Glenn Beck?

Glenn Beck is a nutcase.

A very, very, funny one.

Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

They won't . . . because they can't.

Out of the many threads on this subject, no one has ever argued to facts Beck presented. It makes me wonder how people can be so fucking blind and stupid.
Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

They won't . . . because they can't.

Out of the many threads on this subject, no one has ever argued to facts Beck presented. It makes me wonder how people can be so fucking blind and stupid.

Public Schools. Indoctrinating is preferred to educating. Parrot Nation.:eek:
The most transparent White House in the history of the world still hasn't answered the questions we asked last week. You know, tough questions like: "Why does the president have so many Marxists, socialists, radicals and self-proclaimed communists advising him?"

I'm still hopeful there is a simple explanation. Maybe President Obama just wasn't aware of their radical beliefs. After all, he sat in Reverend Wright's pews for 20 years and didn't catch on to the fact that Wright isn't too fond of America.

But here's The One Thing: This isn't an accident. Obama's radical advisers are there for a reason: They're fighting a revolution — just not the kind with the tri-cornered hats.

So don't expect the White House to apologize for hiring self-avowed communist green jobs "czar" Van Jones. If they did, Van might take offense to that — considering he named his son after a militant Marxist guerilla. Besides, why would the White House waste their time on this when liberal bloggers are doing their best to defend Van's good name and his Wikipedia page is suddenly and mysteriously being updated to call him a "champion of market-based solutions?"

You see, Van Jones can't possibly be a communist. Take it from former colleague Eva Paterson, who is president of the Equal Justice Society. Paterson admits that yes, for a while there Van was running around spouting 1960s rhetoric and romanticizing revolutionary icons (who hasn't?) But that was years ago, she said.

Well, I'm not a mathematician, but remember Van Jones' own description of his conversion to communism?

"In jail I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of. I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary'.... I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th... by August, I was a communist."

That was in 1992 — plus 10 years — that's 2002 — way back in Bush's first term. But Eva, apparently the lone free-market warrior at the Equal Justice Society says she advised Van to: "Rethink his tactics" and to "work for change in wiser ways."

Note: Not denounce or rethink Communism — just change tactics.

Where's the "come to Jefferson" moment in this change? He doesn't have one. Here's about the only transformation he's ever talked about — from a 2005 interview: "I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends."

This guy is still a radical — just like Cass Sunstein and John Holdren and Carol Browner and Mark Lloyd.

Some might be uncomfortable calling these individuals "radical" or "revolutionary," but I'm not.

The best thing to do is ask America, are you comfortable with their viewpoints? Like this one: On Friday, Drudge had the story of the 55-page bill proposed by Senator Jay Rockefeller (S.773) that would allow the president to seize temporary control of private sector networks during a "cyber-security emergency."

The bill also proposed a "federal certification program" for "cyber-security professionals," certain computer systems and networks in the private sector would have to be operated by those with that license. And private networks deemed "critical" by the government "shall share" requested information with the federal government.

Ten years ago, I might have been stupid enough to go for this, but not after I watched the Bush administration grab far too much power. And now this administration trying to take control over seemingly everything. We already know how the president's chief of staff feels about "taking advantage of a crisis."

I'm not willing to go down that road and give them any more power.

This is not good Republicans vs. good Democrats — they respect the Constitution. They understand freedom of speech. It's the clowns in Washington.

You clamp down on my freedom of speech, who's next? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, it's time to stop spearing each other in the chest and realize there are enemies to our Constitution both foreign and domestic. And right now, those enemies are taking shape as greedy and power hungry politicians — aided by serious Marxist revolutionaries.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama's Advisers Fighting for Revolution?
Anyone can start a blog. Anyone...does hat make them credible?

Do you actually believe what you read in Wikipedia? LOL..

The average American is actually dumber than you think. Run and hide in deed.

The entire premise of all of these departing Glenn Beck sponsors is off of some leftist hack's blog that you posted... <---- Linkie-Linkie

You obviously find leftist hack blogs to be credible...

How hypocritical of you, AutoZona....
They won't . . . because they can't.

Beck recently said Obama has a black militia being built up because Farrakhan mentioned him months ago during the election. He also said there was a militia being built because of the panthers in PA (I think) who were at an election place once. (Way less scary than the guy carrying the ar-15 in my opinion).

I hope Beck ends up taking Rush's spot as the leader of the republican party. That would be so cool.


Do you have a direct quote from Beck or perhaps a link. The reason I ask is because some of you have a hard time putting things in context.

I was wondering the same thing . . . where's the the link where Beck says this?

This is why Mr. F started the other thread (Beck Open Book Test). The clips are there, you can pin point exactly what it is where you say Beck is lying, etc. and it can be discussed. But the left doesn't fancy that thread. :rolleyes:
The most transparent White House in the history of the world still hasn't answered the questions we asked last week. You know, tough questions like: "Why does the president have so many Marxists, socialists, radicals and self-proclaimed communists advising him?"

I'm still hopeful there is a simple explanation. Maybe President Obama just wasn't aware of their radical beliefs. After all, he sat in Reverend Wright's pews for 20 years and didn't catch on to the fact that Wright isn't too fond of America.

But here's The One Thing: This isn't an accident. Obama's radical advisers are there for a reason: They're fighting a revolution — just not the kind with the tri-cornered hats.

So don't expect the White House to apologize for hiring self-avowed communist green jobs "czar" Van Jones. If they did, Van might take offense to that — considering he named his son after a militant Marxist guerilla. Besides, why would the White House waste their time on this when liberal bloggers are doing their best to defend Van's good name and his Wikipedia page is suddenly and mysteriously being updated to call him a "champion of market-based solutions?"

You see, Van Jones can't possibly be a communist. Take it from former colleague Eva Paterson, who is president of the Equal Justice Society. Paterson admits that yes, for a while there Van was running around spouting 1960s rhetoric and romanticizing revolutionary icons (who hasn't?) But that was years ago, she said.

Well, I'm not a mathematician, but remember Van Jones' own description of his conversion to communism?

"In jail I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of. I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary'.... I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th... by August, I was a communist."

That was in 1992 — plus 10 years — that's 2002 — way back in Bush's first term. But Eva, apparently the lone free-market warrior at the Equal Justice Society says she advised Van to: "Rethink his tactics" and to "work for change in wiser ways."

Note: Not denounce or rethink Communism — just change tactics.

Where's the "come to Jefferson" moment in this change? He doesn't have one. Here's about the only transformation he's ever talked about — from a 2005 interview: "I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends."

This guy is still a radical — just like Cass Sunstein and John Holdren and Carol Browner and Mark Lloyd.

Some might be uncomfortable calling these individuals "radical" or "revolutionary," but I'm not.

The best thing to do is ask America, are you comfortable with their viewpoints? Like this one: On Friday, Drudge had the story of the 55-page bill proposed by Senator Jay Rockefeller (S.773) that would allow the president to seize temporary control of private sector networks during a "cyber-security emergency."

The bill also proposed a "federal certification program" for "cyber-security professionals," certain computer systems and networks in the private sector would have to be operated by those with that license. And private networks deemed "critical" by the government "shall share" requested information with the federal government.

Ten years ago, I might have been stupid enough to go for this, but not after I watched the Bush administration grab far too much power. And now this administration trying to take control over seemingly everything. We already know how the president's chief of staff feels about "taking advantage of a crisis."

I'm not willing to go down that road and give them any more power.

This is not good Republicans vs. good Democrats — they respect the Constitution. They understand freedom of speech. It's the clowns in Washington.

You clamp down on my freedom of speech, who's next? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, it's time to stop spearing each other in the chest and realize there are enemies to our Constitution both foreign and domestic. And right now, those enemies are taking shape as greedy and power hungry politicians — aided by serious Marxist revolutionaries.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama's Advisers Fighting for Revolution?

Outstanding! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

They won't . . . because they can't.

Beck recently said Obama has a black militia being built up because Farrakhan mentioned him months ago during the election. He also said there was a militia being built because of the panthers in PA (I think) who were at an election place once. (Way less scary than the guy carrying the ar-15 in my opinion).

I hope Beck ends up taking Rush's spot as the leader of the republican party. That would be so cool.


The Black Panthers case that was dismissed by Holder?

Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept. - Political News -

Requests to questions as to why the case was dismissed went unanswered.

GOP Lawmaker Wants Explanation Why Justice Dismissed Black Panther Voter Intimidation Charges - Political News -
Beck recently said Obama has a black militia being built up because Farrakhan mentioned him months ago during the election. He also said there was a militia being built because of the panthers in PA (I think) who were at an election place once. (Way less scary than the guy carrying the ar-15 in my opinion).

I hope Beck ends up taking Rush's spot as the leader of the republican party. That would be so cool.


No I dont agree. Because Beck never claimed Obama is building up a black Militia. Back up your claim.

Beck did do a special on Obama's desire to build a civil domestic force as well funded and trained as the US military. But that was based on Obama's own statement that he wanted one.

And Glenn had a simple question that hasnt been addressed yet: Who is the enemy this group is supposed to fight?
Out of the many threads on this subject, no one has ever argued to facts Beck presented. It makes me wonder how people can be so fucking blind and stupid.

My personal theory? The Holy Spirit is withdrawaling from the people because of their wickedness and they are devolving into unintelligent animals.
Oh and here is a direct link to Obama's own statements on his national security force

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Civilian Security[/ame]
The entire premise of all of these departing Glenn Beck sponsors is off of some leftist hack's blog that you posted... <---- Linkie-Linkie

You obviously find leftist hack blogs to be credible...

How hypocritical of you, AutoZona....

I think there is something else Zona is missing. She doesnt seem to realize the only thing that gives someone credibility is whether people are willing to accept it as truth. This can come just from backing things up with "facts" or through common sense and logic. Its not degrees that give people knowledge or make someone intelligent. I know tons of people with advanced degrees who are totally stupid and uncredible. The power to persuade people comes from your ideas, your ability to articulate, and back them up. That's what gives people credibility.

I bet there are blogs that are worthless and not credible. There are others that are very credible. I know there are few in the television media who are credible.

People arent credible just because they proclaim themselves credible or because they have pieces of paper. They are credible through a history of honesty, integrity, and shown to be reliable. Glenn is very credible to me because i know him. I know for a fact he is an honest man. I know he is thorough in his research. and what he says is light. It makes me think. Ask questions. Learn. He may be wrong here and there but i know he is being honest about what he thinks and what he has found out. But then that's what my brain is for. To do my own research and determine what is accurate.

Unfortunately, too many people dont question. They get scared by what they hear and immediately turn to name calling, attacking the messenger, etc. But the truth isnt something you should be afraid of. If you cant honestly question, then the truth is you know your position is insecure and likely inaccurate.
I bet a hundred bucks Zona is just a joke poster. I find it hard to believe a human being without some kind of mental disability would believe what he is saying. XD carry on.
Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

They won't . . . because they can't.

Beck recently said Obama has a black militia being built up because Farrakhan mentioned him months ago during the election. He also said there was a militia being built because of the panthers in PA (I think) who were at an election place once. (Way less scary than the guy carrying the ar-15 in my opinion).

I hope Beck ends up taking Rush's spot as the leader of the republican party. That would be so cool.


Serious question: Do you get your info from liberal sites or do you do your own research / form your own opinion?
Beck recently said Obama has a black militia being built up because Farrakhan mentioned him months ago during the election. He also said there was a militia being built because of the panthers in PA (I think) who were at an election place once. (Way less scary than the guy carrying the ar-15 in my opinion).

I hope Beck ends up taking Rush's spot as the leader of the republican party. That would be so cool.


Serious question: Do you get your info from liberal sites or do you do your own research / form your own opinion?

I think her post there pretty much answered that question
So let me get this straight. Glenn systematically points out facts about the Obama administrations agendas and advisors and the only thing you can find wrong with him is the fact that he misspelled a word?

Seriously, that's all you have to correct?

If that doesnt tell you the merits of your position, i dont know what does. And didnt you vote for a man who thinks there are 57 states?

Glenn Beck is a nutcase.

A very, very, funny one.

Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

What facts?

The fake Jimmy Swaggert tears are funny as shit, however.

"We surround THEM!"

Honestly, you couldn't make this shit up!
Glenn Beck is a nutcase.

A very, very, funny one.

Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

What facts?

The fake Jimmy Swaggert tears are funny as shit, however.

"We surround THEM!"

Honestly, you couldn't make this shit up!

For someone who's jealous of him getting so much attention, you sure as hell give him a lot of attention.
What's the deal? Why is nearly every liberal site I visit obsessed with him? Why is everyone talking about him?

What is he doing that is drawing so much attention?
Well, for one thing Beck compared AmeriCorp to Hitler's brownshirts. He said that they got half a trillion dollars, actually they got around one hundred million.
Glenn Beck is a nutcase.

A very, very, funny one.

Can you prove the facts Beck presents are untrue? Or do you simply think that by insulting him automatically makes you right?... You and all you other Beck bashers are a fucking joke. None of you can prove what he states is untrue, the only thing you clowns can do is say shit like "Beck's a nutcase".

Argue the points presented! Back up your arguement with facts! Do something other than pissing and moaning!!

What facts?

The fake Jimmy Swaggert tears are funny as shit, however.

"We surround THEM!"

Honestly, you couldn't make this shit up!

Look, I understand you're a stupid individual and I do sympathize with you, but if you don't know what facts I was referring to, then you are beyond stupid. The fact is, you can't argue the points Beck presented, so you do the only thing you know to do and that is to revert to your natural state of stupidity.
What's the deal? Why is nearly every liberal site I visit obsessed with him? Why is everyone talking about him?

What is he doing that is drawing so much attention?
Well, for one thing Beck compared AmeriCorp to Hitler's brownshirts. He said that they got half a trillion dollars, actually they got around one hundred million.

If you had watched the program then you would have heard him say that his initial statement about half a trillion was incorrect and that he'd get the right figures and report back. So he did correct h8imself.
my guess is the koolaid drinking libs just get left-wing spin news about beck from crapington post and all that other crap, and then come to places like, regurgitate the spin, and then pat themselves on the back and say "Look-it! I R SMRT!"'s both sad and funny. Keep it up, left wing loons. You make us laugh.

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