Global Warming is happening...on Mars

Here we go again, when presented with real sources of information, resort to senseless yap-yap.

Since you have yet to present any real evidence for your opinion, it strikes me that it is based on faith, with is, of course, religion.

Your science has been debunked with the deception from all your "peer reviewers". Nice try, but go climb a tree with your buddy, tracker.

Who has it been debunked by?
I get the feeling there is no amount of evidence you would find compelling.

True, with that. Him thinking we'll take the bait is just too friggin' hilarious. :lol:

bait?! seriously!? you see requests for verifiable and objective support for assertions made as some sort of trap to be avoided at all costs?! really!?

I've seen a lot of pseudoscientific sycophancy and pedantic pandering in the name of apparent ideological slavishness in the last six and a half decades, but in most cases those who hold such positions are smart enough not to publically admit and buddy talk about their dysfunction. In most cases.

I see that Word of the Day toilet paper is really paying off.
I get the feeling there is no amount of evidence you would find compelling.
That didn't take long to figure out did it? I thought it funny I read this only after I had posted mine.

I'm sure that if confronted with the Algorical himself recanting everything every said with the empirical evidence to back it, Trakar would be first in line with a pitchfork to compost him.
"Burn the witch!!" :lol:
What also floats?
Bait? You as in an intelligent discussion?

Well, for sure that is not going to happen with you fellows.

However, for those observing the conversation, it is pretty obvious who is presenting evidence, and who is presenting BS.

"Evidence" being defined, of course, as "anything that supports AGW".

No, "evidence" being any verifiable, objective and legitimate support for whatever claim, assertion, or assessment is being presented.

Awww, it's cute how you pretend your mind isn't cemented shut. :lol:
Nobody has prevented you from presenting evidence from peer reviewed sources that would support your opinion. You do understand what a peer reviewed source is, don't you?

Yes. It's a publication that has been blessed by the AGW elite. Without their say-so, nothing gets published.

I'm coming more and more to appreciate the irony of the term "oxymoron," in ways that I never considered previously.
There are reams of things you never considered. :lol:
Had to use this, Trakar, just perfect for this line of discussion.

Badass Quote of the Day
Posted on: May 18, 2011 9:29 AM, by Ed Brayton

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov
It's really funny the way someone as dumb as you are considers himself an intellectual. Settin' the bar really low, aren't you? :rofl:
I have Peer Reviewed this post and find it 100% Accurate

If we get one more Peer review, we have Consensus; two more and it's "Settled Science"
:lol: When do the grants start rolling in?
End the grants for 'proving' anthropogenic global warming exists and watch the 'scientific concensus' disappear inside the year.
Isn't it funny how the AGW cultists screech "Follow the money!!" -- but only for deniers?

I think they honestly believe AGW scientists are working solely for the betterment of mankind. :lol:
True, with that. Him thinking we'll take the bait is just too friggin' hilarious. :lol:

bait?! seriously!? you see requests for verifiable and objective support for assertions made as some sort of trap to be avoided at all costs?! really!?

I've seen a lot of pseudoscientific sycophancy and pedantic pandering in the name of apparent ideological slavishness in the last six and a half decades, but in most cases those who hold such positions are smart enough not to publically admit and buddy talk about their dysfunction. In most cases.

I see that Word of the Day toilet paper is really paying off.
Note for the moron.... read before you wipe.
Had to use this, Trakar, just perfect for this line of discussion.

Badass Quote of the Day
Posted on: May 18, 2011 9:29 AM, by Ed Brayton

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov
It's really funny the way someone as dumb as you are considers himself an intellectual. Settin' the bar really low, aren't you? :rofl:
And to think. Asimov's great achievement is to have published a book under every heading in the Dewey Decimal System.

But he's most known for science FICTION.
:lol: When do the grants start rolling in?
End the grants for 'proving' anthropogenic global warming exists and watch the 'scientific concensus' disappear inside the year.

Doubtful...very doubtful..

You are very cynical ya know.....
true true, there will be lots of screams of 'heretic and traitor' from the zealots, but the rest of the world will be happy to see the foolishness die off and no longer have to suffer the histrionics of the hoax.

It's interesting because so many have called me an optimist.
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Here we go again, when presented with real sources of information, resort to senseless yap-yap.

Since you have yet to present any real evidence for your opinion, it strikes me that it is based on faith, with is, of course, religion.

Your science has been debunked with the deception from all your "peer reviewers". Nice try, but go climb a tree with your buddy, tracker.

Who has it been debunked by?

Who, or what? Their own private emails to one another proved their deception, Grump
Your science has been debunked with the deception from all your "peer reviewers". Nice try, but go climb a tree with your buddy, tracker.

Who has it been debunked by?

Who, or what? Their own private emails to one another proved their deception, Grump

You are not telling the whole story Meister...

You are picking and choosing, just like those cherrypickers stating that Obama said Israel needs to go back to the borders of 1967...
Who has it been debunked by?

Who, or what? Their own private emails to one another proved their deception, Grump

You are not telling the whole story Meister...

You are picking and choosing, just like those cherrypickers stating that Obama said Israel needs to go back to the borders of 1967...

When they state in certain emails that they're hiding or altering the truth....Yeah, I guess I'm guilty of cherry picking, Grump. If everything is fact and evidence, they wouldn't have to be altering or hiding evidence. But, that's just my take on it.
Pardon the interruption. (I'm a newbie here, and likely will get flamed with no mercy.) Here goes anyway.

The global warming argument kind of reminds me of religion. Now, I'm not a big believer in religion (sort of a deist, if you will), but I'm also inclined not to take too many chances. So, I act as morally as I can, in case I run into Him (or Her) some day. :)

With global warming, on the other hand, I am much more of a believer. (It's the engineer in me, I guess.) Regardless, shouldn't we all act as if GW might be true? After all, there are side benefits to conservation, like preserving reasonably-priced oil for a bit longer--at least long enough to let our children reap some of the benefit.

I can just imagine our great-great-great grandchildren asking their teacher, "What DID our ancestors DO with all that petroleum?" Answer: "They burned it..."

[Deflector shields engaged]
Pardon the interruption. (I'm a newbie here, and likely will get flamed with no mercy.) Here goes anyway.

The global warming argument kind of reminds me of religion. Now, I'm not a big believer in religion (sort of a deist, if you will), but I'm also inclined not to take too many chances. So, I act as morally as I can, in case I run into Him (or Her) some day. :)

With global warming, on the other hand, I am much more of a believer. (It's the engineer in me, I guess.) Regardless, shouldn't we all act as if GW might be true? After all, there are side benefits to conservation, like preserving reasonably-priced oil for a bit longer--at least long enough to let our children reap some of the benefit.

I can just imagine our great-great-great grandchildren asking their teacher, "What DID our ancestors DO with all that petroleum?" Answer: "They burned it..."

[Deflector shields engaged]
You ARE new here. :)

Don't worry about Chicken Littles flaming you. They throw punches like old arthritic women with Parkinsons severe osteoporosis.

You just keep looking at some of the other threads here, and see how often the sane conservatives here have been saying just that. Particularly me these past few weeks.

Welcome to the funny farm. We play rough here so don't forget to wear your cup and helmet.

here's your standard issue lolcat.


Besides they'll whine more for the Parkinsons crack than anything else.
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Who, or what? Their own private emails to one another proved their deception, Grump

You are not telling the whole story Meister...

You are picking and choosing, just like those cherrypickers stating that Obama said Israel needs to go back to the borders of 1967...

When they state in certain emails that they're hiding or altering the truth....Yeah, I guess I'm guilty of cherry picking, Grump. If everything is fact and evidence, they wouldn't have to be altering or hiding evidence. But, that's just my take on it.

Did they really say that? Are you sure?

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