Glaciers disappearing from Glacier National Park


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.
And if you look at the US Park Service site for the park you will notice that the glaciers began retreating way back in 1850 when the Little Ice Age came to an end. Nice try Chris, it's a shame you can't figure out the science of glaciers. Oh well, maybe in your next life you will be a little more enlightened.
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Melting glaciers in the Alps may prompt Italy and Switzerland to redraw their borders near the Matterhorn, according to parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome.

Franco Narducci of Italy's opposition Democratic Party is preparing a bill to redefine the frontier with neighboring Switzerland, his office said Wednesday.

Narducci is a member of the foreign affairs panel in Italy's lower Chamber of Deputies. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has authorized the bill.

Switzerland also has cooperated with Italy on the matter.

The Italian Military Geographic Institute says climate change is responsible for the Alpine glaciers melting.

"This draft law is born out the necessity to revise and verify the frontiers given the changes in climate and atmosphere," Narducci said. "The 1941 convention between Italy and Switzerland established as criteria [for border revisions] the ridge [crest] of the glaciers. Following the withdrawal of the glaciers in the Alps, a new criterion has been proposed so that the new border coincides with the rock."

Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border -
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Melting glaciers in the Alps may prompt Italy and Switzerland to redraw their borders near the Matterhorn, according to parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome.

Franco Narducci of Italy's opposition Democratic Party is preparing a bill to redefine the frontier with neighboring Switzerland, his office said Wednesday.

Narducci is a member of the foreign affairs panel in Italy's lower Chamber of Deputies. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has authorized the bill.

Switzerland also has cooperated with Italy on the matter.

The Italian Military Geographic Institute says climate change is responsible for the Alpine glaciers melting.

"This draft law is born out the necessity to revise and verify the frontiers given the changes in climate and atmosphere," Narducci said. "The 1941 convention between Italy and Switzerland established as criteria [for border revisions] the ridge [crest] of the glaciers. Following the withdrawal of the glaciers in the Alps, a new criterion has been proposed so that the new border coincides with the rock."

Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border -

Yes they started melting at the end of the Little Ice Age too. Try again, this is very old news.
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Melting glaciers in the Alps may prompt Italy and Switzerland to redraw their borders near the Matterhorn, according to parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome.

Franco Narducci of Italy's opposition Democratic Party is preparing a bill to redefine the frontier with neighboring Switzerland, his office said Wednesday.

Narducci is a member of the foreign affairs panel in Italy's lower Chamber of Deputies. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has authorized the bill.

Switzerland also has cooperated with Italy on the matter.

The Italian Military Geographic Institute says climate change is responsible for the Alpine glaciers melting.

"This draft law is born out the necessity to revise and verify the frontiers given the changes in climate and atmosphere," Narducci said. "The 1941 convention between Italy and Switzerland established as criteria [for border revisions] the ridge [crest] of the glaciers. Following the withdrawal of the glaciers in the Alps, a new criterion has been proposed so that the new border coincides with the rock."

Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border -

Yes they started melting at the end of the Little Ice Age too. Try again, this is very old news.

I once owned a house with a big kettle in the back yard where a glacier used to be.
I wonder if the cavemen wrung their hands and made rules to cripple themselves when the Glaciers retreated from Yosemite? Or Yellowstone? Wonder if they cut out legumes and such to curb methane emissions? Or euthenized vast herds of mastadons and dire wolves in an attempt to keep the global climate, static? libs just keep on going and going...never a look back :)
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Melting glaciers in the Alps may prompt Italy and Switzerland to redraw their borders near the Matterhorn, according to parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome.

Franco Narducci of Italy's opposition Democratic Party is preparing a bill to redefine the frontier with neighboring Switzerland, his office said Wednesday.

Narducci is a member of the foreign affairs panel in Italy's lower Chamber of Deputies. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has authorized the bill.

Switzerland also has cooperated with Italy on the matter.

The Italian Military Geographic Institute says climate change is responsible for the Alpine glaciers melting.

"This draft law is born out the necessity to revise and verify the frontiers given the changes in climate and atmosphere," Narducci said. "The 1941 convention between Italy and Switzerland established as criteria [for border revisions] the ridge [crest] of the glaciers. Following the withdrawal of the glaciers in the Alps, a new criterion has been proposed so that the new border coincides with the rock."

Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border -

This is an eight year old story, how about something recent Chris, I followed the link, eight years old Chris. Irrelevant today.
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.

I was going to follow this link until I saw it is from Wikipedia, Chris the six-figure man quotes wiki.

What is your job Chris, its got to be easy as hell.
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.

And once glaciers covered many places that now contain arable land.

Would you be happier if glaciers were expanding and encroaching on human habitation?
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.

And once glaciers covered many places that now contain arable land.

Would you be happier if glaciers were expanding and encroaching on human habitation?

Glaciers should stay perfectly stable, without humans glaciers never change, not during the winter, not during the summer. People destroyed the glaciers of the past and present, we are that dangerous.
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.

And once glaciers covered many places that now contain arable land.

Would you be happier if glaciers were expanding and encroaching on human habitation?
chris might as well be a bot
all he does is post others thoughts as though they are his
Glaciers throughout Alaska are shrinking more and more rapidly, and scientists comparing old photos taken up to a century ago with digital images made during climbing expeditions today say the pictures provide the most dramatic evidence yet that global warming is real.

And it's not only the glaciers reflecting the climate change. Everywhere on the treeless tundra north of the jagged slopes of Alaska's Brooks Range, explosive bursts of vegetation -- willows, alders, birch and many shrubs -- are thriving where permafrost once kept the tundra surface frozen in winter.

Two geophysicists and a government geologist who spend much of their working lives exploring changes in the Arctic displayed dozens of photographs from the thousands in their files Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Shrinking glaciers evidence of global warming / Differences seen by looking at photos from 100 years ago
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Melting glaciers in the Alps may prompt Italy and Switzerland to redraw their borders near the Matterhorn, according to parliamentary draft legislation being readied in Rome.

Franco Narducci of Italy's opposition Democratic Party is preparing a bill to redefine the frontier with neighboring Switzerland, his office said Wednesday.

Narducci is a member of the foreign affairs panel in Italy's lower Chamber of Deputies. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has authorized the bill.

Switzerland also has cooperated with Italy on the matter.

The Italian Military Geographic Institute says climate change is responsible for the Alpine glaciers melting.

"This draft law is born out the necessity to revise and verify the frontiers given the changes in climate and atmosphere," Narducci said. "The 1941 convention between Italy and Switzerland established as criteria [for border revisions] the ridge [crest] of the glaciers. Following the withdrawal of the glaciers in the Alps, a new criterion has been proposed so that the new border coincides with the rock."

Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border -

This is an eight year old story, how about something recent Chris, I followed the link, eight years old Chris. Irrelevant today.

The story was irrelevant 100 years ago.
The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastward up and over much younger rock strata. Known as the Lewis Overthrust, these sedimentary rocks are considered to have some of the finest fossilized examples of extremely early life found anywhere on Earth. The current shapes of the Lewis and Livingston mountain ranges and positioning and size of the lakes show the telltale evidence of massive glacial action, which carved U-shaped valleys and left behind moraines which impounded water creating lakes. Of the estimated 150 glaciers which existed in the park in the mid-19th century, only 25 active glaciers remained by 2010.[3] Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2030 if the current climate patterns persist.

And once glaciers covered many places that now contain arable land.

Would you be happier if glaciers were expanding and encroaching on human habitation?

Glaciers should stay perfectly stable, without humans glaciers never change, not during the winter, not during the summer. People destroyed the glaciers of the past and present, we are that dangerous.

Actually we caused the last the last Ice Age and we also started the PETM. A little birdy told me so.
The dumb asses here really, really do not like to be reminded of the very real and observable effects of global warming. They also insist that the world's scientific establishment are all in a conspiracy to re-distribute the world's wealth. Next, I expect them all to suggest a meeting at Area 57 to request help from the Greys to put down this nefarious plot.

Yes, they are truly kooks, anti-science wingnuts without a clue. Choosing a Conservative reality that exists in some other dimension, rather the reality that is staring them in the face.

The glaciers are receding worldwide. The polar caps are melting. The permafrost is thawing and emitting vast amount of both CO2 and CH4. The Artic Ocean clathrates have also started to emitt CH4. But none of that is revelant because the Prophet Rush has stated that is is not occuring.
Old Rocks, the climate change deniers are not dumb, they know exactly what they are doing.

Like Senator Oil Patch and others, they are working for the oil industry.
The dumb asses here really, really do not like to be reminded of the very real and observable effects of global warming. They also insist that the world's scientific establishment are all in a conspiracy to re-distribute the world's wealth. Next, I expect them all to suggest a meeting at Area 57 to request help from the Greys to put down this nefarious plot.

Yes, they are truly kooks, anti-science wingnuts without a clue. Choosing a Conservative reality that exists in some other dimension, rather the reality that is staring them in the face.

The glaciers are receding worldwide. The polar caps are melting. The permafrost is thawing and emitting vast amount of both CO2 and CH4. The Artic Ocean clathrates have also started to emitt CH4. But none of that is revelant because the Prophet Rush has stated that is is not occuring.

It's not about conservative or liberal you poor silly person (though you consistently try to portray it as such), I am probably more "liberal" in social things than you are, after all I have a significantly lower carbon footprint than you ever will (not that it matters) nor do I work for a company that actively pollutes my neighborhood unlike yourself.

However, to get to your point about the "science" of AGW. There simply is none. There is ample empirical data that supports the theory that the current warming trend is entirely natural and cyclical in nature. You are the anti science followers of Ned Lud in this argument.

Not once have you or your minions been able to show the warming trend is man caused. You have cute little computer models that will show you pretty much whatever you want them to show you but the real world just seems to ignore those crappy little models doesn't she?

It is supposedly the warmest year ever yet the very real facts are that millions of creatures are dying from cold. They are not kicking the bucket due to heat. The so called Russian deaths due to the heat wave are being found to be respiratory in nature for the most part (that would be particulate matter induced, not heat induced) the cause of the forest fires was likewise not the heat. In fact the forests of Russia (much like the sage of California) require fires as part of their life cycle so the fires are not only natural but essential to their continued exhistence. The scope of the fires was due entirely to poor forest managment (as the Russians themselves admitted) not heat.

We have also found that the temperature record has been falsified (and in fact the perps are continuing to do so) in a furhter effort to conceal the fact the world is entering a cooling trend....just a few more years and then the legislation will be passed and the gravy train can begin before the public figures out they have been lied too......uh oh, the public is allready finding out!

You claim to be a liberal, but in fact you are a scientific illiterate who supports the very oil companies and investment companies that screw the very people you claim to be trying to help. You are thevery embodiment of useful idiot that corrupt corporations love to employ to do their dirty work.
Old Rocks, the climate change deniers are not dumb, they know exactly what they are doing.

Like Senator Oil Patch and others, they are working for the oil industry.

The oil patch will make more money off of the climate scam than they ever could by doing honest work. But you know that allready don't you Chrissypoo. Papa work for Goldman Sachs or did you have to work your way into the mail room?
XINING, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists said Wednesday glaciers that serve as water sources on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau are melting at a "worrisome speed," having receded 196 square km over the past nearly 40 years.

The decline is equal to about one-fourth of the area of New York City.

Xin Yuanhong, senior engineer in charge of a three-year field study of glaciers in the region, said glaciers at the headwaters of the Yangtze, China's longest river, cover 1,051 square km, down from 1,247 square km in 1971.

"The reduction means more than 989 million cubic meters of water melted away," said Xin, whose team surveyed the glaciers between June 2005 and August 2008. That much water would fill Beijing's largest reservoir.

Melting glaciers on China's Qinghai-Tibet plateau water source "worrisome"_English_Xinhua

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