Given the very low rate of corporate crime prosecution, why are cons so convinced government...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?
Government corruption is far worse because it has unlimited funds to carry out it's agenda. It also has the military to enforce it's agenda. We're getting a taste of that corrupt power right now with our current tyrant and it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Another person who thinks from the perspective hate. To start a thread with insults, it shows us that the mentality that was Bigotry is simply human nature.

As Democrats were the KKK, they have moved on now that you can not kill Black people anymore, the new target is the evil Conservative.

Scumbags we are, only Democrats are good, Republicans are automatically evil, its simple black and white, so says the Bigot.

Given time, there will be another Holocaust, this time it will be the Evil Conservatives who grow food or sell gas.

Yes, time for the Goooood Democrats to control everything, just like they controlled the price of oil for so long, kept it at record highs to punish the Evil Republicans.

Please sir, tell me who to hate.....
It's certainly true that corporations are the source of most of the problems in America, at least economic and environmental. However, government and business have become so inexorably tied together in the past 30 years that much of the corporate agenda is enacted through politicians elected by catering to the wealthiest donors.
Yet another Billy Triple Nada troll thread.
Hey, Billy. There arent many corporate prosecutions because there isnt much corporate crime. Even under Obama who tries to criminalize bad judgment.
Government cant be fired or go out of business so their corruption is much worse.
It's certainly true that corporations are the source of most of the problems in America, at least economic and environmental. However, government and business have become so inexorably tied together in the past 30 years that much of the corporate agenda is enacted through politicians elected by catering to the wealthiest donors.
Another fallacy.
Another person who thinks from the perspective hate. To start a thread with insults, it shows us that the mentality that was Bigotry is simply human nature.

As Democrats were the KKK, they have moved on now that you can not kill Black people anymore, the new target is the evil Conservative.

Scumbags we are, only Democrats are good, Republicans are automatically evil, its simple black and white, so says the Bigot.

Given time, there will be another Holocaust, this time it will be the Evil Conservatives who grow food or sell gas.

Yes, time for the Goooood Democrats to control everything, just like they controlled the price of oil for so long, kept it at record highs to punish the Evil Republicans.

Please sir, tell me who to hate.....
Democrats are simply the lesser of two evils. more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?
Let Me know when you have proof of a CEO targeting and killing an American citizen without so much as a show trail.

I wonder if anyone will be going to jail for that? more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?
Let Me know when you have proof of a CEO targeting and killing an American citizen without so much as a show trail.

I wonder if anyone will be going to jail for that?
I'm sure under certain circumstances a CEO could get away with such a crime... more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?
Let Me know when you have proof of a CEO targeting and killing an American citizen without so much as a show trail.

I wonder if anyone will be going to jail for that?
I'm sure under certain circumstances a CEO could get away with such a crime...
You know this because? Ohyeah, you're stupid and make shit up. more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?
Let Me know when you have proof of a CEO targeting and killing an American citizen without so much as a show trail.

I wonder if anyone will be going to jail for that?
I'm sure under certain circumstances a CEO could get away with such a crime...
So, you've got nothing.
Here are a couple truisms that many people are incapable of understanding.

10882237_10152650797413935_3358909751527152647_n.jpg more evil?

Sure government of today has its share of scandals, but they don't even compare to the scandals you see in the private sector.

Repubs are too much of scumbags to acknowledge the theft of oil by Koch industries, or the oppressive power Monsanto has over farmers. How about the cheap labor Apple makes a killing off of in China that results in many workers committing suicide?

I'm sure some insipid cons are going to tell me "you hate capitalism you socialist! Derp, derp, derp."

Try thinking realistically will you?

Man you are hitting all cylinders today...haha.
You realize that if there would have been any punishments leveled after 2008 - it would have occurred while the Democrats carried a super majority? You know that right?
You also know that there has never been a greater friend to wall street and super corporations than this President - you know that right?
You know there has NEVER been a better time to be wealthy in America...right? You know that since 2009, the top 7% wage earners have lavished in an unprecedented 30% earnings increase - while the remaining 93% of those WHO HAVE JOBS have suffered a 5% decrease in earnings. You do know this?
Your funny. Thanks for the laugh. Keep em' coming

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