Glenn Beck owned yet again

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Fuzzy math

Glenn Beck claims 10% of Muslims are terrorists; CNN's Fareed Zakaria blasts him for fuzzy math

"Let's do a bit of math here," said Zakaria, demonstrating his calculations on a chalkboard. "There are 1,570,000,000 Muslims worldwide. Take ten percent of those Muslims and you get 157,000,000. That's how many Muslim terrorists Glenn Beck is suggesting there are in the world."

He went on to attack Beck's math, and his methods.

"Beck wondered why 'Oh why this wasn't receiving any media coverage?'" Zakaria continued. "Well let me suggest one reason. It is total nonsense. A figure made up by Glenn Beck with absolutely no basis in fact."

Citing data from the U.S. State Department, which reported roughly 11,000 terror attacks worldwide in 2009, Zakaria multiplied that number by 100, on the "generous" assumption that each attack took 100 terrorists, even though most were committed solo or by small groups.

Even using that exaggerated figure, Zakaria concluded, that would mean 1,100,000 people were involved in terrorist acts last year.

"Glenn Beck's figure is 150,000 times higher than that," the CNN anchor concluded. "If in fact there are 157 million Muslim terrorists in the world, what were the other 155,900,000 of them doing last year?"

Note the weak. ad-hominem response from his equally retarded producer.
"Does fomenting or supporting such anger against the American government make one a terrorist?" Zakaria asked. "Well, according to Glenn Beck's producer and his definition, maybe. But in that case how would one describe a man who has been fueling such anger against the American government on television daily for the last two years?" he said.

"How, in other words, would one describe Glenn Beck

Golden, just golden, I like to see retards like Beck get owned on their own Islamophobic bigotry.

The figure is closer to 1% , but who is counting.

Hypothetical: Reaction if US Troops Fight a Local Insurgency

Respondents were posed a hypothetical question, in which they were to imagine a scenario in which American troops were sent to their country “to fight insurgents.” They were then asked how they would feel about attacks on those troops. Consistent with their other answers about attacks on US troops, a majority of Indonesians (66%) thought they would disapprove (14% would approve, 8% mixed feelings). The most common answer among Pakistanis was that they would disapprove (38%), but nearly as many said they would approve (16%) or would have mixed feelings (19%). (This question was not permitted in Egypt.)
Respondents were asked how they would regard “attacks on US civilians working for US companies” in such a situation. Eighty-seven percent of Egyptians said they would disapprove of such attacks (82% strongly), as did 78 percent of Indonesians (59% strongly) and a 47 percent plurality of Pakistanis. Approval for such attacks on civilians ranged only 5-9 percent. Mixed feelings ranged from 3 percent in Egypt, to 7 percent in Indonesia, to 18 percent in Pakistan.
Beck got his info from this report which shows, depending on the country, support for terrorist attacks anywhere from 5-70% or more. Look at page 11:

“And this guy cited some polls to support the claim that many in the Muslim world don’t like us and wish us harm. Uhh, yes, many of us have been pointing that out for over a decade now … But hating America is not the same thing as being a terrorist.

“Believe me, if we had one hundred and fifty seven million Muslim terrorists active across the world, we would be hearing more about it.”

Stu Blog
1) The polls don’t describe a “wish” of any sort. They don’t just describe people hating America. They show support for violent attacks against civilians on US soil. They show support for the actions of Osama Bin Laden. They show support–aka advocacy–for those attacks. Why is advocacy important? Well…

2) Terrorist. Definition number one. ”a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.” Look, Fareed -you’re either wrong, or you need to start attacking the dictionary, not Glenn. Just admit it. Fareed’s defense on this point is that other organizations don’t define it this way, so “never mind.” Never mind what? The dictionary? Never mind the dictionary? When your defense can be summarized as “well, I think the dictionary is wrong”, you’ve lost.

Yeah that didnt work out to well

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - CNN attacks Glenn

GLENN: Don't you see what we're doing? Now, we're arguing about this which is nonsense. It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter. There's enough. More than 1.1 million, that's enough. That's enough. 1.1 million is enough to wipe us off the face of the earth. So, it doesn't matter what the number is and it does matter on how many people will stand up against it and vocally say no, enough is enough. That's the number that we should be talking about.

GLENN: In the meantime, we can't even as a government -- we can't even say that there is terror. We have now the Department of Homeland Security going into Wal-Mart with a video and Wal-Mart's statement is that they are going to, they are the first of many retailers that are partnering with the Department of Homeland Security. Now I have no problem if you want to say, Hey, if you see something, say something, but this is an administration that doesn't even think that terrorism is real. And why -- why is Wal-Mart partnering with the Department of Homeland Security? Wal-Mart says, well, we're trying to keep our cities safe. I understand that and I salute them for that and if you see something, say something. But what does that have to do something with if you see something in the store? What do you mean? Shoplifting? Shoplifting is -- that's a Department of Homeland Security thing? What does that mean? That's not a Federal crime. I'm sorry, but it just -- something is wrong here. Now, maybe Wal-Mart is just -- and I'm sure this is what it is, I mean, I met the people at Wal-Mart. I like the people at Wal-Mart, but I look at this Wal-Mart story and I think it is just this, most likely: Department of Homeland Security calls up and says, do you know what? Let me do it look the Department of Homeland Security does it right now, do you know what would be really nice, huh? You play a little video at the checkout, huh? I'm just saying it would be a good thing. That's all I'm saying. All I'm saying is you want to do that, huh? You want to do that now, Wal-Mart, or are you going to do that later? We can do this two ways. I've got a cannoli. We'll throw it in the car. Do you know what I'm saying? Take you for a little spin. Personally I think that was -- that's what happened and they just said, Hey, we've got a little video. Why don't you put it on the cash registers, huh? And Wal-Mart was, like, you know, that's fine. We'll just put that on the -- because it's no big deal. That's right. It's no big deal. I just think that it is opening the door to the Department of Homeland Security and I think it's a little creepy myself, 1984ish. I think it's a little creepy, but I don't necessarily think there's anything nefarious there, but I was a little disturbed -- that's just one of the first stories, do you know what I'm saying? Some of the first retailers that are going to be helping out Department of Homeland Security. Yeah. I'm a little uncomfortable with that. Leave the guns. Take the cannoli.
Remember when President Bush was lying to us to keep us in fear of terrorist attacks that weren't really being planned, he just wanted to take our rights and look more like Hitler? Then he left, and we elected Obama which worked out great because the world liked him better so even on the outside chance that Bush wasn't lying and they really were trying, they would quit once he got in there.

I do believe Bush was lying and fear mongering. I also believe that Obama has made us more liked. Hence, we are clearly being attacked because of Glenn Beck. I guess?

At some point, some of you on the left will figure out that most of us on the right already know that Glenn is a moron. We only keep him around because he drives you lefties nuts. You know, kinda like you guys do with Obama. Difference is, we know better to elect him to anything.
So, yet again, hyperbole about Beck outweighs intelligent analysis of what he actually said. This happens quite a lot, I find.
Fuzzy math

Glenn Beck claims 10% of Muslims are terrorists; CNN's Fareed Zakaria blasts him for fuzzy math

"Let's do a bit of math here," said Zakaria, demonstrating his calculations on a chalkboard. "There are 1,570,000,000 Muslims worldwide. Take ten percent of those Muslims and you get 157,000,000. That's how many Muslim terrorists Glenn Beck is suggesting there are in the world."

He went on to attack Beck's math, and his methods.

"Beck wondered why 'Oh why this wasn't receiving any media coverage?'" Zakaria continued. "Well let me suggest one reason. It is total nonsense. A figure made up by Glenn Beck with absolutely no basis in fact."

Citing data from the U.S. State Department, which reported roughly 11,000 terror attacks worldwide in 2009, Zakaria multiplied that number by 100, on the "generous" assumption that each attack took 100 terrorists, even though most were committed solo or by small groups.

Even using that exaggerated figure, Zakaria concluded, that would mean 1,100,000 people were involved in terrorist acts last year.

"Glenn Beck's figure is 150,000 times higher than that," the CNN anchor concluded. "If in fact there are 157 million Muslim terrorists in the world, what were the other 155,900,000 of them doing last year?"

Note the weak. ad-hominem response from his equally retarded producer.

This is totally acceptable because Beck's 40 days of honesty are up.
Remember when President Bush was lying to us to keep us in fear of terrorist attacks that weren't really being planned, he just wanted to take our rights and look more like Hitler? Then he left, and we elected Obama which worked out great because the world liked him better so even on the outside chance that Bush wasn't lying and they really were trying, they would quit once he got in there.

I do believe Bush was lying and fear mongering. I also believe that Obama has made us more liked. Hence, we are clearly being attacked because of Glenn Beck. I guess?

At some point, some of you on the left will figure out that most of us on the right already know that Glenn is a moron. We only keep him around because he drives you lefties nuts. You know, kinda like you guys do with Obama. Difference is, we know better to elect him to anything.

Curious....what is it that you do to "keep him around"?
So, yet again, hyperbole about Beck outweighs intelligent analysis of what he actually said. This happens quite a lot, I find.

Simple math refutes his stupidity, he wasn't making any points, he was fear mongering. Please be intelligent enough to explain what he was really saying and back it up with facts that almost 10% of Muslims are terrorists.
"GLENN: Don't you see what we're doing? Now, we're arguing about this which is nonsense. It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter. There's enough. More than 1.1 million, that's enough. "

Do rightwingers really fall for this kind of stupidity? Beck claims that there are over 100 million terrorists in the world. When it is proven that such a claim is a blatant and dishonest lie that only a dittohead might believe, he says "it doesn't matter how many there are".

Yes, yes it does matter Glenn - it matters because YOU claimed it matter until you got called out as fraud...again. Of course the Beck butt sniffers will come along and make excuses for you. and it matters because it's just the kind of fear-mongering that you promote on a nightly basis, fear based on lies, half-truths and rightwing propaganda.
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So, yet again, hyperbole about Beck outweighs intelligent analysis of what he actually said. This happens quite a lot, I find.

Well they dont really care where he got the information or what he actually meant. They are looking to make him an "offender for a word"
"GLENN: Don't you see what we're doing? Now, we're arguing about this which is nonsense. It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter. There's enough. More than 1.1 million, that's enough. "

Do rightwingers really fall for this kind of stupidity? Beck claims that there are over 100 million terrorists in the world. When it is proven that such a claim is a blatant and dishonest lie that only a dittohead might believe, he says "it doesn't matter how many there are".

Yes, yes it does matter Glenn - it matters because YOU claimed it matter until you got called out as fraud...again. Of course the Beck butt sniffers will come along and make excuses for you. and it matters because it's just the kind of fear-mongering that you promote on a nightly basis, fear based on lies, half-truths and rightwing propaganda.

He used researchable figures. He didn't make them up. What I find most interesting is how many people will use this kind of crap to 'shoot the messenger'.... not one comment about the source of the figures.... just Beck. It's fucking moronic, but don't let little details like facts get in the way. :lol:
"GLENN: Don't you see what we're doing? Now, we're arguing about this which is nonsense. It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter. There's enough. More than 1.1 million, that's enough. "

Do rightwingers really fall for this kind of stupidity? Beck claims that there are over 100 million terrorists in the world. When it is proven that such a claim is a blatant and dishonest lie that only a dittohead might believe, he says "it doesn't matter how many there are".

Yes, yes it does matter Glenn - it matters because YOU claimed it matter until you got called out as fraud...again. Of course the Beck butt sniffers will come along and make excuses for you. and it matters because it's just the kind of fear-mongering that you promote on a nightly basis, fear based on lies, half-truths and rightwing propaganda.

He used researchable figures. He didn't make them up.

No, he took two unrelated statistics and attempted to combine them into an unrelated finding. In any reasonable sense, that's making shit up.

What I find most interesting is how many people will use this kind of crap to 'shoot the messenger'.... not one comment about the source of the figures.... just Beck. It's fucking moronic, but don't let little details like facts get in the way. :lol:

The source of the figures? The source didn't claim that 10% of muslims are terrorists - that was "sourced" as Glenn Beck, the fraud.
More to the point is that if you use Zakarias 1% that means that the other 99% of muslims are saying Nothing about the 1% wanting to Kill Us. Where are all those muslims speaking out. I don't hear them. At least using Glenn Becks 10% means only 90% are silent. Either way over 89% of the muslim population is silent about radical Islam.
I find those numbers troubling.........
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More to the point is that if you use Zakarias 1% that means that the other 99% of muslims are saying Nothing about the 1% wanting to Kill Us. Where are all those muslims speaking out. I don't hear them. At least using Glenn Becks 10% means only 90% are silent. Either way over 89% of the muslim population is silent about radical Islam.
I find those numbers troubling.........

So what are you trying to say about the 99%, that they're terrorists? Let me lay this on you, during Jim Crow people like to say that the majority of whites weren't racists, yet this majority didn't really speak out for fear mostly of losing their jobs and being shunned and put in the same position as those "Negroes" who were discriminated against, yet if I were to ignore that and make the same dumb argument you're making how reasonable would that sound?
"GLENN: Don't you see what we're doing? Now, we're arguing about this which is nonsense. It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter. There's enough. More than 1.1 million, that's enough. "

Do rightwingers really fall for this kind of stupidity? Beck claims that there are over 100 million terrorists in the world. When it is proven that such a claim is a blatant and dishonest lie that only a dittohead might believe, he says "it doesn't matter how many there are".

Yes, yes it does matter Glenn - it matters because YOU claimed it matter until you got called out as fraud...again. Of course the Beck butt sniffers will come along and make excuses for you. and it matters because it's just the kind of fear-mongering that you promote on a nightly basis, fear based on lies, half-truths and rightwing propaganda.

He used researchable figures. He didn't make them up. What I find most interesting is how many people will use this kind of crap to 'shoot the messenger'.... not one comment about the source of the figures.... just Beck. It's fucking moronic, but don't let little details like facts get in the way. :lol:

The point of the matter dummy is that beck has posted and presented no evidence that closed to 10% of Muslims are terrorists, cut and dry and he got called out on his fear mongering, but only an idiot acolyte of Fauxnews would defend his comments and blame others for distorting his words, its classical rightwing backtracking after they've been owned.

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