An Open Letter of Apology to the United States of America

This is a report by the House Intelligence Committee on whether there were any INTELLIGENCE FAILURES that could have prevented the Benghazi attack and death of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. It is NOT a report on the public deception carried out by White House staff in furtherance of the President's reelection campaign, which it merely labeled as "inaccurate."
Public deception? You mean like the bogus "stand down order" invented by Fox News?
SwimExpert is absolutely right. Baby-boomers are the sorriest ass generation of people in our nation's history...except for the veterans. But their real contempt for gen xers isn't as pronounced as it is for millennials. That's the generation they really hate. Look at all those worthless idiots in San Francisco with their hate orchestrations against Google millennials. Pathetic baby boomer parasites wouldn't know what to do without rent control, welfare checks, SSI, and food stamps. They hate gen xers because...well...they sold out to the MAN, man! They sold out to the MAN! They're young, educated, tech savvy, and God forbid, they think that patriotism is a GOOD thing. How on earth could thousands of geriatric, lice infected, deadbeats ever relate with that?
Baby boomers. It all comes down to baby boomers hating Generation X.
Oh really??

Yes, really. Look at where all the bullshit comes from. There are plenty of things to complain about where Obama is concerned. But alot of what is said is just bullshit. Stupid bullshit. The bullshit almost always comes from Baby Boomers, adhering to Baby Boomer mentalities and visions of the world that belong in times past.

Obama's Presidency marks the transition from Baby Boomer power, to Gen X power. The Boomers are desperately trying to hold onto power and maintain relevance. The Boomers have always hated us. That's why they named us "Generation X." They've been telling us since we were kids that we'll amount to nothing. Now look at us, sitting in the Oval Office. It pisses them off. They can't stand that we're doing things differently than their way. Not only that, but our way is even better than their way.

I'm sorry that your dysfunctional upbringing by your Baby Boomer parents has left you so embittered. Ironically, you are following in their footsteps.
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SwimExpert is absolutely right. Baby-boomers are the sorriest ass generation of people in our nation's history...except for the veterans. But their real contempt for gen xers isn't as pronounced as it is for millennials. That's the generation they really hate. Look at all those worthless idiots in San Francisco with their hate orchestrations against Google millennials. Pathetic baby boomer parasites wouldn't know what to do without rent control, welfare checks, SSI, and food stamps. They hate gen xers because...well...they sold out to the MAN, man! They sold out to the MAN! They're young, educated, tech savvy, and God forbid, they think that patriotism is a GOOD thing. How on earth could thousands of geriatric, lice infected, deadbeats ever relate with that?
Talk all the shyt you want about your kids, but leave mine out of your ignorant rants...
This is a report by the House Intelligence Committee on whether there were any INTELLIGENCE FAILURES that could have prevented the Benghazi attack and death of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. It is NOT a report on the public deception carried out by White House staff in furtherance of the President's reelection campaign, which it merely labeled as "inaccurate."
Public deception? You mean like the bogus "stand down order" invented by Fox News?

I was referring to the bogus "video" excuse invented by our "national security" team of Obama acolytes.
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

why does it matter. your do-nothing wingers found nothing.

or did you miss that, too?

Ah, the report found that our intelligence community did their did little to change the facts that the Obama White House dropped the ball on security before the attacks and did it's best to cover that up after the attacks by misleading Congress and the American public.

that is false. it's probably appropriate for you wingers to stop making stuff up.


So let me get this straight, you want to claim that Ben Rhodes didn't instruct Susan Rice to essentially lie to the American people on all of those Sunday morning shows? If that IS your contention would you like to take a crack at explaining why the Obama White House was so afraid of that email being exposed to the American people that they reclassified it to Top Secret in order to hide it?
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

And what does that have to do with finding nada when it comes to Benghazi?

Answer: Nothing but you keep trying to remain relevent tho lol

I'm amused by the clarion calls by all you liberals to cease and desist any further investigations into what happened in Benghazi because the House report exonerated our intelligence community from wrong doing.

Strawman: no one said stop investigating...You did 14 times and found nothing. Now of course your reasoning has changed, which is always the case. You accuse of 10 different things then when 9 are proved false you think the Hail Mary will work.

Sorry buddy, Who the author is has nothign to do with the facts. You cant deal with those so you want to attack the messenger when the message cant be lol

Nobody said to stop investigating? That's been the message from you folks on the left all along, Closed! It's taken Freedom of Information lawsuits to pry documents out of "the most transparent Administration in history". Why is that? What is it that you're all so afraid of? That the Obama Administration will be shown to have miscalculated badly on policy when it came to the security of our diplomats in Libya? I hate to break this to you but that cat is already out of the bag!
All I can say, that if the Obama Presidency is your claim to fame for Generation X...then that's about as sad a commentary on a generation as anyone could ever come up with.

Because Nixon was so spectacular? :lol:

But thanks for proving my point. :lol:

Your "support" of Barack Obama is to say he's better than Richard Nixon? Ouch...might want to rethink that one!
And by the way, Richard Nixon wasn't a baby boomer...he was born in 1913. Thanks for playing though...
SwimExpert is absolutely right. Baby-boomers are the sorriest ass generation of people in our nation's history...except for the veterans. But their real contempt for gen xers isn't as pronounced as it is for millennials. That's the generation they really hate. Look at all those worthless idiots in San Francisco with their hate orchestrations against Google millennials. Pathetic baby boomer parasites wouldn't know what to do without rent control, welfare checks, SSI, and food stamps. They hate gen xers because...well...they sold out to the MAN, man! They sold out to the MAN! They're young, educated, tech savvy, and God forbid, they think that patriotism is a GOOD thing. How on earth could thousands of geriatric, lice infected, deadbeats ever relate with that?
Talk all the shyt you want about your kids, but leave mine out of your ignorant rants...

Oh, thanks for pointing that I give a shit about your kids.
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

And what does that have to do with finding nada when it comes to Benghazi?

Answer: Nothing but you keep trying to remain relevent tho lol

I'm amused by the clarion calls by all you liberals to cease and desist any further investigations into what happened in Benghazi because the House report exonerated our intelligence community from wrong doing.

Strawman: no one said stop investigating...You did 14 times and found nothing. Now of course your reasoning has changed, which is always the case. You accuse of 10 different things then when 9 are proved false you think the Hail Mary will work.

Sorry buddy, Who the author is has nothign to do with the facts. You cant deal with those so you want to attack the messenger when the message cant be lol

Nobody said to stop investigating? That's been the message from you folks on the left all along, Closed!

See, your paranoia tells you this is true. Reality is different and if you are addressing ANYONE in this thread...Then YES...No one has said to stop investigating. I bet you are talking about people you cannot name in posts you cannot find,

It's taken Freedom of Information lawsuits to pry documents out of "the most transparent Administration in history". Why is that? What is it that you're all so afraid of?

Your flurry of questions meant for someone else trying to create an air of paranoia is duely noted. You forgot to add in classics like "Why Now?" Thats always a good one or "What else arent they telling us?"

That the Obama Administration will be shown to have miscalculated badly on policy when it came to the security of our diplomats in Libya? I hate to break this to you but that cat is already out of the bag!

Actually that cat isnt a cat at all...Republicans did the investigation and found that there isnt a cat or a bag. You cant deal with it....

Maybe *gasp* the Republicans are in on it too and they are all trying to make a fool out of you
All I can say, that if the Obama Presidency is your claim to fame for Generation X...then that's about as sad a commentary on a generation as anyone could ever come up with.

Because Nixon was so spectacular? :lol:

But thanks for proving my point. :lol:

Your "support" of Barack Obama is to say he's better than Richard Nixon? Ouch...might want to rethink that one!


I bet you think that makes sense, even though I never said anything about supporting Obama. Put down the goal post and step away.
My kids are from the x-generation, hardly would I have ever said that to my child or anyone's else..I have never liked the way the older generation has talked down the younger ones.I hated it when I was young and have never done it to a younger human..........

But you do recognize that the Boomer generation has always hated Gen X, right? You do realize why Gen X is so labeled, right?
I've seen it with every generation, your generation will do it also....Oblama is from the boomer era, you are aware of that?

No, I don't think so. We certainly have not regarded Millennials the way Boomers did us. We didn't come up with an insulting moniker for them.
Baby boomers. It all comes down to baby boomers hating Generation X.
Oh really??

Yes, really. Look at where all the bullshit comes from. There are plenty of things to complain about where Obama is concerned. But alot of what is said is just bullshit. Stupid bullshit. The bullshit almost always comes from Baby Boomers, adhering to Baby Boomer mentalities and visions of the world that belong in times past.

Obama's Presidency marks the transition from Baby Boomer power, to Gen X power. The Boomers are desperately trying to hold onto power and maintain relevance. The Boomers have always hated us. That's why they named us "Generation X." They've been telling us since we were kids that we'll amount to nothing. Now look at us, sitting in the Oval Office. It pisses them off. They can't stand that we're doing things differently than their way. Not only that, but our way is even better than their way.

I'm sorry that your dysfunctional upbringing by your Baby Boomer parents has left you so embittered. Ironically, you are following in their footsteps.


Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

why does it matter. your do-nothing wingers found nothing.

or did you miss that, too?

Ah, the report found that our intelligence community did their did little to change the facts that the Obama White House dropped the ball on security before the attacks and did it's best to cover that up after the attacks by misleading Congress and the American public.

Hmmm... Benghazi occurred on 9/11/2012... that was 56 days from Obama fulfilling this campaign bumper sticker.

. View attachment 34587

Meanwhile back in reality..........

"Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad."

Osama Bin Laden Dead The White House
All I can say, that if the Obama Presidency is your claim to fame for Generation X...then that's about as sad a commentary on a generation as anyone could ever come up with.

Because Nixon was so spectacular? :lol:

But thanks for proving my point. :lol:

Your "support" of Barack Obama is to say he's better than Richard Nixon? Ouch...might want to rethink that one!


I bet you think that makes sense, even though I never said anything about supporting Obama. Put down the goal post and step away.

No, you made a comment about baby boomers and Nixon which wasn't very well thought out because Nixon wasn't a baby boomer. The first baby boomer President would be Bill Clinton. As far as comparing Nixon to Obama? The former was a paranoid while the latter is a narcissist. Comparing Nixon to Obama on foreign policy is like comparing someone with a PhD to someone with a GED.
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

why does it matter. your do-nothing wingers found nothing.

or did you miss that, too?

Ah, the report found that our intelligence community did their did little to change the facts that the Obama White House dropped the ball on security before the attacks and did it's best to cover that up after the attacks by misleading Congress and the American public.

Hmmm... Benghazi occurred on 9/11/2012... that was 56 days from Obama fulfilling this campaign bumper sticker.

. View attachment 34587

Meanwhile back in reality..........

"Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad."

Osama Bin Laden Dead The White House
I've seen it with every generation, your generation will do it also....Oblama is from the boomer era, you are aware of that?

I realize it's natural for every generation to ask "what's wrong with these kids today?" But since the beginning the Boomers have labeled Gen X (i.e. Generation nothing) as the bearers of the downfall of humanity. It's a mantra they continue to sing.

Obama lies on the Generation Jones cross section. His politics and way of seeing and doing things is a marked difference from the Cold War world view that is typical of Boomers.
Wonder why we haven't heard that refrain about ending the war in Iraq lately?
All I can say, that if the Obama Presidency is your claim to fame for Generation X...then that's about as sad a commentary on a generation as anyone could ever come up with.

Because Nixon was so spectacular? :lol:

But thanks for proving my point. :lol:

Your "support" of Barack Obama is to say he's better than Richard Nixon? Ouch...might want to rethink that one!


I bet you think that makes sense, even though I never said anything about supporting Obama. Put down the goal post and step away.

No, you made a comment about baby boomers and Nixon which wasn't very well thought out because Nixon wasn't a baby boomer. The first baby boomer President would be Bill Clinton. As far as comparing Nixon to Obama? The former was a paranoid while the latter is a narcissist. Comparing Nixon to Obama on foreign policy is like comparing someone with a PhD to someone with a GED.

In modern times (post WWII) the only president ranked worse than Nixon is Bush (43).

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