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Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime:

Saving lives is not a crime. A first-year law student ought to be able to win that case.

Luring people into a desert where they will certainly be imperiled is NOT humanitarian.

So how come you aren't dismantling the Statue of Liberty - or at least the poem on its base? Why invite people with one hand and slap them with the other?

You’re being illogical.
Aiding and abetting criminals IS a crime. Give the water and call border agents is not a crime. The poem on the statue of liberty is not law. Plus it is outdated and should be torn down. We are no longer into nation buiding but nation survival. Even then they came through Ellis Island legally and was vetted and many were returned to their country of origin. We no longer have the natural resources to handle unlimited immigration, It would be an environmental disaster. Take a lesson from China and India.

Building a wall is an environmental disaster.

In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of misery and angst..
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In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.
In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

Illegal immigration is an environmental disaster.
Illegal Immigration's Negative Impact on the Environment
ome of the devastating environmental impacts of illegal immigration through these protected areas include:

The Park Service has closed the ohono O'odham Indian Reservation, Organ Pipe National Monument, and Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge due to the "unacceptable level of risk to the public and staff" from the "high level of illegal activity going on."


    • The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) estimates that illegal aliens dumped more than 25 million pounds of trash in the Arizona desert between 1999 and 2005—that is almost 2,100 tons of trash each year. See report and pictures.
    • The accumulation of disintegrating toilet paper, human feces, and rotting food has become a health and safety issue for residents of and visitors to some of these areas, and is threatening water supplies in some areas.
    • Birds and mammals, some endangered, die when they eat or become entangled in the trash.

    • In 2002 in southern Arizona, illegal aliens were suspected of having caused at least eight major wildfires that burned 68,413 acres (Illegal Immigrants Tied to Costly Wildfires Associated Press, Dateline Tucson, Arizona, September 9, 2002).
    • In May of 2007, illegal aliens set at least five fires in the Coronado National Forest over a 10-day period in an effort to burn out Border Patrol agents conducting a law enforcement operation in the area (Illegals using fire to clear border. Washington Times, June 18, 2007).
Illegal Roads and Abandoned Vehicles

    • By early 2004, the Chief Ranger at Organ Pipe estimated that illegal aliens and smugglers had created 300 miles of illegal roads and “thousands of miles of illegal trails."
    • More than 30 abandoned vehicles are removed from Organ Pipe alone each year.
    • Since its creation in 2000, more than 50 illegal roads have been created in the Ironwood Forest National Monument, and more than 600 vehicles are abandoned there each year.
    • There are an estimated 20-25 abandoned vehicles in the Cabeza Prieta NWR at any given time.
    • An estimated 180 miles of illegal roads were created in Cabeza Prieta between 2002 and 2006.
Declining Wildlife Populations

According to the Fish and Wildlife Service, mass illegal immigration is a likely contributing factor in the dramatic 79 percent decline in the U.S. Sonoran pronghorn population between 2000 and 2002.

These are just a few examples of the massive environmental destruction being caused by rampant illegal immigration in southern Arizona. Similar damage is being done to remote, fragile lands in California, New Mexico, and Texas.
Illegal Immigration's Negative Impact on the Environment

How Immigration May Affect Environmental Stability
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In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

Make America Great Again. LOL
The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

The needs and interests of people living in sparsely-populated areas are different than those of people living in densely-populated areas. Your notion of votes counting equally would mean that those in rural areas have no effective voice in government, being outnumbered by those in dense areas. The wise men who established our system of government recognized the need to give all citizens a voice, regardless of the type of community in which they lived. That's why they set up our unique bicameral legislative branch, with a Senate to represent each state equally, along with the House of Representatives to represent the people equally; and the electoral college set up in a manner which reflects this bicameral representation.
Trump disagrees with you, so tell him that.

I’m telling you.

I'll let Trump speak for Trump.

Regardless, he IS your President.

Are you acting like a child for a reason? He's YOUR president. My president is Ted Cruz.

The FACT (read it slowly - FACT) is that Trump is your President. Yes, it is hilarious just how much that chaps your ass.

It ain't chapping my ass. It's driving you nuts that you are not right.
...My president is Ted Cruz.
The same Ted Cruz whose wife was mortally insulted by The Creature?

The same Ted Cruz whose father was falsely accused by The Creature of conspiring to kill JFK?

The same Ted Cruz who so spineless kowtowed to The Creature once the political power matrix shifted?

The same Ted Cruz who disgusted America by kissing The Creature's ass after all the humiliation he'd dumped upon him?

That Ted Cruz?


How embarrassing for you.

Yeah, I know. Just wanted to piss off the board owner.
I’m telling you.

I'll let Trump speak for Trump.

Regardless, he IS your President.

Are you acting like a child for a reason? He's YOUR president. My president is Ted Cruz.

The FACT (read it slowly - FACT) is that Trump is your President. Yes, it is hilarious just how much that chaps your ass.

It ain't chapping my ass. ....

Oh no, of course not... :lol:
In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

I've noticed that not many Christians step forward to challenge the inhumanity of people arguing about giving a person a drink of freaking water.

The guy that rapes and carves up a woman, torturing her as he does so is afforded better treatment that then dumb sap that leaves Mexico looking for a job to feed their family.

If the wall worshipers were as consumed with other criminals and as intolerant of their crimes as they are those from south of the border, America would not have ANY criminals.
I'll let Trump speak for Trump.

Regardless, he IS your President.

Are you acting like a child for a reason? He's YOUR president. My president is Ted Cruz.

The FACT (read it slowly - FACT) is that Trump is your President. Yes, it is hilarious just how much that chaps your ass.

It ain't chapping my ass. ....

Oh no, of course not... :lol:

I know you have a financial interest in this board, but do you live on it?

I bother you by not agreeing with you. Does it bother you that Trump disagrees with you too? I don't mind watching you squirm a little.
The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

The needs and interests of people living in sparsely-populated areas are different than those of people living in densely-populated areas. Your notion of votes counting equally would mean that those in rural areas have no effective voice in government, being outnumbered by those in dense areas. The wise men who established our system of government recognized the need to give all citizens a voice, regardless of the type of community in which they lived. That's why they set up our unique bicameral legislative branch, with a Senate to represent each state equally, along with the House of Representatives to represent the people equally; and the electoral college set up in a manner which reflects this bicameral representation.

Unfortunately, this has led to a much smaller group of people who are rural and apparently in love with garbage being able to shovel their shit down the throats of a much larger group of people. I thank the people with cows for the New York whore/conman and the weird sex trash from Indiana.
In fact, he holds the office of president of the country of which I am a citizen of by operation of a failure of the Electoral College…

The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

I've noticed that not many Christians step forward to challenge the inhumanity of people arguing about giving a person a drink of freaking water.

The guy that rapes and carves up a woman, torturing her as he does so is afforded better treatment that then dumb sap that leaves Mexico looking for a job to feed their family.

If the wall worshipers were as consumed with other criminals and as intolerant of their crimes as they are those from south of the border, America would not have ANY criminals.

It is immoral and irresponsible to lure people into the desert where they are in mortal danger. Because it makes some short sighted idiots feel good about themselves is no excuse.
Regardless, he IS your President.

Are you acting like a child for a reason? He's YOUR president. My president is Ted Cruz.

The FACT (read it slowly - FACT) is that Trump is your President. Yes, it is hilarious just how much that chaps your ass.

It ain't chapping my ass. ....

Oh no, of course not... :lol:

I know you have a financial interest in this board, ....

You do? That makes one of us.
The Electoral College did not fail. It worked exactly as it is supposed to—exactly as the wise men who established it intended for it to work—in order to prevent a few small, very densely-populated areas of the country from completely disenfranchising the rest of the country.

Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

I've noticed that not many Christians step forward to challenge the inhumanity of people arguing about giving a person a drink of freaking water.

The guy that rapes and carves up a woman, torturing her as he does so is afforded better treatment that then dumb sap that leaves Mexico looking for a job to feed their family.

If the wall worshipers were as consumed with other criminals and as intolerant of their crimes as they are those from south of the border, America would not have ANY criminals.

It is immoral and irresponsible to lure people into the desert where they are in mortal danger. Because it makes some short sighted idiots feel good about themselves is no excuse.

You feeling that way means that it is your responsibility to take down the Statue of Liberty and announce to the world no more immigration to the U.S. It shouldn't be too hard for you to accomplish.
Your use of the term "densely-populated areas" demonstrates the problem. ""[D]ensely populated" means that there are more folks in that region.Should the votes of ten people in a rural district outweigh the votes of 100 people in Brooklyn? The electoral college is totally outdated. The vote of one citizen should count equally with the vote of any other citizen, not as more..

Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

I've noticed that not many Christians step forward to challenge the inhumanity of people arguing about giving a person a drink of freaking water.

The guy that rapes and carves up a woman, torturing her as he does so is afforded better treatment that then dumb sap that leaves Mexico looking for a job to feed their family.

If the wall worshipers were as consumed with other criminals and as intolerant of their crimes as they are those from south of the border, America would not have ANY criminals.

It is immoral and irresponsible to lure people into the desert where they are in mortal danger. Because it makes some short sighted idiots feel good about themselves is no excuse.

You feeling that way means that it is your responsibility to take down the Statue of Liberty and announce to the world no more immigration to the U.S. It shouldn't be too hard for you to accomplish.

There you go being illogical again. How old are you? You reason like a child.
Look here, Mrs. "Orange Man Bad", this thread is about illegals crossing the desert in order to violate US borders and Americans aiding and abetting them. We get it, you're in a perpetual state of angst..

No. I am not in a "perpetual state of angst." I am in a perpetual state of disgust. No person goes without a drink of water and nourishment. This is my sincerely-held belief, a belief that is deeply held and lasts a lifetime. We're talking gut-level here, way past politics.

I've noticed that not many Christians step forward to challenge the inhumanity of people arguing about giving a person a drink of freaking water.

The guy that rapes and carves up a woman, torturing her as he does so is afforded better treatment that then dumb sap that leaves Mexico looking for a job to feed their family.

If the wall worshipers were as consumed with other criminals and as intolerant of their crimes as they are those from south of the border, America would not have ANY criminals.

It is immoral and irresponsible to lure people into the desert where they are in mortal danger. Because it makes some short sighted idiots feel good about themselves is no excuse.

You feeling that way means that it is your responsibility to take down the Statue of Liberty and announce to the world no more immigration to the U.S. It shouldn't be too hard for you to accomplish.

There you go being illogical again. How old are you? You reason like a child.

You are the illogical one on this board? Do you have a financial interest in this board (i.e. one of the owners, decision makers?) Once you answer my questions, I can answer yours.

BTW, you don't even have a child's reasoning skills - i.e. is too, is not, is too, is not, is too, is not. Sound familiar?

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