"Give me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri
Where do you get bad Christian out of that?

Are people today who deny that obama is the messiah bad Christians?
He was a Patriot for liberty from a Tyrannical King and liberty for any and all Religious faiths.
I don't understand why you think the two are separate.

Bad Christian?
Christians are suppose to remain silent?
He supported the Amendments to the Constitution and the very fist one was freedom of Religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to peacefully assemble to protest against Government polices.
Leddley made a comment to tipofthespear poster that Christians on this board are not Christians because of what they write. To the best of my knowledge I don't see any Christians here cursing their heads off, insulting people calling them stupid, whackos, etc so I must assume Leddley believes it isn't alright for a Christian to speak up for their country - or participate in any political discussion.

According to another writer - Deidre - Christians are haters if they speak out against evil or despise evil that is done. Deidre believes any Christian or Jew who opposes him in written word is a bad example for Christianity and Judaism. So where are these people coming up with this?

Should Patrick Henry have kept quiet because he was a Christian? Yes or no?
Where do you get bad Christian out of that?

Are people today who deny that obama is the messiah bad Christians?

According to some people on this board who depend on personal attacks & cut and pastes instead of rational responses for their posts? YES.
He was a Patriot for liberty from a Tyrannical King and liberty for any and all Religious faiths.
I don't understand why you think the two are separate.

Bad Christian?
Christians are suppose to remain silent?
He supported the Amendments to the Constitution and the very fist one was freedom of Religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to peacefully assemble to protest against Government polices.

I'll get straight to the point here. I agree with you but it does appear the latest tool the slanderers of Christianity & Judaism have pulled out of their bag is the idea that one must label Christians ( and Jews ) as haters and despisers of all mankind because they speak out against evil. I'd like to put that myth down by addressing it now. The only way to get to the bottom of it is to expose what they are trying to do here.
The post belongs in the rubber room.

No it does not. It belongs on the politics forum because it is a political tactic the left is using to silence those on the right. So address it but don't try to bury it. It is a valid question.

Can a Christian still be a Christian why speaking out against evil when it concerns the evil coming out of our own government? If they do should they be labeled haters and despisers of people? No?

Then why are the liberals here doing that to the conservative christians on this board?

I say it is dirty politics.
We have an intolerant lefty agenda that can't do what it really wants, which is big Government control.
Therefore they need to attack and demonize any and all who have a different point of view.
They actually think that collectivism works and that individuals can not govern themselves and therefore needs Government to tell them what they can and can not do.
I agree. They don't have a leg to stand on.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. - Socrates
Leddley made a comment to tipofthespear poster that Christians on this board are not Christians because of what they write. To the best of my knowledge I don't see any Christians here cursing their heads off, insulting people calling them stupid, whackos, etc so I must assume Leddley believes it isn't alright for a Christian to speak up for their country - or participate in any political discussion.

According to another writer - Deidre - Christians are haters if they speak out against evil or despise evil that is done. Deidre believes any Christian or Jew who opposes him in written word is a bad example for Christianity and Judaism. So where are these people coming up with this?

Should Patrick Henry have kept quiet because he was a Christian? Yes or no?


The bible accurately predicted that the whole world will hate Christians during tribulation.
Why is that?
Because Christianity is against immorality and unethical behavior.
The left do not like the ideology that the individual is responsible for their own behavior.
You as a person should be responsible for your own actions.
This ideology goes against the lefts agenda of taking care of everyone because they can't do it. They are not capable of doing it so Big Brother must do it for them.
With this lefty ideology you can then have the one world government which will promise lies of peace in the world and equality for all, when in reality it is about control over all of the citizens of the world.
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri
What does Christianity have to do with politics? Are you trying to hammer the round peg of Christianity into the square hole of American patriotism?
So today Patrick Henry would be as hated as let's say............Michele Bachmann???
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri
What does Christianity have to do with politics? Are you trying to hammer the round peg of Christianity into the square hole of American patriotism?

The left has made it an issue. Look at how you have treated Michele Bachmann!
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri
What does Christianity have to do with politics? Are you trying to hammer the round peg of Christianity into the square hole of American patriotism?

The left has made it an issue. Look at how you have treated Michele Bachmann!
No. YOU made it an issue in your OP. Michelle Bachmann cannot be compared to Patrick Henry anymore than the San Diego Chicken can be compared to the American Bald Eagle.
So today Patrick Henry would be as hated as let's say............Michele Bachmann???
Patrick Henry would not have made the outrageous claims Bachmann did and still be in the history books.

Be specific. What claims has she made Patrick Henry would not have approved of? List them. I'd like a link so the reader can verify your claims here also. thanks.
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri

I believe Patrick Henry was speaking as a Patriot and not as a Catholic
What does Christianity have to do with politics? Are you trying to hammer the round peg of Christianity into the square hole of American patriotism?

The left has made it an issue. Look at how you have treated Michele Bachmann!
No. YOU made it an issue in your OP. Michelle Bachmann cannot be compared to Patrick Henry anymore than the San Diego Chicken can be compared to the American Bald Eagle.

Why not? She stood up to CAIR and Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison while the rest of you cowered in a corner and said nothing. Why not use Bachmann as the Christian example today of one speaking out as Patrick Henry did for love of his Country?
Question to the board. Did Patrick Henry speak out against evil and defend his country because he was a Christian or because he was an Amerian Patriot who loved his country?

What motivated him and would he be accused today of being a bad christian because he spoke up?

Yes or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers. - Jeri

I believe Patrick Henry was speaking as a Patriot and not as a Catholic

He was a born again Christian. He wasn't Catholic. - Jeri

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