Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.
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Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

Get a grip. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow breathes.

I wonder if there as many Republicans disaffected with thier party as there are disaffected Democrats?

I suspect there are.

Kudos to both groups for at least understanding that your parties are toxic to your republic even if you don't agree on who needs hanging.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

I wonder if there as many Republicans disaffected with thier party as there are disaffected Democrats?

I suspect there are.

Kudos to both groups for at least understanding that your parties are toxic to your republic even if you don't agree on who needs hanging.

And, for the clueless among us, the alienated Conservatives are disaffected because the GOP is trying to always be just a bit to this side of the Liberals, who are off the charts leftist.

So, no matter how many of them or their "Moderate" ilk we might elect the country would still be so far to the left that we'd no longer be the country we inherited and are expected to preserve and then pass down to future generations.

The only hope is to use the Constitution as our guiding star.

Not wherever the Democrats happen to be on their road to oblivion.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.


So, this is something that is never done in America.

Beck said that? Takes one to know one.

Regards from Rosie

Do you, in your professed role as courtesan, provide sexual favors to those aging Conservative politicians he insulted?

So, why would you criticize Beck?
At some point enough Republicans and enough Democrats are going to become not just disappointed in what used to be their parties and will become openly disgusted. The result will be a third party and it will be an exceedingly ugly one. Sadly, just what we need.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

Get a grip. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow breathes.


It's spelled, "breaths."

I guess I'm lucky in spelling but unlucky in auto-fellatio.

You beat me on that score.
At some point enough Republicans and enough Democrats are going to become not just disappointed in what used to be their parties and will become openly disgusted. The result will be a third party and it will be an exceedingly ugly one. Sadly, just what we need.

It's called the Tea Party.

It's not ugly.

But it hasn't yet supplanted the old guard GOP, either.

That's the challenge.
At some point enough Republicans and enough Democrats are going to become not just disappointed in what used to be their parties and will become openly disgusted. The result will be a third party and it will be an exceedingly ugly one. Sadly, just what we need.

It's called the Tea Party.

It's not ugly.

But it hasn't yet supplanted the old guard GOP, either.

That's the challenge.

I do not believe The Tea Party is the third party that will ultimately prevail. I expect something entirely different to arise and to do so very suddenly. What the catalyst might be I cannot predict but I do believe some event will touch off a reaction at a point in time relatively close to an election and there will not be time for either mainstream party to kick it into a corner.
Beck said that? Takes one to know one.

Regards from Rosie

Do you, in your professed role as courtesan, provide sexual favors to those aging Conservative politicians he insulted?

So, why would you criticize Beck?

I criticize Beck because he is a dumbass pinhead.

I participate, lifelong, in sex with Liberal men only. I would not touch a Conservative with your pencil dick.

Regards from Rosie
Beck said that? Takes one to know one.

Regards from Rosie

Do you, in your professed role as courtesan, provide sexual favors to those aging Conservative politicians he insulted?

So, why would you criticize Beck?

I criticize Beck because he is a dumbass pinhead.

I participate, lifelong, in sex with Liberal men only. I would not touch a Conservative with your pencil dick.

Regards from Rosie

Just with liberal men? OK, so long as you don't expect to ever have children.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

While you'r getting all breathless and weepy I'm having a hard time gathering up enough interest to say... "who gives a shit?"
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

While you'r getting all breathless and weepy I'm having a hard time gathering up enough interest to say... "who gives a shit?"

Anyone with any discernment or who is the least bit perceptive knows I don't get breathless or weepy unless it's when a Progressive bites the dust.

Fewer idiots I can bash.

If I could give you a shit, I would.

You deserve shit.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

So the blind hog stumbled across an acorn?
Aside from it being one of his rare correct moments, what are we to celebrate?
This undoubtedly will be reported to the appropriate Latter Day Saint elders of the congregation to which he belongs.

The charge will be bringing "shame on the LDS church."
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Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.


So, this is something that is never done in America.


It is done and you witnessed it.
Glenn Beck just called McCain and McConnell S.O.B.'s on the air!

Just heard this on the radio.

I'd bet an article will be forthcoming.

You don't call two long time Senators "sons of bitches" on The Blaze, a national radio network, on the Glenn Beck Show, and not have it make news.

While you'r getting all breathless and weepy I'm having a hard time gathering up enough interest to say... "who gives a shit?"

Anyone with any discernment or who is the least bit perceptive knows I don't get breathless or weepy unless it's when a Progressive bites the dust.

Fewer idiots I can bash.

If I could give you a shit, I would.

You deserve shit.

There's a lonely sad-faced Bozo here who needs some company.

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