Glenn Beck suspended? no, but feel free to post your delusional ravings here

Oh the irony. :lol:

please tell me you're not crowing over a typo.


No one seems to understand irony. Its not about a typo, its about saying something is dumb and misspelling something in the same post.

Irony, get it?

Careful, you highlighted "dumbest" and "youll".

Well, 1) dumbest is spelled correctly.

Dumbest Definition | Definition of Dumbest at

And 2) youll is simply a typo as in he missed the apostrophe.

Sorry, Avatar, I realize I don't need to stand up for you.

This has got to be one of the dumbest theories Ive ever heard. and I really hate that. Because whenever I say that you guys go and come up with some idea thats even dumber and prove me wrong. I cant imagine what youll come up with next.

Oh the irony. :lol:

please tell me you're not crowing over a typo.


Especially since they are both spelled correctly.

You do realize that youll is a contraction of you will/you shall dont you zona?

I rest my case.
No one seems to understand irony. Its not about a typo, its about saying something is dumb and misspelling something in the same post.

Irony, get it?

And how exactly do you spell youll?
please tell me you're not crowing over a typo.


No one seems to understand irony. Its not about a typo, its about saying something is dumb and misspelling something in the same post.

Irony, get it?

Careful, you highlighted "dumbest" and "youll".

Well, 1) dumbest is spelled correctly.

Dumbest Definition | Definition of Dumbest at

And 2) youll is simply a typo as in he missed the apostrophe.

Sorry, Avatar, I realize I don't need to stand up for you.


I am sure he appreciates the back up, but by missing the apostrophe, doesn't that make the word misspelled?

Again, I screw up all the time, believe me. I just found this ironic. Saying something is dumb, and spelling you'll the way he did. I am not a grammar Nazi, I suck myself, I just like pointing out irony.
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So AV are you going to respond to my post? If you think NOTHING has changed for Beck over the last month then I think you are just being WILLFULLY ignorant. Sorry to use such terms but can you provide a better explanation?
Thank you Voice of America!

You really think America cares about my bowling scores?


Nope, America cares because you speak for the vast majority of them. Somehow you ended up with that job according to you, right?

Lack of interest on this subject is evident in that there are no reports on it anywhere in the LMSM or on algore's interwebs (outside of likely lib hack blogs)... That should be telling to you, but I suspect your miniscule Pundit-Obsessive brain can't figure this out... I'm sure you and the other Pundit-Obsessives here think this should be the leading story in tomorrows NYSlimes, but even they think it's not newsworthy...

You have succeeded in making a mockery of yourself and have provided a great source of humor in this thread, although I don't think that was your intention...
Oh the irony. :lol:

please tell me you're not crowing over a typo.


Especially since they are both spelled correctly.

You do realize that youll is a contraction of you will/you shall dont you zona?

I rest my case.

Really you sort of shouldn't rest your case. Expand your mind a bit. You'll thank me later...:lol:

Now back to irony, you are going to rest your case and spell dont like that? Its actually "don't".

Again, I enjoy pointing out things that are ironic. Just saying.
So AV are you going to respond to my post? If you think NOTHING has changed for Beck over the last month then I think you are just being WILLFULLY ignorant. Sorry to use such terms but can you provide a better explanation?

20 sponsors and counting. Beck is pretty powerful though. He may ride this out. Time will tell.
pssst, Zona, when did you run over BGG's puppy....

We don't run over puppy's, we fight them in pits. Then do two years in Leavenworth, do time, try to start over.

Now back to the question of this thread, was Beck suspended or was this vacation planned?

why don't you trip your ass over to MSNBC and ask olbernotaman?
Man, I can't wait until these kids go back to school...

It'll be nice to read threads started by adults again....
You really think America cares about my bowling scores?


Nope, America cares because you speak for the vast majority of them. Somehow you ended up with that job according to you, right?

Lack of interest on this subject is evident in that there are no reports on it anywhere in the LMSM or on algore's interwebs (outside of likely lib hack blogs)... That should be telling to you, but I suspect your miniscule Pundit-Obsessive brain can't figure this out... I'm sure you and the other Pundit-Obsessives here think this should be the leading story in tomorrows NYSlimes, but even they think it's not newsworthy...

You have succeeded in making a mockery of yourself and have provided a great source of humor in this thread, although I don't think that was your intention...
Thank you, oh vast speaker of Americans.
So AV are you going to respond to my post? If you think NOTHING has changed for Beck over the last month then I think you are just being WILLFULLY ignorant. Sorry to use such terms but can you provide a better explanation?

he's rich beyond your wildest dreams,, whatever happened Beck will survive. not that puts a twist in yer pretzel huh? :lol:
No, it's a typo.

That would imply i care about the apostrophe. I dont. What can I say im lazy.

Whats so funny about this is zona is too dumb to realize that the word was spelled correctly.

They taught you that in school? If you miss apostrophe, the word is spelled correctly? Wow. Ok.

Oh and its don't, not dont. Its I'm, not im :lol: This is fun but believe me, I screw up as well.

Now back to Beck, honestly, I don't know if this "vacation" was scheduled.

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