Glenn Beck has endorsed Hillary

So the last straw for Beck's moral and ethical meter was what? Trump using the p word? Sorry Glenn, the moral and ethical choice is not to help Hillary get elected so she can keep her vow to protect women's "right" to kill their babies. Glenn, you seem to be confusing morality with bad words.
Given the fact you're a liar you're in no position to be critical of anyone's morals or ethics.
I am simply responding to Beck's remarks. You evidently have nothing to add to the discussion beyond puerile insults.
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?

See post #85 above. I am not sure I can be of much assistance to your confusion.

And if you want to talk about "red flags" I can assure you this fly item is a minor curiosity. The red flags against Hillary number in the hundreds.
The red flags against Trump number in the thousands. Which is why I am not voting for either one of them.

That puts me on the same page as Glenn Beck, who I also detest.

That's fine, at least it has merit.

I am not keen on Trump either, I wish he would come off more civil and/or intelligent. But neither do I think he would be some kind of uncontrollable firebrand in the oval office. I think he would listen to his councils and make wise decisions.

To not vote at all (especially in a swing state) is a vote for Hillary. (usually)
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?

See post #85 above. I am not sure I can be of much assistance to your confusion.

And if you want to talk about "red flags" I can assure you this fly item is a minor curiosity. The red flags against Hillary number in the hundreds.
The red flags against Trump number in the thousands. Which is why I am not voting for either one of them.

That puts me on the same page as Glenn Beck, who I also detest.

That's fine, at least it has merit.

I am not keen on Trump either, I wish he would come off more civil and/or intelligent. But neither do I think he would be some kind of uncontrollable firebrand in the oval office. I think he would listen to his councils and make wise decisions.

To not vote at all (especially in a swing state) is a vote for Hillary. (usually)
I don't think he would listen to his councillors and make wise decisions because he hasn't listened to his advisors about the campaign, or made wise decisions about increasing his supporters to win the general election. The Republicans as a body and his hired campaign stategists and his family cannot control him. So why do you think he will be controllable once he 's in the White House? The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior.
How does a Jewish homeland harm the us?

We pushed Israel back on the map. We armed Israel. We green-lighted Israel's 67 land grab with our weapons. We did nothing when Israel did not leave, used our weapons to exterminate the residents, and then Israel murdered the crew of the USS Liberty for noticing...

We had no problem with that part of the world prior to 1948.

Since then, "Israel" has cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. Time to realize that 1948 was the biggest error in US history and stop arming and funding these non-ally supremacist killers.
without morality, what good is it to be American?

Your "morality" bullshit has cost the US trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, started multiple wars with no US national interest, and has destroyed our credibility in the process.

FUCK your treasonous "morality."
When did we talk about the USS Liberty?

It was in my original post you responded to, dick.

Did you cheer when Israel used planes given to Israel by the US for free to murder the crew of the USS Liberty in order to prevent the US public from discovering whether or not Israel was exterminating the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip with US weapons??
Btw spelling is your friend

Off Topic:
Spelling is not that person's problem.

I oppose Zionism because Zionism harms the US, plane and simple

"Plane" is spelled correctly. It's just the wrong word altogether. I guess s/he skipped class when they discussed the difference between "plane" and "plain." Clearly s/he also never cognitively osmosed the distinction. One must wonder of what other things -- simple and complex -- the individual has simply never picked-up. Quite a lot I suspect.
without morality, what good is it to be American?

Your "morality" bullshit has cost the US trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, started multiple wars with no US national interest, and has destroyed our credibility in the process.

FUCK your treasonous "morality."

Agreed. Unfortunately, morality is not something that can be sold
When did we talk about the USS Liberty?

It was in my original post you responded to, dick.

Did you cheer when Israel used planes given to Israel by the US for free to murder the crew of the USS Liberty in order to prevent the US public from discovering whether or not Israel was exterminating the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip with US weapons??

And what did I say about the USS Liberty? I don't recall.

You know, I would be glad to discuss that question, but I'm not going to do it when you're a dick and put words in my mouth. You don't have to be a gentleman, but it's an ad hominem fallacy to put it the way you did. Want to try again? No sweetness required, just put it as a question
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?

See post #85 above. I am not sure I can be of much assistance to your confusion.

And if you want to talk about "red flags" I can assure you this fly item is a minor curiosity. The red flags against Hillary number in the hundreds.
The red flags against Trump number in the thousands. Which is why I am not voting for either one of them.

That puts me on the same page as Glenn Beck, who I also detest.

That's fine, at least it has merit.

I am not keen on Trump either, I wish he would come off more civil and/or intelligent. But neither do I think he would be some kind of uncontrollable firebrand in the oval office. I think he would listen to his councils and make wise decisions.

To not vote at all (especially in a swing state) is a vote for Hillary. (usually)
I don't think he would listen to his councillors and make wise decisions because he hasn't listened to his advisors about the campaign, or made wise decisions about increasing his supporters to win the general election. The Republicans as a body and his hired campaign stategists and his family cannot control him. So why do you think he will be controllable once he 's in the White House? The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior.

I doubt he would take all of the liberties Barack did and make decisions side-stepping the congress. That man is a pox on this nation.

I think Trump would try to accomplish what he says he wants to do including closing the border, keeping M.E. unvetted migrants out of this nation, improving the military and morale of the troops, and redoing horrible trade imbalances with China, etc. I cannot imagine him doing any of that without congressional approval.
without morality, what good is it to be American?

Your "morality" bullshit has cost the US trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, started multiple wars with no US national interest, and has destroyed our credibility in the process.

FUCK your treasonous "morality."

Morality doesn't cost a thing. You just choose to do what's right
without morality, what good is it to be American?

Your "morality" bullshit has cost the US trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, started multiple wars with no US national interest, and has destroyed our credibility in the process.

FUCK your treasonous "morality."

Morality doesn't cost a thing. You just choose to do what's right

He doesn't give a shit about money, actually, he just hates Jews

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