Zone1 Giving up the search for God

What seems logical to you who professes to believe that God is edible simply because you believe it may not be sound advice, especially since I already know that at this time there are long established protocols and procedures for such an unlikely event and so it's up to you, people, not me, to take the next logical step.

How is it that you don't already know the only right course to take?
Dude, you're the one who thinks he has all the answers and that every church will teach your beliefs. That's not going to happen unless you actually publish your beliefs.
It's already spreading around the world like an out of control raging wildfire in a dead wood forest.
What is already spreading around the world like an out of control raging wildfire in a dead wood forest?

I guess it must be a secret out of control raging wildfire in a dead wood forest. :laugh:

But if it's a secret out of control raging wildfire in a dead wood forest and it's spreading all around the world and no one notices it is it really being spread around?
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Right. I don't believe in bullshit. I don't think Trump is the savior of Christianity. I think he's just a lowlife con, a real life devil possessing the souls of cowardly politicians and people on TV, live and in living color. He holds the bible that he has never read like he's holding a doggie bag full of shit.

However, Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be sane enough to jump around like a monkey for Jesus squeaking and gibbering.

Maybe one day I'll be sane enough to seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands and lie my ass off about Jesus and God just like you. I doubt it though. I lack the faith. lol

Woe is me!
Secular Jesus
Really, I began my search when I realized that I did not believe in the existence of a supernatural dimension of human experience.

Why hasn't there been a miracle since the legends of the New Testament?

It's basically the question I pose to the Christian proselytes who I might have time to chat with. Last week the guy gave me some drawn-out reasoning that I cannot remember. I never do remember, just as they never remember my message: the Three-part Separation Theory is the root of the political chaos that trickles down causing the social disorderliness we endure, and then it cycles back in the election campaigns. Over, and over, and over, . . . repeating and compounding the errors in our social evolution approach to world peace
There have been many. But why wouks you believe
The sad thing is, when the next national disaster strikes them, they won't do this

just think of what billions of people freed from the shackles of mind control, false religion and superstition could accomplish if I continue to do what I am doing.
What is it that you think you are doing that would free billions of people from the shackles of mind control, false religion and superstition?
A reliable government charter that guides us to understand the truth and the
My 'world' has peace. The planet does not. What struck me about Jesus is that he spoke to individuals about bringing peace and love into the world around them--and those individual worlds are extremely small when compared to the entire planet.

Theoretically, do you think if God came and spoke to each nation, governments--or perhaps a single government--could be in charge of insuring a peaceful planet?

better evolution of humankind.

That is what we need. Just saying, "if everyone would believe in him, then world peace will deploy," has not worked, so far. Maybe if he came down from his arrogant throne and spoke to all of us at once, then maybe . . .

We need something to organize the diversity of people to understand how to live peacefully.

Yes. That is what I meant when I wrote the following

Why couldn't you understand that and avoid asking a question that I already answered?
Evil Exists to Challenge Us to Do Our Duty Against It

Peace is unnatural. Peace is cowardice. Peace is surrender.
No it doesn't.
The ID'ers tried to rethink science for their purposes and look at how they were destroyed in the Dover school board case.
What Part of Homo Sapiens Don't They Understand?

The answer that is not offered is Intelligent Self-Design. The original life-forms chose what to capture and incorporate into their DNA. Intellect means "select between (inter before l changes to intel-." Theism is passive. It nullifies the internal force to improve, relying on some outside higher power instead.
Yes, one can seek, find, and follow a path. But one cannot have a relationship with an inanimate object--i.e. the path.

Seeking God is different, He is someone to know and love.

It is like the difference between seeking a well-loved missing object and seeking a person.

Calling a life philosophy an "inanimate object" is inaccurate at best.

Those who seek don't always seek a god. Those who seek don't always need gods.
Calling a life philosophy an "inanimate object" is inaccurate at best.
Yet there is still a difference between seeking a path or seeking/following a philosophy and seeking God, a living Being. You seem to be saying you don't want/need to seek God. Okay.
Yet there is still a difference between seeking a path or seeking/following a philosophy and seeking God, a living Being. You seem to be saying you don't want/need to seek God. Okay.
You do realize that living beings create philosophies don't you?

Using the teachings of past living beings to construct a personal life philosophy is a relationship with those beings.

In fact just about everything anyone does in life involves a relationship with a living being.
Are you seeking a living being?
I don't have to as living beings are all around me.

The entire reason for a life philosophy is to find the way to relate to all those living beings in the most productive and least harmful manner
The entire reason for a life philosophy is to find the way to relate to all those living beings in the most productive and least harmful manner
I understand. Your search of philosophy or a path on how to relate to people in general is fine, but it is not the search about which I was inquiring.

I was inquiring about the search for God, a specific, living Being. I understand you are not interested in this search, but I am--which is why I opened this thread. It is about seeking God.

Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him, while He is near’, and ‘when you seek Him, He will be found.

Jeremiah 29:13 - ‘And you will seek Me and find Me for you will seek Me with all your heart’.

Deuteronomy 4:2p - And from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul’.

Matthew 7:7 - Seek and find
What Part of Homo Sapiens Don't They Understand?

The answer that is not offered is Intelligent Self-Design. The original life-forms chose what to capture and incorporate into their DNA. Intellect means "select between (inter before l changes to intel-." Theism is passive. It nullifies the internal force to improve, relying on some outside higher power instead.
Intelligent 'self-design' sounds like Richard Dawkins', The Selfish Gene'.
Is that what you're trying to say?

But what are you referring to as the 'internal force'?
I understand. Your search of philosophy or a path on how to relate to people in general is fine, but it is not the search about which I was inquiring.

I was inquiring about the search for God, a specific, living Being. I understand you are not interested in this search, but I am--which is why I opened this thread. It is about seeking God.

Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him, while He is near’, and ‘when you seek Him, He will be found.

Jeremiah 29:13 - ‘And you will seek Me and find Me for you will seek Me with all your heart’.

Deuteronomy 4:2p - And from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul’.

Matthew 7:7 - Seek and find
So only searches for the god you believe in bear fruit
So only searches for the god you believe in bear fruit

This thread is asking about a specific search: The search for God. You wish to change the topic and talk about a search for a certain path or philosophy. Very well. Let's talk about your search.

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