Global Warming Award


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Now that's funny...:lol:


Warmist Who Got Ship Stuck in Ice Trying to Prove Ice was Melting Wins Global Warming Award

January 21, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

No, it’s not a Darwin Award, though it probably should have been. If you’ve already forgotten Chris Turney, he was the genius who not only got a ship so thoroughly stuck in ice that it took multiple icebreakers to try and stage a rescue leading to a forced helicopter evacuation.

And all that happened because Chris was trying to prove that the ice was melting. (Hint: it wasn’t.)

Turney’s amazing Global Warming adventure not only cost a lot of money for his rescuers, but also badly disrupted actual scientific research.


National Geographic blasted them. So did Nature. So did a lot of actual scientists. But this is all about Warmunist propaganda, so naturally Turney is getting an award.


He should be considering that his scientific work amounted to discovering that ice doesn’t melt just because Warmunists say it does.

Warmist Who Got Ship Stuck in Ice Trying to Prove Ice was Melting Wins Global Warming Award | FrontPage Magazine
I'd like to see links to National Geographic and Nature "blasting them".

BTW, Tunney did NOT make this trip to prove that ice was melting. That can be done far easier and more completely from any satellite covering the area. Tunney was recreating a famous Antarctic expedition to see how things had changed. In that regard it never was much more than a publicity stunt.

Be that as it may, that ship did not get stuck due to any failure of AGW theory. This has exactly as much intelligence behind it as the folks that thing AGW is refuted because it snowed in Chicago in late December.

ps: your avatar and sig tell me you're a frightened bigot. I trust that's the message you wanted to get across.
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Geez. Why not just link to Stormfront. Same thing.

Really?? the editor of FrontPage --- David Horowitz --- a "StormTrooper".. Oh Vey ist meir.. Very dim Goyim around here.

Just shelve the skepticism boys and girls.. These clowns didn't know as much about AntArctica as the sailors and captains that rescued them.. Couldn't interpret charts and weather bulletins, and had trouble organizing their little excursion ashore that led to this scandal... Great coverage on BBC by a reporter ON THE SHIP.. Not favorable at all to the "Climate Scientists" with all that knowledge about ice...

BBC News - Why did Antarctic expedition ship get stranded in ice?

In the opinion of Murray Doyle, the captain of the rescue vessel, the Aurora Australis, the conditions around the Mertz glacier were typical of those seen in the past few years..
He told the Sydney Morning Herald: "Since the Mertz Glacier was punched out by the B09B (glacier) some years ago, it has changed the whole dynamics in the area".

Significant sized floes build up year after year, he said.

The Akademik Shokalskiy was receiving sea-ice satellite data and weather forecasts on the area. Expedition co-leader Greg Mortimer said in an interview with the BBC that "the ice situation was very unexpected and (ran) counter to what we had seen on the most recent ice charts and weather forecasts we had".

He added: "With the information and observations that we had at the time and the decisions we made based on that, they were reasonable, good decisions. But it was a difficult situation that needed to be treated with great care."

However, another source with considerable nautical knowledge of East Antarctica said that "with the weather forecast" as it was that day, "this was not a good place to be".

According to Tony Press, head of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystem Coordinated Research Centre in Tasmania: "It's incumbent on the vessel to understand the environment in which it's in, from the point of view of sea-ice conditions and weather conditions. They need to plan accordingly and have an exit strategy which can be executed in timely fashion if the conditions become threatening."
I'd like to see links to National Geographic and Nature "blasting them".

ps: your avatar and sig tell me you're a frightened bigot. I trust that's the message you wanted to get across.

Nah, it's there to get you people all wee weed up...:clap2:

So... no links to National Geographic or Nature? What a fooking surprise.

And your avatar still says you're a frightened bigot. Your response is only more evidence.
Really?? the editor of FrontPage --- David Horowitz --- a "StormTrooper".. Oh Vey ist meir.. Very dim Goyim around here.

White supremacists don't have to be Nazis, you know. Were you really not aware of that?

Just shelve the skepticism boys and girls.

Flac is telling us it wasn't the captain driving the ship, it was the passengers. He seems to have taken his own advice and abandoned skepticism.
I'd like to see links to National Geographic and Nature "blasting them".

ps: your avatar and sig tell me you're a frightened bigot. I trust that's the message you wanted to get across.

Nah, it's there to get you people all wee weed up...:clap2:

So... no links to National Geographic or Nature? What a fooking surprise.

And your avatar still says you're a frightened bigot. Your response is only more evidence.

National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet Since 1888
Nature Conservancy | Protecting Nature, Preserving Life

Being you like my avatar here's a bigger version you can hang over yo bed so I can get you wee weed up in yo dreams...:D

John McLaughlin on Global Warming: “Enough Already Award of 2013”

by William Yeatman on December 31, 2013


Finally it was John McLaughlin’s turn, and here’s what he said:

The most original thinker is Michael Fumento, an investigative writer and attorney living in Colombia. Fumento has painstakingly documented the unfulfilled and erroneous predictions of climate-change computer models. Now a growing list of scientists reject the so-called consensus that manmade climate change is real. Fumento’s patient debunking of the prevailing orthodoxy makes him the most original thinker of 2013.

Presumably, McLaughlin based this award on Fumento’s recent NY Post op-ed, Global Warming Proof Is Evaporating.


John McLaughlin on Global Warming: ?Enough Already Award of 2013?
That's some impressive work.

Can you - in any way - identify this "growing list of scientists reject the so-called consensus that manmade climate change is real"?

ps: Che has been dead for almost 47 years.
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I found nothing in your National Geographic link but there are many side roads. I did find an article in your Nature link which REPORTED on criticisms that the expedition has received. This was not Nature blasting them. The most critical was a piece by Andre Revkin who noted "that climate deniers have (wrongly) latched onto this story of climate researchers stuck in ice as “proof” against climate change.

So, so far, that would be a fail.

And do keep your picture so YOU can keep dreaming you're Matt Damon with a big, long, hard, powerful GUN.

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