall, how severely will someone have to offend TheParty before you'll ship them off? Will you run a network of citizen-informers as big as Stasi had in East Germany, or will it be bigger?

Building all those gulags will be expensive. To save TheParty some money, you might want to outsource some of your political prisoners to North Korea, as they already have the camps built.

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