Glenn Beck keeps losing advertisers


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
News of tension between Glenn Beck and his network colleagues (and bosses) isn't new but Mark Leibovich New York Times Sunday Magazine article sheds new light on the extent to which Beck and Fox News have clashed. Leibovich reports that Ailes "has complained about Beck's hawking his non-Fox ventures too much on his Fox show" and doesn't appreciate that Fox News made him a sensation.

It matters because Beck's ratings have softened over the last year, and advertisers are pulling their dollars away from the program. Leibovich writes that his show is considered "empty calories" in the TV business: "As of Sept. 21, 296 advertisers have asked that their commercials not be shown on Beck's show (up from 26 in August 2009). Fox also has a difficult time selling ads on "The O'Reilly Factor" and "Fox and Friends" when Beck appears on those shows as a guest. Beck's show is known in the TV sales world as "empty calories," meaning he draws great ratings but is toxic for ad sales."

MediaPost Publications Tension Reported Between Fox, Glenn Beck 09/30/2010
Hmmmm....Great ratings but the "normal" advertisers are shying away.

Looks like a problem for the sales department, not programming.

Now that is Republican logic if I ever heard it.

Gotta rep you for that.

Thanks for the chuckle.
Typical leftloon thinking, to go along believing that their current advertisers are the only ones worth having....And who is it that fears progress and change?

Well, the Beck audience buys stuff just like everybody else....Find out what they buy, who sells it, and sell those businesses commercial time.

Viewers in need of hearing aids, blue hair dye and 'roid cream are already watching Larry King, so that one is already covered.
LOL, at least HE HAS some advertisers TO LOSE..

not like that bought and paid for Soros-Democrat-Progressive-commie crap station, PMSnbc.:lol::lol:
I read the Times piece, it was really very interesting. Did you read the actual profile, Chris, or just the blog you sourced which links to HuffPo's gleeful highlighting of the seemingly "bad" stuff? I only ask because when I read the entire article, I didn't get the impression Beck was any worse off with Ailes than any of the other Fox personalities who cross-promote their own non-Fox ventures. The biggest issue may be advertisers, but we won't know how that effects Beck's show until next year when his contract is up for renewal.

Either way, the article left me with the distinct feeling that Beck doesn't really care if he's on TV or not.
I read the Times piece, it was really very interesting. Did you read the actual profile, Chris, or just the blog you sourced which links to HuffPo's gleeful highlighting of the seemingly "bad" stuff? I only ask because when I read the entire article, I didn't get the impression Beck was any worse off with Ailes than any of the other Fox personalities who cross-promote their own non-Fox ventures. The biggest issue may be advertisers, but we won't know how that effects Beck's show until next year when his contract is up for renewal.

Either way, the article left me with the distinct feeling that Beck doesn't really care if he's on TV or not.

It left me thinking he is manic.
I read the Times piece, it was really very interesting. Did you read the actual profile, Chris, or just the blog you sourced which links to HuffPo's gleeful highlighting of the seemingly "bad" stuff? I only ask because when I read the entire article, I didn't get the impression Beck was any worse off with Ailes than any of the other Fox personalities who cross-promote their own non-Fox ventures. The biggest issue may be advertisers, but we won't know how that effects Beck's show until next year when his contract is up for renewal.

Either way, the article left me with the distinct feeling that Beck doesn't really care if he's on TV or not.

It left me thinking he is manic.

Yeah, that too...
In the world of TV, you are selling the audience to the advertisers. Apparently the advertisers don't care that Beck has an audience. "Your money's no good here." Let the free market do the rest.
Great. Lets whip up wealthy corporate advertisers to try and silence the free speech of those with whom we disagree! We can label them racist, homophobic haters, if need be! The important thing, above all else, is that our delicate ears not be offended for even 2 seconds as we're scanning the radio dial! And, if we are tempted to listen for longer, out of morbid curiosity, we'll lead a boycott against the advertisers for daring to sponsor a radio host we don't like!!!
The author of this thread excells in posting up stuff of absurd irrelevance................does it all the time in the Environmental forum.

The is just another "So the fcukk what??" thread from another k00k liberal who doesnt understand the dynamics of the market. Beck pulls a mammoth audience........thats the only thing that matters. If some advertisers whig, there are others chomping on the bit to get the kind of exposure Beck can bring to any product or service, thus this thread is another exercise in liberalgroup navel contemplation.

LMAO..........look at Olbermann.............nobody watches his show and he still gets advertisers:tomato::tomato::oops:

s0n........dont you ever tire of me decimating your shit in multiple forums!!!?????????

I turn to him sometimes to see what he has on his chalkboard today. Usually it is the same cast of characters who are all in cahoots to bring down his imaginary America. Last evening he had Dinesh D'Souza on with all these charts and connections and implications it would make a sane person's head spin, but not Beck. So it prompted me to write the Beckian method of understanding history which I will post next.
I turn to him sometimes to see what he has on his chalkboard today. Usually it is the same cast of characters who are all in cahoots to bring down his imaginary America. Last evening he had Dinesh D'Souza on with all these charts and connections and implications it would make a sane person's head spin, but not Beck. So it prompted me to write the Beckian method of understanding history which I will post next.

The characters that are trying/rooting for the destruction of our great country is the family in your avatar.

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