Global Warming Genocide!

The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

agree for the most part, however the reason under-developed countries like China and Russia pollute so much is because their economies are more dependent on manufacturing things which are large, primitive an cheap.

our economies are more dependent on manufacturing stuff that is small, complex and expensive.

you could probably buy a motorcycle in China for what a single CD with Microsoft Windows on it retails. what do you think will produce more pollutants - manufacturing a motorcycle or pressing a compact disc ?

we didn't outsource our manufacturing because we are so noble and care about the environment. we did it because it wasn't profitable. they are doing our dirty work for us and instead of saying thank you we want to punish them for it.

No, we outsourced because it was very profitable for a very few of us. The rest of us get to be relegated to third world status. Why do you think the middle class in the US in rapidly shrinking?
The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

Uh, actually China just recently surpassed the US as the biggest polluter in the world.

But then again... China has over four times the population of the US.

I'm sure you've heard of the internet. Please use it.

LOL. Keep that up, and they will be calling you dirty names. Particularly if you start actually posting articles relevant to the subject at hand.
global warming is not man made. it is questionable whether it is a problem and for that matter whether in fact it is still going on or will continue.

the *solution* to global warming ( which in fact will have no effect whatsoever on climate ) will ensure third world nations will forever stay third world nations. they will not be able to afford to industrialize because of the carbon tax.

the most advanced nations will be less affected because we have more $$$ to pay taxes and we already outsourced all of the dirty manufacturing. Israel doesn't need any heavy industry - they can make plenty of money in Software and Biotech. Some African country doesn't have such a choice for them its either heavy industry or starve to death.

global government is coming though. here in NY they are already offering "enhanced" driver license with RFID chip in it that lets you drive to Mexico and Canada without a need for a passport ( hello North American Union )

Every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science in the world, and every major University in the world are in on an international conspiracy, right?


Little tin hat well in place, I see:lol:
So how do the determine who is dying from hunger due to "climate change" and who is dying from hunger period?

Well, carbon dioxide molecules have a "Made In ..." tag, guessing dead bodies have a "Killed By ..." tag to now.

Hmmm....... We know how much coal each nation burns, how much natural gas it uses, and the same for oil. So we know the amount of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere by each nation. Really, is that kind of math that difficult for you, Kitten?
The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

agree for the most part, however the reason under-developed countries like China and Russia pollute so much is because their economies are more dependent on manufacturing things which are large, primitive an cheap.

our economies are more dependent on manufacturing stuff that is small, complex and expensive.

you could probably buy a motorcycle in China for what a single CD with Microsoft Windows on it retails. what do you think will produce more pollutants - manufacturing a motorcycle or pressing a compact disc ?

we didn't outsource our manufacturing because we are so noble and care about the environment. we did it because it wasn't profitable. they are doing our dirty work for us and instead of saying thank you we want to punish them for it.

No, we outsourced because it was very profitable for a very few of us. The rest of us get to be relegated to third world status. Why do you think the middle class in the US in rapidly shrinking?

Going slightly :offtopic: but the MAIN reason the middle class is shrinking is that more stupid people tend to be poor and poor people out-breed those with the intellect to achieve middle class status.
The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

No, this is not true at all. First the pollution that is causing the global warming is GHGs, greenhouse gases, not the standard industrial sulfate and sulfide pollution. In the production of that type of pollution, China has just surpassed the US. Russia and Mexico don't even blip compared to the US and China.

China is one of the first nations to feel major impacts from the accelerating warming. The increasing desertification of the Northern part of that nation, encroachment of the ocean on the fertile low lying areas of that nation, and the increase of typhoons that are going onshore, all are happening right now.
Chinas Growing Desert -- In These Times

Features » October 13, 2006
Chinas Growing Desert
Overgrazing is stripping arable lands, creating the potential for ecological refugees
By Jehangir Pocha (Bejing)
As expanding deserts have encroached on Dunhuang, the city has created a 'sand park' where people ride camels and sleigh down dunes.
Tags asia environment Share Digg Reddit Newsvine A new Chinese export has been spreading quietly across Asia and the United States: dust.

Violent sandstorms from China’s expanding deserts have been battering numerous Chinese cities, and now their mustard-colored dust has begun reaching South Korea, Japan and the west coast of North America.

“People dusting off their cars in California or Calgary often don’t realize the sand has come all the way from China,” says Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute (EPI) in Washington D.C., who was in Beijing recently. “There is a dustbowl developing in China that represents the largest conversion of productive land to desert of any place in the world … and it’s affecting the world.”

China has always suffered from aridity, as about 20 percent of its landmass is comprised of deserts made famous in tales about the Silk Road that traversed many of them.
Your article says nothing about the effect of "global warming" on China's desertification crisis.

The usual suspects are unsurprisingly, the same suspects responsible for the Dust Bowl in the U.S.

Goats and cattle.
So how do the determine who is dying from hunger due to "climate change" and who is dying from hunger period?

Well, carbon dioxide molecules have a "Made In ..." tag, guessing dead bodies have a "Killed By ..." tag to now.

Hmmm....... We know how much coal each nation burns, how much natural gas it uses, and the same for oil. So we know the amount of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere by each nation. Really, is that kind of math that difficult for you, Kitten?

Hmm ... you forgot a lot of other factors ...
So how do the determine who is dying from hunger due to "climate change" and who is dying from hunger period?

Well, carbon dioxide molecules have a "Made In ..." tag, guessing dead bodies have a "Killed By ..." tag to now.

Hmmm....... We know how much coal each nation burns, how much natural gas it uses, and the same for oil. So we know the amount of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere by each nation. Really, is that kind of math that difficult for you, Kitten?

right--China has the same environmental restrictions as the US when it comes to how energy is used :lol:
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global warming is not man made. it is questionable whether it is a problem and for that matter whether in fact it is still going on or will continue.

the *solution* to global warming ( which in fact will have no effect whatsoever on climate ) will ensure third world nations will forever stay third world nations. they will not be able to afford to industrialize because of the carbon tax.

the most advanced nations will be less affected because we have more $$$ to pay taxes and we already outsourced all of the dirty manufacturing. Israel doesn't need any heavy industry - they can make plenty of money in Software and Biotech. Some African country doesn't have such a choice for them its either heavy industry or starve to death.

global government is coming though. here in NY they are already offering "enhanced" driver license with RFID chip in it that lets you drive to Mexico and Canada without a need for a passport ( hello North American Union )

Every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science in the world, and every major University in the world are in on an international conspiracy, right?


Your right Dillo, the practice of Old Rocks sources use cherry picked data to arrive at their desired conclusion. This isn't science at all, it's nothing more than politics from the left to be able to attain more power over its people.
The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

agree for the most part, however the reason under-developed countries like China and Russia pollute so much is because their economies are more dependent on manufacturing things which are large, primitive an cheap.

our economies are more dependent on manufacturing stuff that is small, complex and expensive.

you could probably buy a motorcycle in China for what a single CD with Microsoft Windows on it retails. what do you think will produce more pollutants - manufacturing a motorcycle or pressing a compact disc ?

we didn't outsource our manufacturing because we are so noble and care about the environment. we did it because it wasn't profitable. they are doing our dirty work for us and instead of saying thank you we want to punish them for it.

No, we outsourced because it was very profitable for a very few of us. The rest of us get to be relegated to third world status. Why do you think the middle class in the US in rapidly shrinking?

I was under the impression that companies like Honda, Toyota and Hyundai were owned by companies that are not based in the USA.

Is it your contention that foreign companies are owned by Americans and that Americans are exporting jobs to these other conutries by giving market share to these companies?

Reality is not accessable to all. The reality is that similar products available at lower costs will gain a larger share of the market place. The Honda Civic outsold the Chevy Vega. No mystery there. The Civic was a dependable small car at a cheap price and the Vega was a rolling dog turd.

If you establish in your mind a faulty cause effect relationship, you will never address the real cause.

You feel that mangement is competing against labor in the USA and management is the bad guy. The reality is that business is competing with other business on a Global Scale. American business is competing with business from around the world. In some areas we win and in others, we lose. In labor intense manufacturing, we are losing especially in industries with work forces dominated by unions.

2009 Hyundai Genesis vs. 2009 Cadillac STS

This compares a Hyundai Genisis to the Cadillac STS. One has more power, gets better gas mileage, same features, costs $20,000 less and is the North American Car of the Year. The other is the Cadillac.

How is this evidence of American business exporting jobs?
Okay first desertifcation is not increasing world wide and in fact global warming would tend to decrease desertification any way. More powerful storms would carry water vapor by most barriers more often. Rainfall has increased slightly over the last decade in the American Southwest and the Sahara, the worlds largest desert, reversing a near 1200 year trend is actually shrinking.

All of the worlds Glaciers are not shrinking. In fact we do not know with any certainty what most glaciers are doing. There are nearer to 200 thousand than one hundred thousand glaciers and we have reliable info going back more than a decade on less than 1% of them. And please note that when glaciers shrink they tend to get further from the ocean not closer. Hence the alamist photos of a glacier calving into the sea are in fact evidence of glaciers growing not shrinking.
Hasn't hunger, sickness and weather related disasters
happened ever since the dawn of man

Sure, but at the dawn of man, the estimated number of humans was irrelevant. As the world became industrialized and now technicalized, the amount of "toys" a world population now over 3 billion and growing all must have, are contributing factors to an existing natural phenomena. The earth, after all, is still the same size it's always been.

Hasn't hunger, sickness and weather related disasters
happened ever since the dawn of man

Sure, but at the dawn of man, the estimated number of humans was irrelevant. As the world became industrialized and now technicalized, the amount of "toys" a world population now over 3 billion and growing all must have, are contributing factors to an existing natural phenomena. The earth, after all, is still the same size it's always been.


As to what extent have we had impact?
Nice to see a growing number realizing the scam that is global warming.

The tide is really turning on this topic - which has its proponenst scared to death as their investment has been a long time coming. The media blitz this summer in support of Cap n Trade is gonna be over the top.

Hold the line folks, and send Cap n Trade to the bottom of the "dumb ideas" barrel where it belongs...

While there is a valid scientific opposition to HOW global warming is increasing at a faster speed than historic cycles, I haven't seen a single scientist who denies that it IS happening. My argument forever will be why does it matter WHERE and WHY global warming is occurring? Doesn't it make sense to be PROactive and try to lessen the effect than to just pretend there won't be any consequences and thus need to be REactive?

Global warming and the related issue of alternative energy that reduces polution of the atmosphere should NOT be political. The only reason it's become a political football is because Al Gore was the first to make it front-page news. And anything proposed by anyone who isn't in the far right camp must be just be taken with a grain of salt--right?
According to the UN we are looking at the beginning of a fertility bust that will see the population peak at around six milion people and then begin a fairly rapid decline.
exactly how do you propose to be proactive? CO2 only blocks certain wave lenghths of infrared light according to one eastern european scientist we've already had about 75% of the warming we are going to get from CO2.

It's also interesting to note that when you break it down almost all of the warming is occuring in Western Europe. Coincidentally or not Western europe is increasing densely populated to the point it is becoming one giant urban heat island. Guess what CO2 ain't the problem it's land use.

And Maggie no they aren't again the problem of starvation in the thrid world isn't linked to droughts so muchas the governments in many of those countries using food as a weapon against their enemies.
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agree for the most part, however the reason under-developed countries like China and Russia pollute so much is because their economies are more dependent on manufacturing things which are large, primitive an cheap.

our economies are more dependent on manufacturing stuff that is small, complex and expensive.

you could probably buy a motorcycle in China for what a single CD with Microsoft Windows on it retails. what do you think will produce more pollutants - manufacturing a motorcycle or pressing a compact disc ?

we didn't outsource our manufacturing because we are so noble and care about the environment. we did it because it wasn't profitable. they are doing our dirty work for us and instead of saying thank you we want to punish them for it.

No, we outsourced because it was very profitable for a very few of us. The rest of us get to be relegated to third world status. Why do you think the middle class in the US in rapidly shrinking?

Going slightly :offtopic: but the MAIN reason the middle class is shrinking is that more stupid people tend to be poor and poor people out-breed those with the intellect to achieve middle class status.

Which can be traced back to the demise of the high level of education expected in this country. When high school dropouts are at an all-time high, and poor schools are passing on students who still can't even put together a cohesive sentence at graduation, yes, the genetic pattern will eventually emerge.
The #1 pollution producer is China.

Is China a rich country?

#2 is probably Russia, with possibly Mexico thrown in there.

The fact is, it's the crap countries who don't use pollution prevention practices, so OF COURSE they are the most adversely affected. They don't even have functioning sewers, for cryin out loud.

No, this is not true at all. First the pollution that is causing the global warming is GHGs, greenhouse gases, not the standard industrial sulfate and sulfide pollution. In the production of that type of pollution, China has just surpassed the US. Russia and Mexico don't even blip compared to the US and China.

China is one of the first nations to feel major impacts from the accelerating warming. The increasing desertification of the Northern part of that nation, encroachment of the ocean on the fertile low lying areas of that nation, and the increase of typhoons that are going onshore, all are happening right now.
Chinas Growing Desert -- In These Times

Features » October 13, 2006
Chinas Growing Desert
Overgrazing is stripping arable lands, creating the potential for ecological refugees
By Jehangir Pocha (Bejing)
As expanding deserts have encroached on Dunhuang, the city has created a 'sand park' where people ride camels and sleigh down dunes.
Tags asia environment Share Digg Reddit Newsvine A new Chinese export has been spreading quietly across Asia and the United States: dust.

Violent sandstorms from China’s expanding deserts have been battering numerous Chinese cities, and now their mustard-colored dust has begun reaching South Korea, Japan and the west coast of North America.

“People dusting off their cars in California or Calgary often don’t realize the sand has come all the way from China,” says Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute (EPI) in Washington D.C., who was in Beijing recently. “There is a dustbowl developing in China that represents the largest conversion of productive land to desert of any place in the world … and it’s affecting the world.”

China has always suffered from aridity, as about 20 percent of its landmass is comprised of deserts made famous in tales about the Silk Road that traversed many of them.
Your article says nothing about the effect of "global warming" on China's desertification crisis.

The usual suspects are unsurprisingly, the same suspects responsible for the Dust Bowl in the U.S.

Goats and cattle.

This is Bejing in August 2007. No goats and cattle here.


China knows it has a major problem and will need to do something about it sooner, rather than later. Look at the effort made to clean up the air before the olympics last summer. There was no way China could escape public scrutiny and criticism.

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