Global Warming is political "science" and politicians need a question put to them


Antarctica was NOT on the South Pole 90 million years ago.

Dinosaurs still lived on it.

Antarctica and SA did not break apart until 40 or so million years ago....

LOL indeed you idiot.
Waste of space and irrelevant.
Doesn't matter exactly where they were, the huge Sea Level rise (from warmer temps) would be devastating to humanity.
There were no frozen ends/oceans on the planet with or without land mass under them.

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LOL indeed you idiot.
Waste of space and irrelevant.
Doesn't matter exactly where they were, the huge Sea Level rise (from warmer temps) would be devastating to humanity.
There were no frozen ends/oceans on the planet with or without land mass under them.


How many ice ages today are outside of the two polar circles???


It does matter.

Antarctica was not on the south pole 90 million years ago, and we know that because there are 70 million year old dinosaur fossils there. Were those dinosaurs living on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F???


How many ice ages today are outside of the two polar circles???


It does matter.

Antarctica was not on the south pole 90 million years ago, and we know that because there are 70 million year old dinosaur fossils there. Were those dinosaurs living on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F???

You're an Incoherent


Who seeks to give his posts more 'meat'

with Triple

and Quadruple spacing

You re a 12 IQ Child/moron.

Who could NOT answer what to do with all the water on the Planet which would be in LIQUID Form at "Cretacious" Temperatures.
IOW, raise sea levels 250 Feet now.



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Check out the position of land in Jurassic, the warm Earth parameter we know....

Very little land in the polar circles = very little ice

Climate change is 99% about where land is. Co2 either does nothing or is statistically insignificant.
Yes, the earth has only had ice 5 times. In the Quaternary period when co2 was approx 8,000ppm, scientists noticed that glaciation took place.

Have you got any more useless posts, I assume you have fuck all knowledge of the past, just like all the other climate clowns.
Yes, the earth has only had ice 5 times. In the Quaternary period when co2 was approx 8,000ppm, scientists noticed that glaciation took place.

Have you got any more useless posts, I assume you have fuck all knowledge of the past, just like all the other climate clowns.

Let me ask the question one more time. During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze.

Tell us how Co2 in the atmosphere froze Greenland and thawed North America DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD.

Those who parrot and believe Algore's lies - IQ under 10
Let me ask the question one more time. During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze.

Tell us how Co2 in the atmosphere froze Greenland and thawed North America DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD.

Those who parrot and believe Algore's lies - IQ under 10
Pick 5 years. Pick 100 years. Pick 1,000 years. Pick 100,000 years. Pick 1 million years.

What it is, over geological time, which is hundreds of millions and billions of years, the earth has experienced quite a bit of climate. It moves about, it's complex, it varies; always has, always will. Man, geologically, has not been around for very long. So if you take the climate when man has been about, the alarmists are shitting themselves, because they are looking at a snap shot of the planet.

Now, alarmists claim the earth is too warm and we'll evaporate if average temps hit 3c higher and 440ppm co2 is catastrophic. Now, can you tell me if that's right? The Cretaceous period was 2,400+ ppm co2, 4c higher, plants and dinosaurs flourished. The Quaternary period hit over 8,000ppm co2, glaciation and life continued.

So I'm all ears. The stuff alarmists claim does not tally with past evidence, yet, we're doomed. Can you explain why their agenda does not match reality?

As to your question; the Sahara used to be a temperate forest, Scott of Antarctica had found fossilized tree samples. Co2 is only a tiny bit of the puzzle, too complex to resolve it with tax and changing my car, but, you know best.
TheDefiantOne said:
Pay attention: the articles are pointing to an unnatural INCREASE in such things due to increase in severe/extreme weather due to over 2 centuries of increased industrialization/deforestation/urbanization and the waste they produce. Obviously, you didn't read carefully and just parrot talking points of limited scope.

Nothing we can't deal with...instead of ruining the American economy with radical fixes to something we don't even fully understand maybe we should place our priorities into adjusting and improvising with the conditions we face....both of which takes monetary investments...and we need a growing economy to do that...
Besides until you get China and India and other developing nations to go along the whole thing its a joke anyway...and ultimately just a burden on usual.....when dems run things...
Okay, the first 5 words of your screed renders the rest unnecessary to read. It's that insipidly stubborn arrogance born of willful ignorance which is running this country's response to an undeniable situation.

Responses to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the current (and recent past) forest fires in California, drought situations in various parts of the country, etc., shows that we are just barely dealing with. That's because those in charge are stupidly trying to maintain "business as usual"....trying to adapt the situation to the model instead of the reverse. Just a gander at rising prices in the supermarkets should clue you in.
Okay, the first 5 words of your screed renders the rest unnecessary to read. It's that insipidly stubborn arrogance born of willful ignorance which is running this country's response to an undeniable situation.

Responses to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the current (and recent past) forest fires in California, drought situations in various parts of the country, etc., shows that we are just barely dealing with. That's because those in charge are stupidly trying to maintain "business as usual"....trying to adapt the situation to the model instead of the reverse. Just a gander at rising prices in the supermarkets should clue you in.

Lol....only deep matrix dwellers think like you do sOn.
As if change in public policy changes drought....fires... :coffee:
No serious person thinks that.

Fossil fuels are going to be around for a long, long, long time. What ensures it? All hedge funding is predicated upon one thing: fossil fuels. All of it. Only unicorn chasers think some goofy billboard going to change the dynamic:iyfyus.jpg:

But don't take my word for it...take a gander at the website on 2040 energy projections and see what you find. A rather sloooooow transition...snail's pace, in fact.:bye1:

Besides...the voters don't give a fuck about climate change. Fact. Not debatable.
What might change that? Photos of bikini clad babes riding jet skis on Canadian lakes in Manitoba for three weeks in the middle of January. :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
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Lol....only deep matrix dwellers think like you do sOn.
As if change in public policy changes drought....fires... :coffee:
No serious person thinks that.

Fossil fuels are going to be around for a long, long, long time. What ensures it? All hedge funding is predicated upon one thing: fossil fuels. All of it. Only unicorn chasers think some goofy billboard going to change the dynamic:iyfyus.jpg:

But don't take my word for it...take a gander at the website on 2040 energy projections and see what you find. A rather sloooooow transition...snail's pace, in fact.:bye1:

Besides...the voters don't give a fuck about climate change. Fact. Not debatable.
What might change that? Photos of bikini clad babes riding jet skis on Canadian lakes in Manitoba for three weeks in the middle of January. :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
The voters need to care about climate change as an agenda. It’s destroying the economy and starving people in the poorest countries.
The voters need to care about climate change as an agenda. It’s destroying the economy and starving people in the poorest countries.

But maybe 117 people think that so the point is moot.

Nobody thinks climate change is destroying the economy. In fact, any serious person deems that k00k thinking so....yeah.... :bye1: :bye1:
Not climate change. The climate change agenda.

We see such with coal fired electrical plants being shut-down;
With more expensive and less reliable wind and solar taking their place;
With petroleum exploration and extraction being reduced;
With the environmental damage from mining lithium and cobalt for batteries;
Etc., etc., etc. ...
This is just pathetic.

Science went out with journalism here in America, it was "canceled." Global Warming is 100% politics and 0% science. That is why this topic is here.

There is a question the warmers cannot answer, the media will not ask, and the politicians pushing algore's fraud want censored. Fox will not ask it. Ted Cruz will not ask it. Why, because it flat out destroys the argument that Co2 causes climate change... and hence the credibility of the entire "news" media and the liars behind the fraud.

The warmers want you to believe Co2 is the driving variable behind Earth climate change. IT is not. The data never supported that conclusion. What causes Earth climate change is precisely what the past million years of Northern Hemisphere history tells us....

What did North America (NA) look like 1 million years ago?

See the source image

See the source image

All of Canada down through Indiana was covered in mile plus think ice 1 million years ago, the "North American Ice Age" (notice it is continent specific).

Now, in the first image, Greenland is frozen a million years ago ..... but was it?????????

"Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

The oldest ever recovered DNA samples have been collected from under more than a mile of Greenland ice, and their analysis suggests the island was much warmer during the last Ice Age than previously thought.

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles.


During the Past 1 million years, Greenland FROZE while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere



Not one of the people here or in DC pushing algore's fraud can answer that. Clearly, the atmosphere did not cause it. Hence, Co2 had nothing to do with it....

So I ask, everyone here, before we bilk the taxpayer out of trillions more for algore's fraud, why do not we insist these thieving fudge baking liars answer that question before one more dime is spent on their phony theory and their anti-american fascist agenda....
Wow, you are one of the best examples of the Dunning-Kreuger effect I've ever seen.

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