Glenn Beck suspended? no, but feel free to post your delusional ravings here

Really you sort of shouldn't rest your case. Expand your mind a bit. You'll thank me later...:lol:

Now back to irony, you are going to rest your case and spell dont like that? Its actually "don't".

Again, I enjoy pointing out things that are ironic. Just saying.

Congratulations. You are now officially the dumbest person on this board.

You can't win an argument so you have to revert to missing apostrophes to divert the topic. You cant come up with anything more substantive. Oh wow! I mispelled correctly spelled words. I must be so damn stupid!

You do realize there is a difference between spelling and grammar dont you?

You also realize that ability to communicate has absolutely no bearing on intelligence dont you? If it did, Stephen Hawking would be one of the stupidest people alive.

What's ironic is you are too dumb to realize how stupid you look trying to point out the non-stupidity of others.

Don't worry though. Im sure Chris or Sealy or one of the others will dethrone you soon enough.
Nope, America cares because you speak for the vast majority of them. Somehow you ended up with that job according to you, right?

Lack of interest on this subject is evident in that there are no reports on it anywhere in the LMSM or on algore's interwebs (outside of likely lib hack blogs)... That should be telling to you, but I suspect your miniscule Pundit-Obsessive brain can't figure this out... I'm sure you and the other Pundit-Obsessives here think this should be the leading story in tomorrows NYSlimes, but even they think it's not newsworthy...

You have succeeded in making a mockery of yourself and have provided a great source of humor in this thread, although I don't think that was your intention...
Thank you, oh vast speaker of Americans.

You're welcome... I'm glad to be able to educate the brain-dead, mindless, leftist hacks like yourself... Hopefully you'll take what you learn here back to Mrs. Johnson's English class next semester... Have her call me if she needs verification of your "outside the classroom" education...
So AV are you going to respond to my post? If you think NOTHING has changed for Beck over the last month then I think you are just being WILLFULLY ignorant. Sorry to use such terms but can you provide a better explanation?

he's rich beyond your wildest dreams,, whatever happened Beck will survive. not that puts a twist in yer pretzel huh? :lol:

Actually you may be right. Like I posted earlier, the sponsors are leaving him, not Fox. Time will tell.
I predict Beck winds up dead and alone. He'll jump back into a bottle and kill himself.

Doubt it, with all the outrage he is getting for expressing his opinions, he'll have offers for the rest of his life.

The irony here, you can thank Obama (or at least his supporters) for ensuring that Beck never has to retire.
I predict Beck winds up dead and alone. He'll jump back into a bottle and kill himself.

kind of hard to jump back into the bottle if he is already dead isnt it? Kind of hard to be alone if you're dead too.

Where do you people get this stuff?
Really you sort of shouldn't rest your case. Expand your mind a bit. You'll thank me later...:lol:

Now back to irony, you are going to rest your case and spell dont like that? Its actually "don't".

Again, I enjoy pointing out things that are ironic. Just saying.

Congratulations. You are now officially the dumbest person on this board.

You can't win an argument so you have to revert to missing apostrophes to divert the topic. You cant come up with anything more substantive. Oh wow! I mispelled correctly spelled words. I must be so damn stupid!

You do realize there is a difference between spelling and grammar dont you?

You also realize that ability to communicate has absolutely no bearing on intelligence dont you? If it did, Stephen Hawking would be one of the stupidest people alive.

What's ironic is you are too dumb to realize how stupid you look trying to point out the non-stupidity of others.

Don't worry though. Im sure Chris or Sealy or one of the others will dethrone you soon enough.

The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.
AVA you never did explain how you can come to the conclusion that NOTHING has changed for Beck over the last month.
If they throw him under the bus I'm going to be real disappointed in fox news

Do you think Fox news cares about content? Its all about $$$ and if enough sponsors leave, that's it, Beck is gone.

We will see. Either way, him not being here this week could have been scheduled. I just don't know.
Really you sort of shouldn't rest your case. Expand your mind a bit. You'll thank me later...:lol:

Now back to irony, you are going to rest your case and spell dont like that? Its actually "don't".

Again, I enjoy pointing out things that are ironic. Just saying.

Congratulations. You are now officially the dumbest person on this board.

You can't win an argument so you have to revert to missing apostrophes to divert the topic. You cant come up with anything more substantive. Oh wow! I mispelled correctly spelled words. I must be so damn stupid!

You do realize there is a difference between spelling and grammar dont you?

You also realize that ability to communicate has absolutely no bearing on intelligence dont you? If it did, Stephen Hawking would be one of the stupidest people alive.

What's ironic is you are too dumb to realize how stupid you look trying to point out the non-stupidity of others.

Don't worry though. Im sure Chris or Sealy or one of the others will dethrone you soon enough.

The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

You're a conspiracy theorist ... Fox already addressed it, or did you miss that while being too busy focusing on completely unrelated typos ... of course you did.

Lot's of people have called Obama racist ... seriously ... do you just hate freedom?
I predict Beck winds up dead and alone. He'll jump back into a bottle and kill himself.

Doubt it, with all the outrage he is getting for expressing his opinions, he'll have offers for the rest of his life.

The irony here, you can thank Obama (or at least his supporters) for ensuring that Beck never has to retire.

Dammit, I knew somehow Obama would be blamed for this. :lol:
The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

Shouldn't you be getting started on your "What I Did This Summer" essay? You don't want to start the new year off on a downer, do you?
I predict Beck winds up dead and alone. He'll jump back into a bottle and kill himself.

Doubt it, with all the outrage he is getting for expressing his opinions, he'll have offers for the rest of his life.

The irony here, you can thank Obama (or at least his supporters) for ensuring that Beck never has to retire.

Dammit, I knew somehow Obama would be blamed for this. :lol:

It's only blame to idiots like you who see free advertising as a bad thing, while still giving it.
The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

Shouldn't you be getting started on your "What I Did This Summer" essay? You don't want to start the new year off on a downer, do you?

I know you are, but what am I? Back to Beck not being on a week after he called the president a racist and him losing 20 sponsors. Comments on that?
The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

Shouldn't you be getting started on your "What I Did This Summer" essay? You don't want to start the new year off on a downer, do you?

I know you are, but what am I? Back to Beck not being on a week after he called the president a racist and him losing 20 sponsors. Comments on that?

Fox addressed it ... it's vacation season ... you are just looking to attack anyone who exercises their freedom of speech ... like your butt buddy in the White House.
The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

You look stupid pretty much saying whatever. You can't deal with arguments against your stupidity so you divert the thread, then you get trounced on your diversion and now you are trying to change the subject back and pretend as though it wasnt already addressed.

The President is a racist. Glenn and everyone else has been pointing that out for well over a year. You'd know this if you actually bothered listening to what Glenn and other radio hosts say instead of listening to what others say they said.

Its the middle of august. The month with the highest volume of vacations in the year. And you guys are wondering if he was suspended for repeating what everyone has been saying since the campaign. What everyone who has bothered to read Obama's book realizes. He thinks very poorly of white people.
The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

Shouldn't you be getting started on your "What I Did This Summer" essay? You don't want to start the new year off on a downer, do you?

I know you are, but what am I? Back to Beck not being on a week after he called the president a racist and him losing 20 sponsors. Comments on that?

I gave you my comments...

Mrs. Jonson is NOT going to be happy that you are failing reading comprehension...

Do you need a tutor?
Congratulations. You are now officially the dumbest person on this board.

You can't win an argument so you have to revert to missing apostrophes to divert the topic. You cant come up with anything more substantive. Oh wow! I mispelled correctly spelled words. I must be so damn stupid!

You do realize there is a difference between spelling and grammar dont you?

You also realize that ability to communicate has absolutely no bearing on intelligence dont you? If it did, Stephen Hawking would be one of the stupidest people alive.

What's ironic is you are too dumb to realize how stupid you look trying to point out the non-stupidity of others.

Don't worry though. Im sure Chris or Sealy or one of the others will dethrone you soon enough.

The title of this thread is "Glenn Beck suspended?"...lets get back to that. Before we do though, can we talk about the irony of you misspelling mispelled? Or do I look dumb bringing this up as well?

Then can we go back to Beck not being here for a week after he called the president a racist? Please.

You're a conspiracy theorist ... Fox already addressed it, or did you miss that while being too busy focusing on completely unrelated typos ... of course you did.

Lot's of people have called Obama racist ... seriously ... do you just hate freedom?

Thanks for the update. Can you tell me what Fox said about Beck and his "vacation". Was it scheduled? If so, that is cool, if not, why? A link would be fantastic.
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Shouldn't you be getting started on your "What I Did This Summer" essay? You don't want to start the new year off on a downer, do you?

I know you are, but what am I? Back to Beck not being on a week after he called the president a racist and him losing 20 sponsors. Comments on that?

I gave you my comments...

Mrs. Jonson is NOT going to be happy that you are failing reading comprehension...

Do you need a tutor?


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