Glenn Beck and Color of Change

And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
You see there is where you go assume that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world are "Partisan Hacks" Have you ever once thought in that pea brain of yours that not everyone is R or L, could it be that some side on the "Constitution"? Oh wait...did that go over your head?

I'm so done...she is without a doubt a lost cause. I really feel sorry for her.
Whoa truth I read your link.

[W]e are entering an era during which our very survival will demand invention and innovation on a scale never before seen in the history of human civilization. Only the business community has the requisite skills, experience, and capital to meet that need. On that score, neither government nor the nonprofit and voluntary sectors can compete, not even remotely.

So in the end, our success and survival as a species are largely and directly tied to the new eco-entrepreneurs — and the success and survival of their enterprises. Since almost all of the needed eco-technologies are likely to come from the private sector, civic leaders and voters should do all that can be done to help green business leaders succeed. That means, in large part, electing leaders who will pass bills to aid them. We cannot realistically proceed without a strong alliance between the best of the business world — and everyone else.

So that guy says we need the private sector to make green jobs becasue the govt can't compete...then goes on to say the govt should pass bills to aid these business.

Why give some businesses an unfair advantage with taxpayer money? Thats like socially shaping the economy, sorta.


To keep us from falling into the abyss we almost just fell into at the hands of unregulated industry allowed to clusterfuck our entire economy.

Hes a Capitalist.

Thanks for noticing and dealing with the facts unlike the rest of the Zombies on here.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.

You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
You see there is where you go assume that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world are "Partisan Hacks" Have you ever once thought in that pea brain of yours that not everyone is R or L, could it be that some side on the "Constitution"? Oh wait...did that go over your head?

I'm so done...she is without a doubt a lost cause. I really feel sorry for her.

You are right wing and your every word protends this fact.

Same with the little kitty.

You guys can ignore facts and lie about your party affiliation all you want ,it just makes you look more lame.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
You see there is where you go assume that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world are "Partisan Hacks" Have you ever once thought in that pea brain of yours that not everyone is R or L, could it be that some side on the "Constitution"? Oh wait...did that go over your head?

I'm so done...she is without a doubt a lost cause. I really feel sorry for her.

You are right wing and your every word protends this fact.

Same with the little kitty.

You guys can ignore facts and lie about your party affiliation all you want ,it just makes you look more lame.
Honey I think you wear that big "L" all by yourself.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
Holy cloud the issue, Batman!!....The ad homenims and projections are getting as thick as pea soup in here!! :lol:
I was laughing, now I just feel a lot of pity for this person. I really do.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.

You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I love you too Kiity,

You are doing so much to make my party be very successful.

When you refuse facts and resort to lame insults it shows what taintwallows and asswinks the remaining R party is populated by.

Keep that strangle hold on your partys neck and thanks for all the help.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
You see there is where you go assume that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world are "Partisan Hacks" Have you ever once thought in that pea brain of yours that not everyone is R or L, could it be that some side on the "Constitution"? Oh wait...did that go over your head?

I'm so done...she is without a doubt a lost cause. I really feel sorry for her.

You are right wing and your every word protends this fact.

Same with the little kitty.

You guys can ignore facts and lie about your party affiliation all you want ,it just makes you look more lame.

Right there, that post ... that is exactly what a partisan hack would respond with. Someday you may learn, then look back on this one post and turn so red in the face, if not have a heart attack for realizing just how stupid you sound.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.

You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I think its funny....your both from the same party....i think the normal democrats like you kitten need to join the independants and normal republicans and make a 3rd party.

It would probably contain over 50% of the country.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.
Holy cloud the issue, Batman!!....The ad homenims and projections are getting as thick as pea soup in here!! :lol:
I was laughing, now I just feel a lot of pity for this person. I really do.
No pity here...It's like we have a tragically unfunny sallybooboo on the line here. :lol:
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.

You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I think its funny....your both from the same party....i think the normal democrats like you kitten need to join the independants and normal republicans and make a 3rd party.

It would probably contain over 50% of the country.

Have you ever read the Democratic party platform?

If Kitty kat is really a registared dem she is the stupidest person on earth.

She hates the entire platform.
And so it goes.

there is a very good reason the only people left in the R party are parisan hacks to whom facts mean nothing.

Its the likes of you guys that will strangle to death what was once a very fine party.

You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I think its funny....your both from the same party....i think the normal democrats like you kitten need to join the independants and normal republicans and make a 3rd party.

It would probably contain over 50% of the country.

I stopped supporting the Democrats really, now I am just a nobody because I won't support their idiotic behavior right now. My best friend (another Democrat) is in the same frame of mind. I love the true ideals of the Democrats, but what they are doing now is not even close. So I just support no one until I find something, someone, sometime, that is honest.
Holy cloud the issue, Batman!!....The ad homenims and projections are getting as thick as pea soup in here!! :lol:
I was laughing, now I just feel a lot of pity for this person. I really do.
No pity here...It's like we have a tragically unfunny sallybooboo on the line here. :lol:

Not one little iota of fact from you either?

Personal insults do not a party platform make
You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I think its funny....your both from the same party....i think the normal democrats like you kitten need to join the independants and normal republicans and make a 3rd party.

It would probably contain over 50% of the country.

Have you ever read the Democratic party platform?

If Kitty kat is really a registared dem she is the stupidest person on earth.

She hates the entire platform.

The "platform" when I first sided with them was for individual rights and national responsibility ... tell me, what about Obama supports those?
You are one of the worst examples of a Democrat I have had the displeasure of reading.

I think its funny....your both from the same party....i think the normal democrats like you kitten need to join the independants and normal republicans and make a 3rd party.

It would probably contain over 50% of the country.

I stopped supporting the Democrats really, now I am just a nobody because I won't support their idiotic behavior right now. My best friend (another Democrat) is in the same frame of mind. I love the true ideals of the Democrats, but what they are doing now is not even close. So I just support no one until I find something, someone, sometime, that is honest.

When exactly did you stop supporting the democratic platform?

Did you vote for Kerry?

I guess but I feel sorry for her because one day her entire world will crash and burn fast without knowing what happened.

Can you picture a woman out on the street with a tin cup begging for money and saying "but I worked hard on the blogs once for Obama"
I was laughing, now I just feel a lot of pity for this person. I really do.
No pity here...It's like we have a tragically unfunny sallybooboo on the line here. :lol:

Not one little iota of fact from you either?

Personal insults do not a party platform make
That's some funny stuff coming from someone who has spent the day slinging personal insults and ad homenims at all who have the unmitigated audacity do disagree with you!!

But not funny as in "ha-ha"....Funny is in pathetic.

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