Global Warming is happening...on Mars

No scientist's word is to be accepted at face value when it comes to issues of science, regardless of issues of responsible or irresponsible. Climate science is based upon supporting evidences not the reputations or behaviors of individuals. Thus far you have presented no objective, compelling evidence of any single scientist who has acted irresponsibly, yet alone that all or even most climate scientists are behaving irresponsibly.
I get the feeling there is no amount of evidence you would find compelling.

True, with that. Him thinking we'll take the bait is just too friggin' hilarious. :lol:

bait?! seriously!? you see requests for verifiable and objective support for assertions made as some sort of trap to be avoided at all costs?! really!?

I've seen a lot of pseudoscientific sycophancy and pedantic pandering in the name of apparent ideological slavishness in the last six and a half decades, but in most cases those who hold such positions are smart enough not to publically admit and buddy talk about their dysfunction. In most cases.
Bait? You as in an intelligent discussion?

Well, for sure that is not going to happen with you fellows.

However, for those observing the conversation, it is pretty obvious who is presenting evidence, and who is presenting BS.

"Evidence" being defined, of course, as "anything that supports AGW".

I have Peer Reviewed this post and find it 100% Accurate

If we get one more Peer review, we have Consensus; two more and it's "Settled Science"

I will make it a third...No high five needed or implied for this peer review...
Bait? You as in an intelligent discussion?

Well, for sure that is not going to happen with you fellows.

However, for those observing the conversation, it is pretty obvious who is presenting evidence, and who is presenting BS.

"Evidence" being defined, of course, as "anything that supports AGW".

No, "evidence" being any verifiable, objective and legitimate support for whatever claim, assertion, or assessment is being presented.
Nobody has prevented you from presenting evidence from peer reviewed sources that would support your opinion. You do understand what a peer reviewed source is, don't you?

Yes. It's a publication that has been blessed by the AGW elite. Without their say-so, nothing gets published.

I'm coming more and more to appreciate the irony of the term "oxymoron," in ways that I never considered previously.
Okay, you're a fraud too, Trakar. Can see even correcting that one link, the posts you made after it and comments into it, no evidence will ever be enough for you. I'm not wasting any time on you either. Into the dumfuckery with the rest of the chicken littles. You're just another acolyte of ecofascism not worth listening to.

You presented no, objective, verifiable and compelling scientific evidence. You gave a dead link to a no longer existing partisan snipe blog, and a whack job agenda driven pseudoscience public circle jerk organized by a former TV weathercaster, whose own analysis of the "data," that effort collected indicates that the official NOAA temp analysis may well be underestimating the warming that has already occurred.

again, you seem to be looking in a mirror and thinking you are seeing other people,...perhaps you should adjust the backlighting, so you quit seeing yourself in other people's words on the computer screen.
Take the politics out of your science and you have nothing. :eusa_whistle:

Must be a contagious affliction, now you too appear to be looking in the mirror and thinking you are seeing other people's situations.

I understand why you don't want to talk about science, it can be intimidating for those who aren't used to the rigors of thought and analysis that the physcial sciences demand. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and is something that you can remedy with some time and effort.
Had to use this, Trakar, just perfect for this line of discussion.

Badass Quote of the Day
Posted on: May 18, 2011 9:29 AM, by Ed Brayton

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov
Take the politics out of your science and you have nothing. :eusa_whistle:

Must be a contagious affliction, now you too appear to be looking in the mirror and thinking you are seeing other people's situations.

I understand why you don't want to talk about science, it can be intimidating for those who aren't used to the rigors of thought and analysis that the physcial sciences demand. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and is something that you can remedy with some time and effort.

I also understand that your religion of AGW is a powerful too can remedy with time and effort. Maybe I should have said, "take the religion out of science and you have nothing." In the end, sonny, you have nothing. Now run along back to your sandbox.
Here we go again, when presented with real sources of information, resort to senseless yap-yap.

Since you have yet to present any real evidence for your opinion, it strikes me that it is based on faith, with is, of course, religion.
Here we go again, when presented with real sources of information, resort to senseless yap-yap.

Since you have yet to present any real evidence for your opinion, it strikes me that it is based on faith, with is, of course, religion.

Your science has been debunked with the deception from all your "peer reviewers". Nice try, but go climb a tree with your buddy, tracker.
I see. When faced with the evidence presented by the AGU, AIP, and the Royal Society, you scream, 'Deception!'. And post dingbat blogs.

Poor Meister, determined to prove himself an ingnoramous.

95 out of 97 climatologists state the AGW is real. The two that don't, also testified in front of Congress that tobacco was harmless.
I see. When faced with the evidence presented by the AGU, AIP, and the Royal Society, you scream, 'Deception!'. And post dingbat blogs.

Poor Meister, determined to prove himself an ingnoramous.

95 out of 97 climatologists state the AGW is real. The two that don't, also testified in front of Congress that tobacco was harmless.

Again, you got your broken record going,'s old and used. :eusa_whistle:
Take the politics out of your science and you have nothing. :eusa_whistle:

Must be a contagious affliction, now you too appear to be looking in the mirror and thinking you are seeing other people's situations.

I understand why you don't want to talk about science, it can be intimidating for those who aren't used to the rigors of thought and analysis that the physcial sciences demand. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and is something that you can remedy with some time and effort.

I also understand that your religion of AGW is a powerful too can remedy with time and effort. Maybe I should have said, "take the religion out of science and you have nothing." In the end, sonny, you have nothing. Now run along back to your sandbox.
religious conditioning can be overcome with hoverbikes.
No scientist's word is to be accepted at face value when it comes to issues of science, regardless of issues of responsible or irresponsible. Climate science is based upon supporting evidences not the reputations or behaviors of individuals. Thus far you have presented no objective, compelling evidence of any single scientist who has acted irresponsibly, yet alone that all or even most climate scientists are behaving irresponsibly.
I get the feeling there is no amount of evidence you would find compelling.
That didn't take long to figure out did it? I thought it funny I read this only after I had posted mine.

I'm sure that if confronted with the Algorical himself recanting everything every said with the empirical evidence to back it, Trakar would be first in line with a pitchfork to compost him.
"Burn the witch!!" :lol:
And as we saw with Climategate, these types of communications show manipulation and intent to deceive.

If climate scientists object to releasing such communications, perhaps they need to stop colluding among themselves and start practicing science the way it's supposed to be done.

Amazing that you actually persist in promoting this multipley disproven set of perceptions?!

Please cite any reputable, objective, non-partisan evaluation of the incident and the emails which supports your assertions!
No reason I should bother, really. You continually prove you accept nothing as "reputable, objective, non-partisan" unless it meshes perfectly with your pre-conceived notions.

So, enjoy your fantasy.
Bait? You as in an intelligent discussion?

Well, for sure that is not going to happen with you fellows.

However, for those observing the conversation, it is pretty obvious who is presenting evidence, and who is presenting BS.

"Evidence" being defined, of course, as "anything that supports AGW".

I have Peer Reviewed this post and find it 100% Accurate

If we get one more Peer review, we have Consensus; two more and it's "Settled Science"
:lol: When do the grants start rolling in?
No scientist's word is to be accepted at face value when it comes to issues of science, regardless of issues of responsible or irresponsible. Climate science is based upon supporting evidences not the reputations or behaviors of individuals. Thus far you have presented no objective, compelling evidence of any single scientist who has acted irresponsibly, yet alone that all or even most climate scientists are behaving irresponsibly.
I get the feeling there is no amount of evidence you would find compelling.

Well, its nice to see that your psychic abilities are on par with your scientific and social skills. It was the solid, verifiable and compelling scientific evidence that changed my perspective on this issue once, and if there is compelling scientific evidence indicating that I need to revise or change my position again, I have no problem with that, It would certainly be comforting to be wrong about an issue with the implications that climate change possesses.
I seriously doubt that.

Please indicate any climate scientist or even any group of climate activists that have advocated socialism as a remedy for AGW.

To paraphrase your own admonishing, characterizing people, actions and ideas you don't like as "socialist/ism" is not sufficient to actually make such ideas representative of socialism.
Really? Didn't you just have this conversation with Big Fitz? Every "voluntary" measure you presented was not, in fact, voluntary, but forced on the public by government.

No that was Fitz's assertion made, obviously without reading the supporting references I gave, not an accurate evaluation of the exchange and offerings.
Riiiight. So what happens when not enough people voluntarily alter their lifestyles to suit the solution?

Hint: You will clamor for the government to force them to.

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