Global Capitalism Will Never Lift Workers Out of Poverty, with firms like Apple maximizing labor exploitation while keeping workers chained to poverty


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Is it possible to imagine and bring about a world where poverty chains are a thing of the past? Part of this struggle is to recognize worker poverty where it exists, and to support workers campaigning and fighting against it

One would need to note that China is not Capitalist but they fully participate in this.

It's not Capitalism, Socialism or any other ism.

It's plain old greed.
It's essentially impossible, given the significant differences in incomes, laws and standards of living from country to country.

The ideal would be to maintain better controls on global financial relationships, but that just isn't practical. Too many opposing currents.

Regardless of this weakness, there is still no better financial system than effectively applied and managed capitalism.
It's essentially impossible, given the significant differences in incomes, laws and standards of living from country to country.

The ideal would be to maintain better controls on global financial relationships, but that just isn't practical. Too many opposing currents.

Regardless of this weakness, there is still no better financial system than appropriately applied and managed capitalism.

Maybe someday someone will actually practice it.
Is it possible to imagine and bring about a world where poverty chains are a thing of the past? Part of this struggle is to recognize worker poverty where it exists, and to support workers campaigning and fighting against it

Socialism puts people into poverty.
Socialism puts people into poverty.
True. Divide all resources equally and everyone on earth will be poor. Reducing the population will benefit everyone.

$250Trillion total world wealth
7,000,000,000 people
= $35,700 per person
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One would need to note that China is not Capitalist but they fully participate in this.

It's not Capitalism, Socialism or any other ism.

It's plain old greed.
China practices a different brand of capitalism that isn't recognizable to Americans.

It's capitalism that's kept under control by government, because they don't ignore the needs of all their country's people.

That flies directly in the face of the American way.

Regardless of this weakness, there is still no better financial system than appropriately applied and managed capitalism.

Good for the OP introducing the topic!
It's been a long time coming.
True. Divide all resources equally and everyone on earth will be poor. Reducing the population will benefit everyone.

$250Trillion total world wealth
7,000,000,000 people
= $35,700 per person
That is a substantial reduction in income for me and most Americans but a tremendous increase for somebody living in Uganda or one of these third world shitholes.

Of course my income is the product of living in a country that has a history of being productive, free and capitalistic. Those living in the third world shitholes usually have a history of being unproductive and oppressive. Some of them because of the failure of socialism.

I don't owe them jackshit.
That is a substantial reduction in income for me and most Americans but a tremendous increase for somebody living in Uganda or one of these third world shitholes.

Of course my income is the product of living in a country that has a history of being productive, free and capitalistic. Those living in the third world shitholes usually have a history of being unproductive and oppressive. Some of them because of the failure of socialism.

I don't owe them jackshit.
That figure is wealth/assets not income. There is only $40Trillion (USD) in money circulating. So, the wages of each would be $5700/year.
True, but the 'velocity' of money in a global socialist economy would be substantially reduced, imo, especially if the production of consumer goods is replaced/reduced by the production of social services.

If the 'trade turn' is 3x, everyone would still be earning minimum wage.

Velocity of money is a useless fudge factor. It doesn't measure GDP, it doesn't predict GDP.

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