Glenn Beck has endorsed Hillary

If you read Beck's Facebook post (always go to the source material, folks), he is not endorsing Clinton. He is calling for Trump to step down, and he is resigned to the fact Clinton is going to win.

But it is not an endorsement. It's a non-endorsement of Donald Trump.
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?
You do condemn the Palestinian and other Arab terrorists who are trying to murder them though, yes?

I support the US. I care about the US. I am an American.

And I notice things... like what our CIA file now says about the 67 war....

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"

Lyndon Johnson LIED to the American people about that.

Israel deliberately attacked and murdered the crew of the USS Liberty, which was sent to see if Israel was exterminating the residents of the "occupied territories" in 1968. If Israel was not doing that, why attack the Liberty???

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

And then this jewel in 1998 from one of Hillary's closest pals, Madeleine Albright...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | Huffington Post

"“Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”"

And then this...

and if one is a "truther...." like me....

yeah, sorry, no sympathy for aggressor Israel here.

No need to apologize, you proved my point. Jew haters like to hide your Antisemitism in bull shit arguments like you did. When asked if you actually condemn terrorism against them, you're constantly exposed. That's why after a round or two of dancing with you, I just go there.

So you oppose Jews because Israel is socialist. While the Arab governments are what, libertarian? Why don't you just be honest. I guess at some level Jew haters know it's wrong since you go to the effort to hide it
So the last straw for Beck's moral and ethical meter was what? Trump using the p word? Sorry Glenn, the moral and ethical choice is not to help Hillary get elected so she can keep her vow to protect women's "right" to kill their babies. Glenn, you seem to be confusing morality with bad words.
Given the fact you're a liar you're in no position to be critical of anyone's morals or ethics.
He better take back all the "he's a progressive" insults he's thrown at Romney over the years

Glenn Beck Officially Endorses Hillary Clinton To A Stunned Internet
Glenn Beck lost his mind years ago.

You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
It's this sort of lunacy that supports the likes of Trump.

Calm down C.C. This is "Greek" to you.

The Biblical passage cast not pearls before swine is not without truth or substance.

You stay on your mission of "righteousness" and we will try not to upset you.
Jew haters like to hide your Antisemitism in bull shit arguments like you did.

It is "bull shit" that Israel murdered the USS Liberty???

You sir, should answer for your treasonous views....

Is Israel divinely justified to murder Americans???
With all the spineless hypocrites denouncing Trump, the House and the Senate are fair game and sure win for the Democrats.

Hillary's nominees will NOT be opposed by a Democratic Senate.
Her proposed laws will NOT be opposed by a Democratic House.

Glen Beck and Mike Lee and the Bushes and Ted Cruz and the rest of the self righteous turn coats can go to Hell.
My guess is that Trump's supporters assumed that at some point the rest of the party would fall in line, even though he's clearly not one of them.

Couldn't those who refuse to support Trump be said to be holding to their principles?

Apparently we are hypocrites for not selling out

But you DID sell out.

Not supporting Trump you are supporting Hillary Clinton.

Lying to yourself about reality doesn't change the fact that we have held to our principles. We aren't voting for a bill Clinton rerun just because he has an R next to his name this time.

This is precisely what we spent the last two decades fighting with the Clintons.


Forgive me. I thought you read English
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?

See post #85 above. I am not sure I can be of much assistance to your confusion.

And if you want to talk about "red flags" I can assure you this fly item is a minor curiosity. The red flags against Hillary number in the hundreds.
If an article were to read -

'Jesus endorses Hillary', the immediate response would be "Who is he? Where's he been for the last 2,000 years? Jesus doesn't know anything about American politics. He's a liberal hippie hack that believes in welfare and free stuff for the poor. He was never a Christian to begin with, all you have to do is look at who he hung out with. Lepers, poor people, prostitutes. He's a socialist that hates the rich who provide jobs for all his lazy friends. He should be washing THEIR feet..."
Well, I'd say "endorsed" is a strong word - it's more like he's resigned himself to stop fighting it:

If she is elected, the world does not end…. Once elected, Hillary can be fought. Her tactics are blatant and juvenile, and battling her by means of political and procedural maneuvering or through the media , through public marches and online articles, all of that will be moral, worthy of man of principal.

Her nominees can be blocked, her proposed laws voted down.


With all the spineless hypocrites denouncing Trump, the House and the Senate are fair game and sure win for the Democrats.

Hillary's nominees will NOT be opposed by a Democratic Senate.
Her proposed laws will NOT be opposed by a Democratic House.

Glen Beck and Mike Lee and the Bushes and Ted Cruz and the rest of the self righteous turn coats can go to Hell.
My guess is that Trump's supporters assumed that at some point the rest of the party would fall in line, even though he's clearly not one of them.

Couldn't those who refuse to support Trump be said to be holding to their principles?


How many of the sixteen who pledged to support the eventual nominee stuck to their given word?

Those who did not, have no honesty, no, honor, no character and no principles. They are also devoid of any proximity to the people who made their choice crystal clear in the primaries.

Let them bear the burden of the (at least three) new Supreme Court Justices ruling on the left side of Kin Jung Un. Let them bear the burden of a bankrupt country. Let them bear the burden of a weakened and virtually disabled military. Let them bear the burden of increasing terrorist on American soil.

I am sure they will have a perfectly acceptable excuse for their principles.
But Trump isn't even a conservative, and his supporters admit it.

They've moved from conservatism to populist nationalism, on a dime.

Why should conservatives be expected to make such a big change?

When you give your word and pledge to do a certain thing, not knowing what the future might bring, you take a chance, and if you are an honest man, you stand by your given word.

The sixteen unsuccessful wannabe's were sure Trump would not get the nomination, so they gave their pledge/word with fingers crossed behind their backs. And all who did not have the courage to stick by their word, are gutless, worthless nobodies, who should resign any current elected post they have and never run for an election again. After all, if they deceived their "equals" how can they be trusted not to deceive the people who would be foolish enough to vote for them?

When you sign on the dotted line to pay your mortgage, you better do, or pay the consequences. When you give your word of honor, you honor it or be forever remembered as a human piece of slime.

Regardless of your present or past stage in life.

When did Glenn or anyone here sign a pledge or run for president?
If an article were to read -

'Jesus endorses Hillary', the immediate response would be "Who is he? Where's he been for the last 2,000 years? Jesus doesn't know anything about American politics. He's a liberal hippie hack that believes in welfare and free stuff for the poor. He was never a Christian to begin with, all you have to do is look at who he hung out with. Lepers, poor people, prostitutes. He's a socialist that hates the rich who provide jobs for all his lazy friends. He should be washing THEIR feet..."

CNN would never submit any pro-Hillary messages ever. Just impossible... would never happen... They would never commit fraud to present her in a positive light, ever!
You know that large fly on Hillary is disturbing. They have also landed on Barack more than a few speeches.

I really think it has a significance. Cue the book "Lord of the Flies." I am officially creeped out and prepared for the worst.

PS -- Any republican or "Chrsitian" pastor that endorses Hillary is a pawn for the enemy.
Yeah, every good Christian should vote for the serial adulterer, sexual predator, owner of gambling dens, defrauder of the elderly...Saint Donald Trump.

I mean, a fly landing on someone is just about the biggest red flag there is, amiright?

See post #85 above. I am not sure I can be of much assistance to your confusion.

And if you want to talk about "red flags" I can assure you this fly item is a minor curiosity. The red flags against Hillary number in the hundreds.
The red flags against Trump number in the thousands. Which is why I am not voting for either one of them.

That puts me on the same page as Glenn Beck, who I also detest.
Well, I'd say "endorsed" is a strong word - it's more like he's resigned himself to stop fighting it:

If she is elected, the world does not end…. Once elected, Hillary can be fought. Her tactics are blatant and juvenile, and battling her by means of political and procedural maneuvering or through the media , through public marches and online articles, all of that will be moral, worthy of man of principal.

Her nominees can be blocked, her proposed laws voted down.

Sure and I agree, but is this stuff not possible with Trump as well?

Well, I suppose it is, but what isn't available by voting for Trump is, as Mr. Beck, wrote is this:

The alternative does not offer a moral person the same opportunity. If one helps to elect an immoral man to the highest office, then one is merely validating his immorality, lewdness, and depravity.​

That's what Glenn Beck wrote. I fully agree with him.

Glen Beck should have written this about Hillary Clinton:

"The alternative does not offer a moral person the same opportunity. If one helps to elect an immoral woman to the highest office, then one is merely validating her immorality, lewdness, and depravity".

Glen Beck is a hypocrite to the core. A waste of human skin covering a depraved, unpatriotic, anti-American, treasonous soul.

How is he a hypocrite for opposing both of them when neither of them represent conservative constitutional values he does?
There is no such thing as "conservative constitutional values," there's only the Constitution and its case law, whose values are cherished by all Americans
So the last straw for Beck's moral and ethical meter was what? Trump using the p word? Sorry Glenn, the moral and ethical choice is not to help Hillary get elected so she can keep her vow to protect women's "right" to kill their babies. Glenn, you seem to be confusing morality with bad words.
Given the fact you're a liar you're in no position to be critical of anyone's morals or ethics.
Given the fact you're a liar you're in no position to be critical of anyone's morals or ethics
Jew haters like to hide your Antisemitism in bull shit arguments like you did.

It is "bull shit" that Israel murdered the USS Liberty???

You sir, should answer for your treasonous views....

Is Israel divinely justified to murder Americans???

What are you talking about? When did we talk about the USS Liberty? Are you on drugs?

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