Glenn Beck Again Calls on God to Make Cruz President by Everyone Fasting

The fact that Beck ever got popular is troubling to me. He's full of preachy, whiny fundamentalism and I don't think Gruz is too far behind. He sounds exactly like a preacher trying to stir up the congregation to me.
Is Cruz related to Joseph Smith?

Beck is totally in the tank for Cruz and has been for months, but the FACT is that Cruz cannot win and the odds are 98% that Trump will.

So do these shenanigans boost Becks show? Doesnt seem to be.

Is this possibly just stubborn megalomania tempered by decades of alcoholism?

Glenn Beck Invites America to Join Him in Another Fast - Breitbart

I am in a courtyard inn in Ft Wayne Indiana after speaking to maybe 6 thousand people today. I will be away from my family and my business until Wednesday night.

Because I believe that this may be our last chance. The Supreme Court judges that will be appointed are enough to seal our fate alone. But, I believe this is an individual choice. There is no collective salvation and He is asking each of us to choose.

We all agree, America is at a cross roads. If we choose a King, he will give us one. He always does.

But because we are the only nation since ancient Israel to have actually made a covenant with Him, it must be broken, I believe by all of us.

Yeah, this election is our last chance until the next election which will be the new last chance.

Beck needs to go into rehab.

You say stupid shit like this because you don't understand prayer, and don't know the context in which his statements were made.
Is Cruz related to Joseph Smith?

Beck is totally in the tank for Cruz and has been for months, but the FACT is that Cruz cannot win and the odds are 98% that Trump will.

So do these shenanigans boost Becks show? Doesnt seem to be.

Is this possibly just stubborn megalomania tempered by decades of alcoholism?

Glenn Beck Invites America to Join Him in Another Fast - Breitbart

I am in a courtyard inn in Ft Wayne Indiana after speaking to maybe 6 thousand people today. I will be away from my family and my business until Wednesday night.

Because I believe that this may be our last chance. The Supreme Court judges that will be appointed are enough to seal our fate alone. But, I believe this is an individual choice. There is no collective salvation and He is asking each of us to choose.

We all agree, America is at a cross roads. If we choose a King, he will give us one. He always does.

But because we are the only nation since ancient Israel to have actually made a covenant with Him, it must be broken, I believe by all of us.

Yeah, this election is our last chance until the next election which will be the new last chance.

Beck needs to go into rehab.

You say stupid shit like this because you don't understand prayer, and don't know the context in which his statements were made.

"and don't know the context in which his statements were made."

With Glenn Beck it's the context from inside the Booby Hatch.
If someone really thought 'God' answered prayer, wouldn't he/she pray for something important, like world peace?
What's far more disturbing about Beck is not the fact that he took the whirlybird off the ol' reality reservation a while back, but the fact that he has many fans.

Regarding fasting, I'd be happy to try it as long as I can eat and drink whatever I want.
I know why this Glenn Beck lunacy bothers me, he's suffering publicly. If he wants to fast, fine go and fast, why alert the media?
All joking aside, I think he's suffering from some mental problems. His family should do an intervention on him. His behavior is erratic and he's throwing aside his entire business to go campaign for Cruz costing him 500K in the process. These are not things a person of sound mind does.

When Cruz loses it will devastate him. I think he'll kill himself. I really do. Either that or he'll have a nervous breakdown. This will not end well for him.
I agree with you. Beck is seriously mentally ill.
It wouldn't surprise me if he went on a one month drinking binge and then offed himself. Seriously.
It wouldn't surprise me if he went on a one month drinking binge and then offed himself. Seriously.
Sadly, that's where things are. The mania that has crept into this just continues to build.
Rush Limbaugh used to preach that Conservatism triumphs every time it's tried in electoral politics. Cruz is the poster boy of contemporary American Conservatism.
. Is Cruz our President already? Has conservatism failed so soon?

Rush is correct, but in this case we have two candidate that the vast majority would agree are conservative; Trump and Cruz. In fact, I would include Kasich as well.

Trump and Cruz are so close to each other on the issues, though Cruz will move himself further and further to the right to try and take conservatives from Trump and Trump is moving back toward the middle now for the general in their messages they give us.

Personally I consider one fairly strong tenet of American conservatism is to not trust ideologues. That every issues has exceptions and one cannot take a purely ideological approach to solving problems. Trump exemplifies this far more than Cruz does.

But yes, every time a conservative runs against a liberal, outside of the fever swamps of urban political machines, the conservative wins.

Nixon in 72, Reagan in 80 and 84, GW Bush in 88, W Bush in 2000 and 2004 were all conservatives and winners, while Ford, Dole, McCain and Romney were moderates and LOSERS.
You say stupid shit like this because you don't understand prayer, and don't know the context in which his statements were made.

So whats your case that anything in my statement is stupid?

Whatever it is, it is not so stupid as presuming I dont understand prayer because I disagree with you about politics.
Is Cruz related to Joseph Smith?

Beck is totally in the tank for Cruz and has been for months, but the FACT is that Cruz cannot win and the odds are 98% that Trump will.

So do these shenanigans boost Becks show? Doesnt seem to be.

Is this possibly just stubborn megalomania tempered by decades of alcoholism?

Glenn Beck Invites America to Join Him in Another Fast - Breitbart

I am in a courtyard inn in Ft Wayne Indiana after speaking to maybe 6 thousand people today. I will be away from my family and my business until Wednesday night.

Because I believe that this may be our last chance. The Supreme Court judges that will be appointed are enough to seal our fate alone. But, I believe this is an individual choice. There is no collective salvation and He is asking each of us to choose.

We all agree, America is at a cross roads. If we choose a King, he will give us one. He always does.

But because we are the only nation since ancient Israel to have actually made a covenant with Him, it must be broken, I believe by all of us.

Yeah, this election is our last chance until the next election which will be the new last chance.

Beck needs to go into rehab.

You say stupid shit like this because you don't understand prayer, and don't know the context in which his statements were made.

"and don't know the context in which his statements were made."

With Glenn Beck it's the context from inside the Booby Hatch.

What are you 12 years old?
You say stupid shit like this because you don't understand prayer, and don't know the context in which his statements were made.

So whats your case that anything in my statement is stupid?

Whatever it is, it is not so stupid as presuming I dont understand prayer because I disagree with you about politics.

I don't presume, I know. Any one who knows what prayer is really about would not say what you said. Your post proves beyond any doubt that you are ignorant of what prayer truely is. It also shows that you were also ignorant of the context in which Beck has called for prayer and fasting.

I could explain it all to you but I strongly suspect that I would be wasting my time.
I'm not sure if fasting will have much effect on the election, but missing a few meals wouldn't hurt Beck. The man looks like a watermelon with arms and legs.
I don't presume, I know. Any one who knows what prayer is really about would not say what you said. Your post proves beyond any doubt that you are ignorant of what prayer truely is. It also shows that you were also ignorant of the context in which Beck has called for prayer and fasting.

I could explain it all to you but I strongly suspect that I would be wasting my time.

So you are judging my heart by what yo think are the indicators of my behavior, but you have failed twice now to spell out what they are.

What did I state that makes you absolutely certain I do not understand you secret formula about prayer? Because I have prayed all my life, and damn, I would think I have been doing it right. Do I have to get on my knees and face Mecca? Or Utah?
Is Cruz related to Joseph Smith?

Beck is totally in the tank for Cruz and has been for months, but the FACT is that Cruz cannot win and the odds are 98% that Trump will.

So do these shenanigans boost Becks show? Doesnt seem to be.

Is this possibly just stubborn megalomania tempered by decades of alcoholism?

Glenn Beck Invites America to Join Him in Another Fast - Breitbart

I am in a courtyard inn in Ft Wayne Indiana after speaking to maybe 6 thousand people today. I will be away from my family and my business until Wednesday night.

Because I believe that this may be our last chance. The Supreme Court judges that will be appointed are enough to seal our fate alone. But, I believe this is an individual choice. There is no collective salvation and He is asking each of us to choose.

We all agree, America is at a cross roads. If we choose a King, he will give us one. He always does.

But because we are the only nation since ancient Israel to have actually made a covenant with Him, it must be broken, I believe by all of us.

Yeah, this election is our last chance until the next election which will be the new last chance.

Beck needs to go into rehab.
In all seriousness, it seems like he's existing in a personal echo chamber.
his show is just that - hence the yes men on his show
his show is just that - hence the yes men on his show
I used to listen to his show as I drove in to work, back when I could get a job, and I eventually stopped because I got so tired of everyone kissing his ass. It wasnt like that when I started listening to him, but it sure did get that way. Stu seemed like a normal guy for a while but eventually even he was agreeing to EVERYTHING Beck said and would bring up examples of how he was right.

I decided to completely take his show off my listening schedule when he ambushed Gingrich. That was disgraceful.
So I've been fasting since last night, ate a whole bar of ExLax, and will be heading to get a Coffee Enema followed by a Green Tea colonic today. I'm a Trump supporter, but I want to see how many points I can shave off his point total tonite. I'm going all in. As an FYI I won't be adding prayer because I don't want to bring his point total down too much.
I don't presume, I know. Any one who knows what prayer is really about would not say what you said. Your post proves beyond any doubt that you are ignorant of what prayer truely is. It also shows that you were also ignorant of the context in which Beck has called for prayer and fasting.

I could explain it all to you but I strongly suspect that I would be wasting my time.

So you are judging my heart by what yo think are the indicators of my behavior, but you have failed twice now to spell out what they are.

What did I state that makes you absolutely certain I do not understand you secret formula about prayer? Because I have prayed all my life, and damn, I would think I have been doing it right. Do I have to get on my knees and face Mecca? Or Utah?

I already told you, if you actually knew prayer, you would not have said what you did or posted what you did in the OP. I can see that since you already aren't listening, that it would be a waste of my time trying to explain it.

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