Glenn Beck Compares Obama's America To 'Planet Of The Apes'


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Glenn Beck compared Obama's America to "the damn Planet of the Apes," Thursday during a rant against the president's praise for the AFL-CIO.

Beck made the comparison while trying to blame union support of strong pensions for the nation's high unemployment rate. He doesn't like that former SEIU president Andy Stern sits on the president's panel on deficit reduction.

The segment's accompanying online article omits the Fox News host's Planet of the Apes comparison.

Bankrupted By the Pension Pyramid - Glenn Beck -

Link to Video youre the P F Timmore of glenn beck. lol.

oh, and....
Captain dumbass is hereby promoted to Major dumbass!!! Congratulations!
Glenn Beck compared Obama's America to "the damn Planet of the Apes," Thursday during a rant against the president's praise for the AFL-CIO.

Beck made the comparison while trying to blame union support of strong pensions for the nation's high unemployment rate. He doesn't like that former SEIU president Andy Stern sits on the president's panel on deficit reduction.

The segment's accompanying online article omits the Fox News host's Planet of the Apes comparison.

Bankrupted By the Pension Pyramid - Glenn Beck -

Link to Video

omghemustberacist ........ youre the P F Timmore of glenn beck. lol.

oh, and....
Captain dumbass is hereby promoted to Major dumbass!!! Congratulations!
More like the Colonel Kurtz of race card chucking. :lol:
I think it's great how the Left keeps Beck's show in the top slot. :lol:
Let me ask you this Bfgrn....

Can you tell me where Glenn was wrong? Union bosses AND POLITICIANS dont care about anything but themselves.
Did the math at the beginning of his monologue work to you?

Obama goes and says he wants to thank the AFL-CIO for fighting for jobs, tax cuts for the middle class to fight for reforms that will reign in the special interests ...... meanwhile he is standing in fron of a AFL-CIO billboard..... SPECIAL INTERESTS!!!!!

Nothing seems to be real with this so-called President and his administration, and the complicant media go right along with them. It is all a big scam.

IT DOES FEEL LIKE WE ARE IN THE PLANET OF THE APES! (Everything is upside down and inside out with these people)
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and Im alright with that... Charlton Heston

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Planet Of The Apes - "Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!"‬‎[/ame]
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Let me ask you this Bfgrn....

Can you tell me where Glenn was wrong? Union bosses AND POLITICIANS dont care about anything but themselves.
Did the math at the beginning of his monologue work to you?

Obama goes and says he wants to thank the AFL-CIO for fighting for jobs, tax cuts for the middle class to fight for reforms that will reign in the special interests ...... meanwhile he is standing in fron of a AFL-CIO billboard..... SPECIAL INTERESTS!!!!!

Nothing seems to be real with this so-called President and his administration, and the complicant media go right along with them. It is all a big scam.

IT DOES FEEL LIKE WE ARE IN THE PLANET OF THE APES! (Everything is upside down and inside out with these people)

Let me ask you this, WHAT did Grover Norquist mean when he said: "We're going to crush labor as a political entity"

The American labor movement and unions' SPECIAL interest is We, the People; the average working guy and gal. The American labor movement and unions have done MORE for ALL working men and women, union and non union, in this country then ALL the Republicans that ever lived.

Glenn Beck is a sham. This is the guy who who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off on fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme

The average Goldline markup was 90% above the melt value of the coin. The largest markup on any coin was 208% above the melt value. Furthermore, the average Goldline markup is 47% higher than better-priced competitors, with some of the company’s markups going as high as 102% compared to its competitors on one of the coins they offered.

• Goldline Falsely Claims To Offer “Good” Investments

By selling gold at twice the melt value, the price of gold would need to double for consumers to break even on their “investment.”

• Goldline Salespeople Misrepresent Their Ability To Give “Investment Advice”

Sales people imply that they are “investment advisors” or “financial advisers” by offering investment advice, which insinuates that they have some sort of fiduciary responsibility to get you the most return on your investment.

However, since they are not licensed investment advisors, they have no such responsibility. In 2006, the Missouri Secretary of States’ Office, Securities Division filed formal consent order against Goldline for exactly this reason and recovered over $200k for an elderly consumer that was ripped off.

• Goldline Plays off Public Fears of Government Takeover and Has Formed an Unholy Alliance with Conservative Pundits to Drive a False Narrative

Goldline employs several conservative pundits to act as shills for its’ precious metal business, including Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham, and Fred Thompson. By drumming up public fears during financially uncertain times, conservative pundits are able to drive a false narrative. Glenn Beck for example has dedicated entire segments of his program to explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack Obama as president. He will often promote the purchase of gold as the only safe investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods. When the show cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from Goldline.

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”
Bfgrn4 said:
The American labor movement and unions' SPECIAL interest is We, the People; the average working guy and gal. The American labor movement and unions have done MORE for ALL working men and women, union and non union, in this country then ALL the Republicans that ever lived.

You're killing me. im drowning in my tears of laughter.
Must be Glenn Beck day for leftists...

Carry on...

It should be ok, as long as no one is called a "pea-brain."

I feel that is "violent imagry" that may lead me to kick the dog....but then I'd blame Bfrgn.
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Let me ask you this, WHAT did Grover Norquist mean when he said: "We're going to crush labor as a political entity"

1st off.... who the hell is that? 2ndly who the hell cares?

The American labor movement and unions' SPECIAL interest is We, the People; the average working guy and gal. The American labor movement and unions have done MORE for ALL working men and women, union and non union, in this country then ALL the Republicans that ever lived.

BULLSHIT! The numbers dont add up (unless you live on The Planet of the Apes)

Glenn Beck is a sham. This is the guy who who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off on fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme

The average Goldline markup was 90% above the melt value of the coin. The largest markup on any coin was 208% above the melt value. Furthermore, the average Goldline markup is 47% higher than better-priced competitors, with some of the company’s markups going as high as 102% compared to its competitors on one of the coins they offered.

• Goldline Falsely Claims To Offer “Good” Investments

By selling gold at twice the melt value, the price of gold would need to double for consumers to break even on their “investment.”

• Goldline Salespeople Misrepresent Their Ability To Give “Investment Advice”

Sales people imply that they are “investment advisors” or “financial advisers” by offering investment advice, which insinuates that they have some sort of fiduciary responsibility to get you the most return on your investment.

However, since they are not licensed investment advisors, they have no such responsibility. In 2006, the Missouri Secretary of States’ Office, Securities Division filed formal consent order against Goldline for exactly this reason and recovered over $200k for an elderly consumer that was ripped off.

• Goldline Plays off Public Fears of Government Takeover and Has Formed an Unholy Alliance with Conservative Pundits to Drive a False Narrative

Goldline employs several conservative pundits to act as shills for its’ precious metal business, including Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham, and Fred Thompson. By drumming up public fears during financially uncertain times, conservative pundits are able to drive a false narrative. Glenn Beck for example has dedicated entire segments of his program to explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack Obama as president. He will often promote the purchase of gold as the only safe investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods. When the show cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from Goldline.

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”

You have got to stop reading The Huffington Post and Media Matters.... and Anthony Wiener is an idiot and a liar.

Glenn always says gold isnt right for everyone, but right for others.
I listen to him all the time... have been for over 10 yrs, and I havent gone out and wasted my "nestegg" on gold.
You have to be an idiot to just blindly do something b/c someone else says to.
Do you think we (conservatives) cant think for ourselves? If so, we are'nt like you liberals that follow party lines no matter where they may lead. As long as we are listening to our "dear leader" then its all OK
It should be ok, as long as no one is called a "pea-brain."

I feel that is "violent imagry" that may lead me to kick the dog....but then I'd blame Bfrgn.

:rofl: Bfgrn called me that in a pm!!! :lol:

Save the PM.

It is evidence that whatever crime you may commit in the future will be linked to Bfrgn. Just tell the detectives that you think "pea-brain" is "Violent Imagery" and show them the PM.
Bfgrn4 said:
The American labor movement and unions' SPECIAL interest is We, the People; the average working guy and gal. The American labor movement and unions have done MORE for ALL working men and women, union and non union, in this country then ALL the Republicans that ever lived.

You're killing me. im drowning in my tears of laughter.

Here is a short list of recent achievements of the American labor movement...

The U.S. Labor Movement and Its Achievements (Sep. 04, 2001)

Labor Day is the time of year when the nation honors the working people who have built this country and made it prosperous. It is also a time to remember the achievements of the organized labor movement in United States history. As is often noted every September, many of the basic rights and benefits that are sometimes taken for granted were not kindly handed to workers by employers. It took the hard work and dedication of thousands of union men and women who struggled bravely to win these rights.

The labor movement in the United States led the struggles to:

* End child labor
* Establish the legal right of workers to form unions and collectively bargain for wages, benefits and working conditions
* Establish the 8 hour work day and paid overtime
* Win workers' comp benefits for workers injured on the job
* Secure unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs
* Secure a guaranteed minimum wage
* Improve workplace safety and reduce on the job fatalities
* Win pensions for workers
* Win health care insurance for workers
* Win paid sick leave, vacations, and holidays as standard benefits for most workers
* Win the right for public sector workers to collectively bargain
* Win passage of the Civil Right Acts and Title VII which outlaws job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin
* Win passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
* Win passage of the Family Medical Leave Act
It should be ok, as long as no one is called a "pea-brain."

I feel that is "violent imagry" that may lead me to kick the dog....but then I'd blame Bfrgn.

:rofl: Bfgrn called me that in a pm!!! :lol:

Save the PM.

It is evidence that whatever crime you may commit in the future will be linked to Bfrgn. Just tell the detectives that you think "pea-brain" is "Violent Imagery" and show them the PM.


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