Given the recent "mood" of SCOTUS. should immigration reform be tackled next?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Fully realizing that the Obama EO has been under an injunction by a Texan federal judge, and that the DOJ plans on fighting against such an injunction at the 5th Circuit, does anyone else believe that the issue should be fast tracked and finally settled by the US Supreme Court?
Fully realizing that the Obama EO has been under an injunction by a Texan federal judge, and that the DOJ plans on fighting against such an injunction at the 5th Circuit, does anyone else believe that the issue should be fast tracked and finally settled by the US Supreme Court?

it does not matter they are going to do what they want. Expressing our opinion is just for sport.
it does not matter they are going to do what they want. Expressing our opinion is just for sport.

Well, not really.......The SC is highly political; when Obama and millions of others criticized them over Citizen United, they took offense. When Roberts realized how much the GOP would suffer if the ACA was declared unconstitutional. he reversed his convictions.
it does not matter they are going to do what they want. Expressing our opinion is just for sport.

Well, not really.......The SC is highly political; when Obama and millions of others criticized them over Citizen United, they took offense. When Roberts realized how much the GOP would suffer if the ACA was declared unconstitutional. he reversed his convictions.

This time around the court was not deciding if the law was constitutional or not. The worse that would have happened is that he kicked it back to Congress for them to fix, as they should have. The language said what it said there was no Constitutional issue. With the ass kissing Obama is now getting from the Republicans that would not have been a problem and the Republicans would have looked like the good guys fixing the democrats screw up, and it was a monumental screw up. Matter of fact if i were running the RNC I would have amended the bill before it went to the SCOTUS. But Republicans are too stupid and were focused on shoving Obamatrade onto America.

As for caring about what we think it is obvious that the left bend of the court is reflected in this board. Say one thing counter to the left and a person is labeled a denier nut, hater, divider, ...........on and on. The court is just a little more polite when ignoring all but their own ideology.
Republicans would have looked like the good guys fixing the democrats screw up, and it was a monumental screw up. Matter of fact if i were running the RNC I would have amended the bill before it went to the SCOTUS. But Republicans are too stupid and were focused on shoving Obamatrade onto America.

You do realize (probably not) that the ACA is basically a REPUBLICAN plan, don;t you??? (including the dreaded mandate.)
The far left hates as hard as the far right.

It's just the far right yells louder on this Board, so it gets smacked around harder on this Board.
1. Build the damned wall/fence.

2. Tighten up visa enforcement.

3. THEN deal with "immigration reform."

No need to fast track anything until after 2016.
1. Build the damned wall/fence.

2. Tighten up visa enforcement.

3. THEN deal with "immigration reform."

No need to fast track anything until after 2016.
Nope. Secure border, punish businesses, immigration reform. All or nothing. Neither the left nor the right can be trusted to keep their filthy word.
You do realize (probably not) that the ACA is basically a REPUBLICAN plan, don;t you??? (including the dreaded mandate.)
This lie is STILL circulating?

Or has enough time gone by since the last time it was debunked, that the leftist fanatics think people have forgotten, and they can re-introduce it again as though it hadn't been?
1. Build the damned wall/fence.

2. Tighten up visa enforcement.

3. THEN deal with "immigration reform."

No need to fast track anything until after 2016.
Nope. Secure border, punish businesses, immigration reform. All or nothing. Neither the left nor the right can be trusted to keep their filthy word.

We tried that in the 1980's and learned that we have to secure the border FIRST (or else it won't happen).
1. Build the damned wall/fence.

2. Tighten up visa enforcement.

3. THEN deal with "immigration reform."

No need to fast track anything until after 2016.
Nope. Secure border, punish businesses, immigration reform. All or nothing. Neither the left nor the right can be trusted to keep their filthy word.

We tried that in the 1980's and learned that we have to secure the border FIRST (or else it won't happen).
No, we did not. Let's do it all right, in one package.
s lie is STILL circulating?

Or has enough time gone by since the last time it was debunked, that the leftist fanatics think people have forgotten, and they can re-introduce it again as though it hadn't been?

You can say tomayto and I can say toma-toe but here are the facts.

The republican bill introduced, the Health Equity and Access Reform Today, (yes, that spells HEART) had a list of 20 co-sponsors that was a who’s who of Republican leadership. There was Minority Leader Bob Dole, R- Kan., Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and many others. There also were two Democratic co-sponsors.

Among other features, the republican bill included:
An individual mandate;
Creation of purchasing pools;
Standardized benefits;
Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.

Sound familiar????
Given the recent "mood" of SCOTUS. should immigration reform be tackled next?

No, polygamy. Then after that, parental rights to agree to gender-change surgery for teen minors; after they've been properly drugged to "be the right gender". Those will be a shoe in.

You know, if the US Supreme Court denies polygamy marriage, I'm going to LOVE comparing the two Rulings for legal flaws based on "everyone has a right to marry those they love.." The number 2 is no more legally magical than the words man/woman.... :popcorn:
You know, if the US Supreme Court denies polygamy marriage, I'm going to LOVE comparing the two Rulings for legal flaws based on "everyone has a right to marry those they love.." The number 2 is no more legally magical than the words man/woman.... :popcorn:

Go ahead, then marry yourself and claim TWO for your tax returns; heck, claim that you have double personalities....dumb and dumber.
You know, if the US Supreme Court denies polygamy marriage, I'm going to LOVE comparing the two Rulings for legal flaws based on "everyone has a right to marry those they love.." The number 2 is no more legally magical than the words man/woman.... :popcorn:

Go ahead, then marry yourself and claim TWO for your tax returns; heck, claim that you have double personalities....dumb and dumber.

Speaking of dumb and dumber...
You know, if the US Supreme Court denies polygamy marriage, I'm going to LOVE comparing the two Rulings for legal flaws based on "everyone has a right to marry those they love.." The number 2 is no more legally magical than the words man/woman.... :popcorn:

Go ahead, then marry yourself and claim TWO for your tax returns; heck, claim that you have double personalities....dumb and dumber.
Are you now telling how you avoid taxes by your split personalities or will you tell us how you get the ssn's for these and your imaginary voters at election.....................

SCOTUS has become a Kangaroo court.............and our gov't are whores to the highest bidder................They both want cheaper labor............and one side wants the votes...............either way they have no interest in fixing the problem......They sold their souls long ago............but you probably don't believe in souls either.............Being a gnat you are probably an atheist anyway.
SCOTUS has become a Kangaroo court.............and our gov't are whores to the highest bidder................They both want cheaper labor............and one side wants the votes...............either way they have no interest in fixing the problem......They sold their souls long ago............but you probably don't believe in souls either.............Being a gnat you are probably an atheist anyway.

Well Beagle now that you got that rant taken care of, flush and wash you hands thoroughly...Sarcasm is lost on idiots like you with hatred in their heart....

Funny how you were all for the SCOTUS when it came to Gore v. Bush and Citizen United....but now....................
SCOTUS has become a Kangaroo court.............and our gov't are whores to the highest bidder................They both want cheaper labor............and one side wants the votes...............either way they have no interest in fixing the problem......They sold their souls long ago............but you probably don't believe in souls either.............Being a gnat you are probably an atheist anyway.

Well Beagle now that you got that rant taken care of, flush and wash you hands thoroughly...Sarcasm is lost on idiots like you with hatred in their heart....

Funny how you were all for the SCOTUS when it came to Gore v. Bush and Citizen United....but now....................
Courts are politically pushed......unless you live under a rock...............

If not then the vote should have been 100% now shouldn't it.....................because they put in the ones that will vote their politics over those that will vote the law and the law alone......................

Either way, your side pushes agendas through Judicial Activism that you can't get passed through Congress or in the States..............

Just like they do so with the EPA all the time..............
If not then the vote should have been 100% now shouldn't it.....................because they put in the ones that will vote their politics over those that will vote the law and the law alone......................

Either way, your side pushes agendas through Judicial Activism that you can't get passed through Congress or in the States..............

Nitwit, must you be reminded that Justice Kennedy is a republican nominee???

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