give them the boot


Apr 3, 2011
hey government( so called) when are you fat cats going to do something about these illegal mexicans here in our country? they are bleeding the tax papers dry with all the special programs that you knuckle heads have made for them.

you want to give them seasonal work and have a monitoring program fine, but today they are taking jobs from americans, cement work, painting, carpentry, landscaping and more, its way past time you bone heads do something about this mess you all have allowed.

you better start allowing the law enforcement to start cleaning up on these law breakers, try to do what these law breakers are doing here in mexico, you would be in jail for ransom or shot or beat.

the american people ought to be sick and tired of this mishandling of the immigration laws that are in place but being ignored by you so called law makers, what a joke you high payed officials? are.

anyone who has made up these b.s. excuses for these illegals, should be throwed out of office, better yet sent to mexico.

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